Yesterday saw the G-20 Circus arrive in London. The Summit was really just a pantomime event; with real policy having been settled well in advance. The ludicrous official story the media would have us believe, is that elected officials from the G-20 nations met to thrash out economic policy to deal with the global economic crisis, and reached a consensus all could agree on in just a single day. There were no clashes with regards to differences in National interests and no quibbling over monetary input. That really is an insult to our intelligence.

Personality Trivia

The media focussed on how every woman in Great Britain wants to look like the US President’s wife, Michelle Obama. I haven’t met anyone who was asked, or knows anyone who was asked, what they think of Obama’s dress sense! Frankly, with the ever-spiralling cost of living, no one cares. But according to the media, the entire nation is obsessed with this non-issue.

What other vital information did the British media impart to the people? Well, we were told that Jamie Oliver catered from the Vile Irrelevant Parasites (VIPs), that Michelle Obama (the media’s darling) hugged the Queen and that US President Obama prostrated himself before the Queen in a manner which all thinking Americans would find horrific, and all thinking Britons would find embarrassing (servile arse-licking impresses no one in Britain).

Here are just two of Obama’s nauseating grovelling statements:

“I think in the imagination of people throughout America, I think what the Queen stands for and her decency and her civility, what she represents, that's very important… There’s one last thing that I should mention that I love about Great Britain, and that is the Queen.”

The Queen stands for all that is wrong with Britain. To taody to this monster is absolutety disgraceful – and this from the President of a nation which fought for independence from the tyrannical Monarchy, is just unbelievable.

With all the attention focussed by the media on the new Washington DC puppet, one would be forgiven for thinking Obama was the ruler of Great Britain rather than a foreign Head of State. The way the Westminster regime sucked up to the US President was even more sickening than the way Tony Blair made himself a poodle of George Bush.

Orchestrated Violence

Away from the fawning over politicians and their entourage, the media took great delight in putting the spotlight on the poor hard done by Police who had to bravely defend private property from hordes of rioting scum.

The media focussed on the Anarchist Black Bloc, or as those who haven’t been poisoned by the propaganda machine call them, undercover Police / special Army units. But, to play along with the media færy tale, the Police did a stalwart job preventing massive destruction by marauding hooligans. They had to detain a few innocent people, but all in all they were magnificent!

The truth is somewhat different. The Black Bloc were allowed by their uniformed colleagues to do some superficial damage to a Royal Bank of Scotland building, at the precise moment a team of journalists had assembled there. How very fortunate indeed! The TV broadcasts showed masked Anarchists attacking a symbol of Capitalism. This obviously contrived event was reminiscent of the Battle of Orgreave in South Yorkshire in 1984.

Same agenda, Same tactics

For those who are unaware of the Battle of Orgreave, it marked a low point for the British media. In a nutshell, British miners were fighting for the existence of their industry, against the Thatcher regime, which was hell, bent of crippling all British Industry so the nation could never again be self-sufficient, but would be enmeshed in the Globalist web of interdependence. The Establishment-serving media demonised the Miners as Communist troublemakers. In fact they were ordinary British Workers fighting for a living. Certainly there were Communist elements in the Unions, but they hardly represented the Workers themselves.

At Orgreave, the Police herded the Miners into a field and then led charge after charge on horseback into the corralled Miners. After inflicting very many and serious casualties on the Miners, they finally began defending themselves by throwing whatever could be found at the Police lines. The media then changed the order of the images so it appeared as if the Police had charged the Miners in response to being stoned by them. This outrageous media manipulation was aired on the BBC1, BBC2 and ITV News programmes (there were only three channels in Britain at the time).

The result? The masses of the British people became hostile to the demonised Miners, and supported the State crackdown. With the most powerful union in Britain smashed, the Government went on to destroy the entire manufacturing and production base of the nation and made Great Britain dependent on imports. This betrayal of sovereignty and destruction of Self-sufficiency was greatly eased by the media complicity is this heinous crime

The Battle of Orgreave

Casualties of G-20

The greatest casualty of G-20 is National Freedom. The Summit was used to push through a whole raft of Globalisation. Arch Globalists including Nicholas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel, Gordon Brown and Barack Obama vied with each other for who could commit the most treason against the people they purport to represent.

"This is the day that the world came together to fight back against the global recession, not with words but with a plan for global recovery and reform and with a clear timetable," stated Brown, "I think a new world order is emerging with the foundation of a new progressive era of international cooperation,"

As hailed in the Manchester Guardian, under the agreement, the G20 countries proposed:

• New reforms of the global banking system, including institutions such as hedge funds, and other parts of the so-called "shadow banking system" coming under global regulatory control for the first time

• Tighter regulation for credit rating agencies, to prevent conflicts of interest
• A list of tax havens to be published immediately, and sanctions to be deployed against countries that do not comply with anti-secrecy regulations

• Completion of the creation of international colleges of supervisors for national regulators

• An agreement to do whatever is necessary to promote growth in individual countries, allowing for the possibility of the further use of fiscal stimuli in the future

• The injection of an additional $1tn into the global economy through measures including a $500bn increase in the funding available to the IMF, an increase in the availability of money for developing countries through the IMF's "special drawing rights" to $250bn and a total of $250bn being set aside for trade assistance

• Reform of institutions such as the IMF to allow countries like China to have greater influence. Senior posts at the IMF and the World Bank will open to candidates from the developing world.

• Renewed commitment to the millennium development goals.

• $50bn for the world's poorest countries.

This is pure Globalism. This seemingly innocuos rhetoric translates as the centralisation of all the world’s financial institutions, the criminalisation of economic freedom, the abolition of National Sovereignty insofar as it will be illegal to resist the global financial apparatus, the elevation of the World Bank and IMF to positions of being the only authority to determine economic policy anywhere, and the completion of the Communist-Communitarian Global takeover via the specific inclusion of the Peoples Republic of China as an arbiter of power.

This Summit also acted as a smokescreen for the first phase of the introduction of internal passports within Great Britain. The massive publicity the Summit was given was used to quietly bury the requirement of people travelling between the British Mainland and any of the many islands, to carry ID and register their details with officials. Never in history has travel with the nation been regulated. The justification? The bogeyman of ‘terrorism’.

Another victim was the Ian Tomlinson who died on the street, surrounded by uniformed Police. It is possible that he died of natural circumstances. Of course the British Police would never murder anyone would they? Ask the relatives of Jean Charles de Menezes that. Or for that matter the relatives of the thousands murdered by the State in Northern Ireland by the ‘IRA’ (MI5)

G-20 was a very bad day for freedom. A very bad day indeed.

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Comment by Rufus on April 6, 2009 at 7:41am

Police wrapped baton around Ian Tomlinson's head. Another dead civilian. Will the Police be charged with murder or will this be another yet victim of the Police State?
Comment by truth on April 3, 2009 at 12:02pm
Comment by illuminated-dj on April 3, 2009 at 10:52am
yeah,sickening that people fall for this circus,paragraph from ainstream newsstory today "Then the first encounter between two of the world's most glamorous women, Mrs Obama and her glamorous French counterpart, Carla Bruni, took place at the elegant Palais de Rohan." theres a war on for your mind

"Destroying the New World Order"



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