By Burbia 9-22-15
Stacy Cossey knows firsthand of the liberties afforded to corporations that were intended for American citizens, stated within the US Constitutions Bill of Rights. For 27 years, her career was in financial consulting. Distraught by her role and its negative impact affecting Americans, she had withdrew herself from the corporate machine. After finding out herself the discrepancies within the structure of corporatism left unchecked ie, monetary, political and social problems created by corporations, it changed her outlook and actions.
The vehicle in which she is now fighting this battle against corporatism as person hood is the initiative 'Honey -bees Unite for I-735'. She found out she is not alone in the battle. What is I-735 and who is behind it?
Washington Coalition to Amend the Constitution (Wamend) is the organization she found.
The objective is to have Congress amend the Constitution stating:
•Constitutional rights belong only to individuals, not corporations;
•Spending money is not free speech under the First Amendment;
•Governments are empowered to regulate political contributions and expenditures to prevent undue influence;
•Political contributions and expenditures must be promptly disclosed to the public.
The array of individuals experienced in this grass roots organization combined, have an incredible amount experience of passing initiatives. Collectively, they hold many accomplishments. Each participant represents as much diversity in experience as they do represent geographical locations including nearly every county in the Washington state. Their goal is to remove the overwhelming consolidation of power and wealth of the few corporations abusing the Constitution via its person hood with no accountability for its destructive nature.
2010 produced a court ruling, FEC v. Citizens United, further exaggerating the corporations reach from its previous influence on the political stage. This being super political action committees and financial donations resulting in purchasing elections. Currency being corporations version of the First Amendment. Other violations corporations hide behind are the 4th, 5th and 14th Amendment giving them right to pollute and degrade the environment.
Upon receiving 330,000 signatures, it goes to the ballot in hopes of passing, then joining another 16 states also calling for the amendment.
An example of the misuse of corporate person hood is GMO labeling. Voters in WA state contributed $9 million in advertising, while outside corporations flipped the bill of $33 on surrounding states and effectively bought the election.
So here we have people like us, tired of corporate interests buying their way through a larger profit margin at the expense of our degenerative environment.
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