GERMANY - ENRICHMENT - Invader knifes woman - proclaims himself not guilty as per his culture and religion

Original German Language Source Article:

In meiner Kultur darf man töten“ Messer-Opfer geschockt von Täter-Geständnis

Vivien K. (24) ist Nebenklägerin im Prozess. Vom Brustbein bis zum Unterbauch erinnert eine 40 Zentimeter lange Narbe an die Tat Vivien K. (24) ist Nebenklägerin im Prozess. Vom Brustbein bis zum Unterbauch erinnert eine 40 Zentimeter lange Narbe an die TatFoto: Frank Tunnat

Burgwedel/Hannover – Sie kann es immer noch nicht begreifen.

Ein halbes Jahr nach der furchtbaren Messer-Attacke begegnet Vivien K. (24) dem Jugendlichen, der sie aus nichtigem Anlass fast umgebracht hätte! Großeltern, Freund Domenic (25) und Anwalt Dimitrios Kotios begleiten die Verkäuferin ins Landgericht. Vivien ist angespannt, nervös, aber entschlossen: „Ich will ihm in die Augen sehen.“

Syrer Abdullah A. (17), seit 2013 in Deutschland, gab zu, Ehrverletzungen mit dem Messer zu regeln Syrer Abdullah A. (17), seit 2013 in Deutschland, gab zu, Ehrverletzungen mit dem Messer zu regelnFoto: Kai Zaengel

Beim Prozess gegen den minderjährigen Messerstecher Abdullah A. (17) gestern in Hannover ist die Öffentlichkeit ausgeschlossen. Dem Syrer wird versuchter Totschlag vorgeworfen. Ende März hatte er auf die 24-Jährige eingestochen. Die 10-Zentimeter-Klinge brach ihre Rippen, verletzte Leber, Magen, Niere, Darm. Vivien lag im Koma, Milz und Teile der Bauchspeicheldrüse wurden entfernt.

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Auslöser der Attacke: ein Streit mit dem Bruder (14) und Cousin des Angeklagten im Supermarkt. Der 17-Jährige kam dazu. Das Trio prügelte auf der Straße erst auf Domenic ein. Als Vivien dazwischen ging, wurde sie niedergestochen. Abdullah A., der sich selbst als „Musterflüchtling“ bezeichnet, hält nach BILD-Informationen an der schriftlichen Erklärung fest, die sein Anwalt vor dem Prozess abgegeben hatte.

Prozess in Hannover: Messer-Opfer geschockt von Täter-Geständnis Foto: Frank Tunnat

Auszug: „Der Beschuldigte kennt es aus seiner Kultur so, dass Konflikte mit dem Messer ausgetragen werden. Er beschreibt die regionalen Bräuche wie folgt: Wird man beleidigt, darf man zustechen. In schweren Fällen darf man die Person töten.“ Und: „Er führt aus, dass sein Verhalten nach den religiösen Anforderungen nicht zu beanstanden war und begreift nicht, weshalb er in Haft sitzen muss.“

Tapfer hielt Vivien im Zeugenstand durch, machte ihre Aussage. Zum Urteil (voraussichtlich 11. September) kommt sie wieder.


12160 Translation (If you feel this need to be corrected please comment below)

In my culture one may kill -  Victim shocked by knife attacker's confession

Vivien K. (24) is a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit. A 40 centimeter long scar from her breastbone to her lower abdomen a 40 centimeter long scar, is a permanent reminder of the attack

Photo: Frank Tunnat

By: MIRKO VOLTMER published on 22.08.2018 - 07:22 o'clock

Burgwedel/Hannover - She cannot understand it yet.

Six months after a terrible knife attack, Vivien K. (24) confronts the young person who almost killed her! Grandparents, friend Domenic (25) and lawyer Dimitrios Kotios accompany the saleswoman in the district court. Vivien is tense and nervous, but determined: "I want to look him in the eyes."

Syrian Abdullah A. (17), in Germany since 2013, admitted to criminal behavior with a knife.

Foto: Kai Zaengel

Yesterday in Hannover, the public were excluded from the case against knife attacker Abdullah A. (17)

The Syrian is charged with attempted manslaughter. At the end of March he stabbed the 24-year-old. The 10-centimeter blade broke her ribs, and caused damage to her liver, stomach, kidney and intestines. Vivien lay in a coma, and her spleen and parts of the pancreas were removed.

Cause of the attack: an argument with the brother (14) and cousin of the defendant in the supermarket. The 17-year-old then arrived. The trio were assaulting Domenic on the street. When Vivien went between them, she was stabbed. Abdullah A. who described himself a "model refugee", according to picture information stuck to the written statement which his lawyer had delivered before the court.

Court Extract: " The accused stated that in his culture disputes are settled with knives. He describes his regional customs as follows: if one is offended, one may respond by attacking. In extreme cases one may kill the other person. " And: "He then stated that there was nothing wrong with his actions on religious grounds, they should not be objected to and he does not understand why he should face punishment. "

Vivien bravely stood in the witness box and provided her statement. She will return to court for the verdict (presumably 11th September).

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Comment by Inretrospect on September 14, 2018 at 9:55am


I partially agree with you, especially when our Justice System is unbalanced and the Ruling Class is above the Law.  I agree that "International Anarchism" is what the Governing Powers fear most because it is difficult to control and unpredictable. However, anarchism returns us to the uncivilized Wild West justice of the 1800's.  Isn't this the Judicial methodology and PC-Culture of the Millennial Antifa movement?

IMHO, everything in the World, chaotically uncontrolled as it may appear, is proceeding just as planned. There is ultimately no difference between the "Right" or "Left" political paradigms. Whatever Hillary would not have done, or Trump will do, will lead to the same conclusion: NWO Totalitarianism.

Even though the deeds of 'good' and 'evil' are opposites, reality and circumstance are the factors that will define what is right and wrong in the eyes of the beholder.

Comment by DTOM on September 13, 2018 at 5:48pm

@ Inretrospect

"All Abrahamic religion is a curse upon humanity."

That's my opinion based on 2000+ years of history that is being proven on a daily basis.

I guess it will ultimately depend on whether the Courts can define Religion as a hate crime. 

I don't give a damn what courts decide, they are part of the inherently corrupt system and the problem itself.

My beliefs and thoughts are not subject to the whims of others.

Comment by Inretrospect on September 13, 2018 at 9:17am

"All Abrahamic religion is a curse upon humanity."

I guess it will ultimately depend on whether the Courts can define Religion as a hate crime. 

Comment by DTOM on September 12, 2018 at 6:18pm

Europe needs to embrace its own gods, heritage and culture.

All Abrahamic religion is a curse upon humanity.

Comment by Inretrospect on September 12, 2018 at 2:36pm

Europe needs to bring back "The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon".  The Templar Religion & Culture also didn't have any legal restrictions in killing Muslims.  

I am against violence of any kind; however, I support freedom of religion.

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