Bio weapons are nothing new. They've been part of the human arsenal since World War I officially, but even in ancient times using a contagious illness as a way to kill the enemy was in practice. Everything from the Bubonic Plague to Small Pox had been tried to either kill of use fear to drive off the enemy in Medieval Europe. Today, the sophistication of gene splicing and nano technology have been incorporated together to create a fearsome type of germ warfare that may signal the end of life for millions or even more.
The plot begins
MEM's (Micro Electronic Machines) have been microscopically designed by science since that late 1970's. Science marveled at the possibilities of removing inoperative tumors or other life threatening conditions by inserting MEM's into the blood stream then remotely programming them for whatever procedure was needed. It was presented as a miracle for surgical applications, but somewhere something went incredibly wrong, and an evil agenda emerged. Nano particles acting as micro chips were found to be viable also able to be wirelessly activated once introduced into the body. Add the gene splicing of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) an internal cellular messenger, could be used to invade a healthy host, biologically monitor the metabolism of the host, and effect changes within the body. The perfect micro-invader and saboteur for a bio weapon. Using 5g microwave communication to interact with the ingested nano agents from within a human host could create havoc!
Unleashing death
Gain of function research is a method of taking a virus that only attacks animals and manipulate it genetically to make it into a pathogen that crosses the animal barrier into making human hosts it's new target. Why would anyone want to take an animal virus and turn it into a viral enemy of human beings? Of course, if you are China looking for a germ warfare method of infecting a mass population of your largest competitor (America) then one can see how an act of war could be hidden through a communicable disease. An attack upon the civilian population without it necessarily being defined as a military act, but then we begin tracing the money, and once we identify the money trail, we start to find who and why it all began!
The trail of treason
In 2015 we know that the Obama Administration funded millions of US taxpayer dollars to the Chinese Wuhan Germ Warfare Lab. We know that Doctor Tony Fauci was also involved and provided funding into the "Gain of Function" research indirectly himself despite his denial after being cross examined by Senator Rand Paul, who, despite Fauci's lies did get some enlightening admissions along with double talk. Along with Bill Gates and George Soros support the operation is guaranteed to have unlimited funding.
The planned assault
Steve Bannon, in discussing the multiple timing of several pivotal events that all coincided with a central agenda which was to simultaneously shut down the Trump economy, set up a mail in ballot fraudulent voting scam, and infect millions of Americans with a non-immunological injectable operating system, who willingly decide to take the deadly concoction once enough scare tactics by the mass media and Democrats have brainwashed the sheep, and the perfect storm of a national crisis is born! The Democrats achieve the power they want, China comes out with a desired take down of a US economy that was creating havoc for them, and a devastating act of war goes undetected as a successful deployment of a bio-weapon.
Guinea Pigs
Americans in general are so stupid and easily influenced through media and political manipulation that such events as a massive streaming presentation by dozens of doctors throwing red flags over the questionable beginnings of a shady pandemic that was blocked by Twitter, Amazon, You Tube, and Facebook social platforms from being broadcast should have signaled something was amiss. Nope! Not to the mask wearing sheep! That nurses and doctors told the public that car accident fatalities, on site employment accidents, and other natural causes were all being diagnosed and categorized as Covid 19 caused deaths. Apparently, didn't raise an eyebrow for most sheep. The drug companies making the highly suspect immunizations in record time without any legal liability never created any concern for the anxious Pied Piper worshippers. That the authorities forbade any autopsy of the supposed Covid 19 victims should have caused a little doubt, but nah none of that tin foil hat conspiracy for these folk. They listen to their government and do everything they're told!
Anyone awake yet?
Now we have people whom magnets will stick to as the spike proteins in their blood streams have permanently altered them electro magnetically. We have healthy people dying within hours from blood clots and heart failure. We have celebrity athletes expiring days after being injected. Now, there are even reports of school children suffering from heart problems. These cases are being hidden and localized as much as possible by the mainstream media in order to hide from triggering a massive wave of panic and a demand by the general public for answers! Just as the Japanese kicked off the war in the Pacific striking major US and her allies military targets with well coordinated timing after Pearl Harbor, America's enemy was not only a foreign invader but its very own federal government under Democrat leadership and their lapdog media! The question is now, when will the people finally get enough of the truth to act?
The Final Evidence
The final damning evidence was the discovery of a much cautioned leak of the virus that passed to personnel working at the Wuhan Lab surrounded by a bustling city larger than New York City teaming with hosts should the virus escape due to carelessness. For two weeks all access such as traffic was cut off to the lab. The time frame is undeniabnle. No cellular traffic was allowed from the facility over that time. Within weeks Chinese residents were being sealed inside their apartments unable to leave. Many were reported burned to death after being locked up within their own residence then set on fire. Xi Jinping stands to be convicted for the cover up of a pandemic that reached the entire international community so it would be easy to see why he is desperately covering up his part in this diabolical plot. If this crime against humanity is allowed to go unpunished then the beginning of the end for human freedom lingers on the horizon.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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