Good morning,
For eight years I listened to the Liberals, {of which I'm one}
Bitch, Whine and Snivel about bush, the rethugs, and their
destruction of this country. I take great pride in being one
of those voices!
However, even tho they elected their Messiah, who thru
the grace of God would bring back our liberties, our freedoms,
Stop the wars, and of course give us health care: They
continue to Bitch, Whine and Snivel about Bush and the rethugs.
The blame game continues, on the same level and depth of
their denial, while at the same time Their Messiah not only continues
Bush's wars and policies but expands them.
Take the senate bill s510, A bill wholeheartedly supported by the Great
Messiah, proven by his Monasanto appointee to his cabinet. a cabinet, staff
that is overflowing with dual citizenship appointees, appointees from the likes
of business', banks and corporations that we so heavily bailed out.
For Democrats, Progressives and Liberals to offer such fool hardy blind loyalty
to this administration, while the number of homeless, hungry people in this
country increase on a bewildering level daily,
For Democrats Progressives and Liberals to offer such fool hardy blind loyalty
to this administration, while they take away the basic right of survival, in your name,
is a crime against humanity!
Look at the names below, then read the bill. Then answer this question to your
self. How can "I"; be so blind as to have and still do support these politicians?
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.
Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create — without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton’s HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.
In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president. Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto. Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband’s firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.
S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.

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Comment by CHUCK W. on May 17, 2010 at 1:52pm
Thank You! and AMEN!
In a few months I will be heading back to 'The Mountain'
from wence i came 12 yrs ago. I'll be taking with me a
ten yr supply of non hybird seeds. And as much as i crave
the peace and solitude, L'll also be bringing some of my kids. lol
You have a great day!

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