Four Assassinations that Never Raised an Eyebrow

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In the confusing world we live in many events that should have been thoroughly investigated amazingly end up ignored and downplayed by the mainstream media. How and why this happens is usually an individual who stands to introduce some disruptive technology that could change the course of huge industries, exposure of political corruption, or for other less obvious reasons that many celebrities have died over.

Sign reading "Gas shortage! Sales limited to 10 gallons of gas per customer" posted at a Connecticut filling station during the energy crisis

The year is 1973. The Middle East crude oil producing nations have conspired together to confiscate by force all of the oil well production facilities engineered and built on a partnership basis with US energy firms such as Exxon, Mobil, and Shell. Forming the infamous OPEC alliance. Suddenly, US oil production was in the hands of nations unfriendly to American interests and the supply chain was in question. Now prices were high and supply was limited. However, good old American ingenuity was about to prevail, but was brutally interdicted.

Image result for middle east oil takeover 1973

An inventor of a 50 mile per gallon carburetor was set to make a press conference to unveil this revolutionary economic device that could save US drivers money and gas consumption, but the morning prior to his presentation he was shot to death in his Baton Rouge Louisiana hotel room and for some reason his device, design specifications, and patent were lost to eternity! Who stood to gain by this man’s death? The oil industry, the car industry, competing car parts manufacturers? They always say just trace the money, but amazingly this formula still never seems to track down the culprits.

Image result for Stanley Meyer

March 21, 1998 the year of new technology sweeping the stock markets, and a potentially game changing automotive invention that could revolutionize travel. Stanley Meyer, a devout Christian man, who proclaims that God has sent him to invent for the good of mankind is in possession of 200,000 practical patents. He has penned so many of his authentic ideas that the US Patent Office is expediting his paper work so he can get his inventions patented without undue delays since he has proven his integrity many times over. Stanley is not a formally educated scientist or degree holder. He is self-taught yet his innovative insights allow him to create one legal and original invention after another.

Image result for Stanley Meyer's death

On the morning of March 21, 1998 Stanley has a meeting at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Ohio at a rural location. Having had has talks with several foreign investors and made deals for a network of dealerships, Stanley proposes an engine that runs on water by the use of electrolysis which separates oxygen and hydrogen from the water in the fuel tank making a flammable and usable energy source. It seems that Stanley Meyer even has the interest of the US Army who has expressed a desire to see the engine in operation. But, while raising a glass for a toast with his Belgian counterparts who drink champagne while he raises a glass of cranberry juice, suddenly Stanley grabs his throat and begins to go into convulsions. He runs out into the parking lot where he collapses as his colleagues follow stunned at his sudden affliction.

Image result for Stanley Meyer's death

Meyer dies proclaiming that he has been poisoned! That was all that was released to the public in the news cycle, no follow up on toxicology, no clues as to who could have been behind the murder. Hardly an eyebrow was raised. The bright orange dune buggy that ran on water was displayed before the press corps and quickly forgotten as later stories dragged Meyer’s reputation into the mud thus bringing about another form of assassination we are well aware of in this day and age-character assassination.

Image result for Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart, a former colleague of Ariana Huffington, a leftist publisher of Democrat advocacy, grew tired of the left wing hypocrisy and the methods of how the wealthy and out of touch Democrat political machine operated. Now as a whistleblower, Breitbart rises to prominence quickly and becomes a conservative rock star. His fiery speeches and indictments of the Democrat party not only create animosity toward himself, but even ambush journalism wherever Breitbart goes to speak. Within days Andrew announces, he will unveil damaging information about Barack Obama’s secret unholy ties with America’s enemies that will thoroughly jeopardize Obama’s chances of re-election.

Image result for Andrew Breitbart

Known to have had some heart problems, Andrew was checked into a UCLA hospital for a wide range of tests with his wife and family. No immediate danger is gleaned from the examination but Breitbart must begin to cut back his demanding work schedule and live a healthier life style. It seems he is in no immediate danger. One evening while out walking his dog in a pleasant suburb of Los Angeles, he stops at a neighborhood bar, orders a glass of wine and checks his texts from his cell phone. After that he strolls down the side walk with his little dog on a leash and suddenly collapses right on the street. The bartender who served him runs out to see Andrew laying on the concrete with a peculiar red band of flushed skin that goes all the way around his head from the front to the back and can be seen from below the hairline. Reports make it sound as though Andrew has succumbed to heart problems though the circumstances are much more unusual than natural causes.

Image result for Michael Cormier LA Coroner

The following day, veteran coroner Michael Cormier, of the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office dies from acute poisoning just hours after the autopsy he performed on Andrew Breitbart. Was he poisoned by the same thing that had killed Breitbart by coming into contact with the substance during the autopsy or was he stealthily murdered later at his home because the outcome of his examination would reveal the sinister cause of Andrew Breitbart’s death? In the aftermath, the bartender who served Andrew shortly before his death disappears and Breitbart’s news organization announces they will no longer pursue investigations of Barack Obama’s mysterious personal life before he got into politics. The supposed sensational exposure of damaging evidence against Obama is surprisingly tame and predictable, but not the original version intended to be released by Breitbart. It has been obviously edited.

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Even in the case of Seth Rich shot down in the middle of the street at 4:20 AM for no apparent reason. Shot in the back, wallet still in his pocket, no theft, yet it was revealed that he had been leaking damaging information about the DNC and Hillary Clinton to the media. Why would Rich’s parents be suing FOX News for a story on suspected assassination due to their son’s involvement in trying to expose what the Democrats were doing? Just another odd way in which fear and intimidation work to silence the true reasons behind clandestine murders.

Image result for Seth Rich murder


What can be said of mysterious and untimely deaths? Often those who represent a threat to a powerful political faction are often the recipients of questionable circumstances that as suspicious as they might seem, tend to get swept under the rug and the public’s attention becomes distracted by some other frivolous story offered up by our corrupt news organizations painting a deceptive picture of this world at large. How many times will we hear the word "Comincidence" when in the world of law enforcement itself there are no conincidences! The truth is that on 23, November 1963, America lost its innocense forever after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and has not gotten it back.


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