Fraud, upon fraud, upon fraud – when crooks and con men take over your government

A BRIEF UPDATE OF THE COVID CON AND A CALL FOR THOSE RESPONSIBLE TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE 150w, 620w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" width="300" height="135" />

by Kieron McFadden

As long ago as May,  at a Downing Street briefing, the Chief Medical Officer of the UK told the nation that the COVID19 virus was nothing to worry about for the vast majority of us, IN THAT IT CAN PROVE FATAL ONLY FOR A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY VERY OLD AND/OR VERY ILL. As such of course it is no different to other viruses. See the briefing here.

And so it has panned out, with the average age of death of people with COVID19 being 82.5 – a YEAR OLDER than the average age of death from all causes in the UK.

COVID19 ranks around 19th in the league table of killers in the UK, well behind flu/pneumonia, heart disease, cancer etc etc etc.

The government’s own website has stated that  the PCR test used to establish whether someone has COVID19, CANNOT DETECT A LIVE VIRUS. In  other words, testing positive on the PCR text DOES NOT prove that the person actually has COVID19. The government knows this yet has counted every “positive” as a “case”. By vastly increasing the number of tests being done, it has automatically increased the number of “positives”, falsely labelled these positives “cases” and used this to fraudulently show am increase in the number of cases.

This of course does not also include the number of tests falsely done or not done at all, such as cases whee people receive a test in the post, swab their cat, a puddle or nothing at all, then send the swab back for “analysis” and then receive the news their test was a “positive” (see link here). An investigation is needed to establish the extent of the fraud and negligence being perpetrated by SERCO at tax payer’s expense.

Of course, the ways in which the “COVID deaths” stat is falsified are common knowledge. One of these is to count a death that occurs within 28 days of a fraudulent test (see above) being counted as a COVID death. Another method of ramping up the deaths, and incidentally culling hundreds of elderly citizens and thus save the government the cost of paying out pensions, was to deliberately release elderly patients from hospital – some with COVID, some untested – back into the nursing homes, where there were inadequate protocols in place for protecting vulnerable people. This resulted in this flu bug cutting a swathe of deliberately engineered carnage through the ranks of our senior citizens in those homes.

The same with hospital admissions, which means the “COVID admissions” stat is false.

It is also common knowledge that the original terrifying “mathematical” predictions as to the course of this bug, were FALSE and wildly inaccurate. Yet they were knowingly used by the government to “predict” catastrophe and justify its repressive measures. The nation has not even had an apology.

This is all justified by endless puerile propaganda about “saving the NHS” which “might get overwhelmed”. Whether it would get overwhelmed in fact is arguable given the true nature of this bug and the false reporting of its stats by the government but even if it did, we currently have a situation where it is NOT DELIVERING NHS SERVICES to thousands of people who need it. This is tantamount to “saving the roads” from congestion by only allowing people to use bicycles. Better “overwhelmed” actually treating the sick than underwhelmed by letting people go unhelped.

When this “emergency” was first foisted in the nation, the Government produced a nearly 370 page draft Bill  that must have taken weeks to write, which suggests work on it probably began BEFORE anyone became aware of the “emergecy”. It was rammed through Parliament, without Parliament having a chance to scrutinise it. Once passed  the Coronavirus Act, with its extraordinary wide-ranging ‘Enabling Act’ powers, gave Ministers the power to govern by diktat, to re-write the Law.  But they did not need to get Parliament to pass that Act because there was already an emergency powers act on the Statute Book! It is called the Civil Contingencies Act.  The government could have easily activated these powers simply by declaring a ‘State of Emergency’.  The consequence of that, however, would have been that Parliament retained the right to supervise what the Government was doing. Ramming through the Coronavirus Act neatly sidestepped that inconvenience and ushered in what has been a COUP that has negated democratic oversight.

So here we have fraud upon fraud upon fraud upon fraud and an endless stream of lies, false reports, mind games and manipulations by a government that will go down as the most dishonest and  manipulative in British history.

But not only the most deceitful government under a PM who appears to be a compulsive liar and con man but also the most destructive government so far as its own citizens are concerned.

And to cap it all, our venal PM has now dictated a second lockdown that could go on for months and is guaranteed to wipe out thousands of businesses and so forth. The premise for this latest caper has been “scientific” (notice how that word is used yet with no real science ever being produced) predictions that 4000 people a day will die. That for course turns out, true to form to be scientifically bogus and seriously flawed – essentially yet another lie bare-faced lie.

One wonders just how long the British people will tolerate our country being dragged down into irreparable ruin bu a bunch of crooks or how many people will continue to collaborate with them by forwarding their lies and accepting their criminal diktats without question and turning a blind eye to the destruction of their own country.

But the rest of us, who care what happens to our country and think it unwise to give criminals the keys to Downing Street now want justice for the deception, destruction and murder that has been done.

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