By Cassandra Anderson
March 8, 2011


uncle-sam-death-and-taxes-unlce-samFoundations, Depopulation & the Taxpayer

Many "philanthropic" foundations have been used in America as a tax dodge to protect family fortunes, to polish tarnished images of robber barons and worst of all, to make the public fund depopulation and other detrimental policies that benefit the controlling elite.  Some tax-funded depopulation programs include vaccines, genetically modified (GM) crops and "reproductive rights" which is a euphemism for abortion, birth control and sterilization under the elites' eugenics programs.  Incredibly, the public is paying for its own demise!  This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'death and taxes'.


What is a Foundation?

There are 1.6 million so-called 'nonprofit' 501(c)3 organizations in the US. Nonprofits are misnamed and are anything but not-for-profit; a more accurate description is that they are TAX EXEMPT organizations. The two two major types of tax exempt organizations are:
  • Foundations- these are the grantors and they are required to donate 5% of their assets each year to charitable organizations. They enjoy enormous tax breaks from the federal government and pay no income tax, no corporate tax and no capital gains tax. States and local governments may also exempt them from property and sales taxation. Some powerful foundations are extremely influential in setting political policies and making laws that benefit their enterprises and pass the cost onto taxpayers.

  • Nonprofit Organizations or NPOs also enjoy the same tax exemptions as foundations (no income, corporate or capital gains taxes). NPOs are structured like a business and seek grants from foundations, government subsidies and corporate and private donations. They do pursue profits.

Foundations make grants to NPO "charities".  Assets within foundations are not owned by individuals, but individuals control the assets.  Because they are allowed to continually re-invest assets without taxation, foundations are used to protect family wealth through estate planning; this scheme is now expanding into business development which means that some businesses are seeking to cut their taxes by pretending to be charitable organizations.

Foundations date back to Greek and Roman times.  They became popular with the elites in the U.S. when they created the fraudulent Federal Reserve System and the income tax. 


There are 1.6 million so-called 'nonprofit' 501(c)3 organizations in the US. Nonprofits are misnamed and are anything but not-for-profit; a more accurate description is that they are TAX EXEMPT organizations.


GhosttCemetary1Malthusian overpopulation myths are lies perpetrated by the controllers who seem to fear losing power and command over resources.  In fact, The UN's own documents are a direct contradiction to their lies; world population is expected to reach 9 billion people by 2050 and is projected to remain at that level through 2300.  Many large foundations are dedicated to depopulation, especially those controlled by Rockefeller, Buffett and Gates.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's 'Giving Pledge' is a not a foundation; it is merely a promise by wealthy elites to donate over half of their fortunes to "philanthropy" upon their death.  The Giving Pledge currently has over 50 members; the goal is to accumulate $600 billion in pledges from 400 billionaires.  The donors may choose any foundation or "charitable" foundation that they woud like to support.  Many are likely to choose a foundation that will take their donations and invest it in markets to make money, with an annual payout of only 5%.  Therefore, generating more wealth and influencing political policy to be funded by taxpayers (and destructive to the public in many cases) is a plausible result. This is hardly admirable.


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Is Your Favorite Charity Infiltrated?

By Cassandra Anderson
March 8, 2011

3926_Finance-NetSol-3-1Before you write a check, sign a petition or declare your unwavering support for foundations or "nonprofit" organizations (NPOs), you may wish to investigate their agendas by using this step-by-step guide. Many large foundations and nonprofit organizations have destructive agendas in opposition to public interest or they receive funding from dubious sources and may be unduly influenced.


Lawyer and former tax expert, Michael Shaw now President of says, "Foundations, Non Governmental Organizations and non-profits are generally exempt from income taxes. They have been arranged from the beginning to promote globalism and today this is accomplished through the implementation of Agenda 21. The creation of the Federal Reserve coupled with the adoption of the income tax in 1913 provided the one world elite opportunity to avoid taxes through the formation of Foundations and other tax exempts. This was key to creating the financing system that has promoted globalism and which now threatens us all with world tyranny."


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