Google Screws The Pooch - Fury After 2016 April Fool MicDrop Prank Backfires - Bigtime

Google disables April Fool joke amid user fury after prank backfires

Gmail Mic Drop caused more tears than laughter, thanks to users accidentally enabling the prank on serious emails – with some dire consequences

We are not amused … Google Mic Drop has been disabled after complaints from users. Photograph: Minions/Google

Alex Hern
Friday 1 April 2016 12.33 BST

Google’s April Fools’ Day prank has backfired, leaving the company looking the fool and a number of concerned users fearing for their jobs – or worse.

As 1 April began in Australia, the company announced its latest stunt: “Gmail Mic Drop”, a special version of the send button which appends a gif of a minion (one of the sexless, ageless merchandising icons from the Despicable Me series) dressed as the queen dropping a microphone to the end of your email.

“Everyone will get your message, but that’s the last you’ll ever hear about it,” Google added in a blogpost announcing the feature. “Yes, even if folks try to respond, you won’t see it.”

For most companies, that would be the end of it, but Google has a longstanding tradition of actually building the products they “announce” on April Fools’ Day, even if they only survive for 24 hours.

Google’s gif demoing the Mic Drop

Unfortunately, the way the company decided to implement the Mic Drop feature was by simply placing the button on every user’s compose window, making it easy enough to hit accidentally. Web developer Andy Baio quickly started cataloguing some of the users who had been undone by the change.

One, who posted on the company’s Gmail help forum, wrote: “Thanks to Mic Drop I just lost my job. I am a writer and had a deadline to meet. I sent my articles to my boss and never heard back from her. I inadvertently sent the email using the ‘Mic Drop’ send button. There were corrections that needed to be made on my articles and I never received her replies. My boss took offence to the Mic Drop animation and assumed that I didn’t reply to her because I thought her input was petty (hence the Mic Drop). I just woke up to a very angry voicemail from her which is how I found out about this ‘hilarious’ prank.”

Similar concerns abounded on the help forums. “April fools jokes are great fun but not when they affect my business correspondence,” wrote one user. Another said “I sent out an important email to 30 recipients and I inadvertently clicked the ‘Mic Drop’ Send. I completely did not mean to, and I realised what had happened after the fact. I tried to resend it without that, but it was too late. Is there any way I can undo my mic drop feature?”

A third wrote “Unfortunately some of my very intelligent friends are senior engineers in Google. I almost picked up the phone and shouted at them because of this stupid creation made me sound so rude to one important customer when I made a mistake to click this stupid button.”

As a result of the complaints, Google announced it had turned off the feature. The company told the Guardian: “Well, it looks like we pranked ourselves this year. Due to a bug, the MicDrop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs. We’re truly sorry. The feature has been turned off. If you are still seeing it, please reload your Gmail page.”

Mic drop isn’t the only April Fools’ Day prank launched by Google. The company, clearly filled with practical jokers, has launched at least five others today, including “Google Cardboard Plastic” (a transparent box that you strap to your face to enable “Actual Reality”), Searchable Socks (which lets you find your socks with the Google app) and Google Maps Disco (which lets you watch Pegman dancing to Funky Town). But none of those appear to have got users fired, yet.

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Comment by DTOM on April 1, 2016 at 11:08am

Just a few examples of the anger, that resulted from this 'prank'


A Jacobs 845's profile photo

A Jacobs 845 said:

This feature should be "optional" as it is interfering with professional e-mails.  Clients, Courts, and other professionals are deleting the e-mails.  Who wouldn't delete the emails upon seeing that ridiculous yellow cartoon character spinning around at the top of the e-mails? PLEASE FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY.

Talena S's profile photo

Talena S said:

No one likes this feature, which is an advertisement, and is compromising people's professional communications. Not even remotely funny April Fool's Day joke.
gianna belrose's profile photo

gianna belrose said:

I hit this thing by accident in a professional email sending a contract. This is ridiculous and not funny at all. Remove it please!!!
Scott Carlisle's profile photo

Scott Carlisle said:

Agreed!  If this is the kind of childish nonsense Google sees as a revolutionary upgrade, it's time to move away from Gmail for our professional uses!
dambrine's profile photo

dambrine said:

Dear Google. 
Please remove that stupid drop mic video button from my Gmail account. 
It is not welcome not useful. Tempted to go to Outlook just for that. 
'Pix' A.'s profile photo

'Pix' A. said:

SHAME ON YOU, GOOGLE!!  I detest practical jokes and I never play them on people.  My email is a serious tool.  I just wasted my time trying to figure out how to disable this button.  I have never even heard the term "mic drop."  Why don't you spend your energy fixing your myriad bugs and listening to feedback?!!
ShareBare's profile photo

ShareBare said:

Dear Google,

A sign of immaturity is messing with a user interface and application functionality for poor reasons, and trying to justify it by downplaying the negative effects and blaming others.
A sign of maturity is admitting that a mistake has been made and expressing remorse for the negative effects of one's behaiour.
Expectantly yours,
friskygeek's profile photo

friskygeek said:

How do we opt out of any future pranks? Google's April Fools jokes are no longer funny. Please. Just. Stop.


ShareBare's profile photo

ShareBare said:

I don't know much about U.S. politics except what I see on TV but it seems that in this matter the Google mods are acting like Republicans - "There's nothing wrong with me, there's something wrong with you". Is it so hard to apologize for a mistake?
Fuzmorten's profile photo
Current row

Fuzmorten said:

Please pass this along to whatever dickhead thought this up! Thanks a lot Bozo I just got a call from my boss telling me I have to Remove Chrome and Gmail from 50 computers and set up everyone's IE and transfer their contacts tonight before we open in the morning at 9am. Ha F'ing Ha I l'm laughing so hard I'm crying you assholes !  And no ity doesn't matter that it was aprank from google and will go away. He said this is totally unprofessional and not appropriate for an investment firm since everything we do is recorded. I'm going to go looking for an old Blackberry to replace my Nexus you guys screwed the pooch on this one! Google can go to hell!
Garance A Drosehn's profile photo
Current row

Garance A Drosehn said:

You (Google) are being way to kind on yourselves by saying "Looks like we pranked ourselves!".
Yeah, sure, HA HA HA on you.  It may have screwed many of your users, but it was a great LAUGH for you.  My my, the tears of laughter will be running out of your eyes for weeks, due to this "teeny little bug" in an idea which was utterly obnoxious to start with.
WFTG?'s profile photo

WFTG? said:

I hadn’t even heard of this idiotic ‘prank’ until I just saw the news, I now have the honour of having to write to all the clients I emailed today. Google, grow the fuck up!!!!! Some of us have responsibilities etc, and don’t lie around on beanbags with our knobs out. 
Yihsun Lin's profile photo

Yihsun Lin said:

Crystal Cee,
I also have friends who are senior engineers in Google, One is in Switzerland and one is in California. I got super angry this morning when I hit the button wrongly and sent out that stupid sticker face to one super important client on the Fifth Avenue of NYC. I almost wanted to pick up the phone and shouted at my friends and told them to get Google fix this problem immediately. But anyway I still posted something on my Facebook wall to shame you Google. I am still very angry at this stupid idiotic joke! What? You can just attributed this problem to a bug???????????????? Oh, that friend of mine working in Google is a top tester in Google. I should really have blamed him for this stupid mistake, shouldn't I? Your stupid joke might have ruined a lot of people's busineses! 
KB2001's profile photo

KB2001 said:

Seriously, that's all they have to say?  How about (from the company's leadership) - "ok we admit it, this was a stupid thing to do.  These are the steps we are taking to under this feature and restore all impacted emails to the inbox where they belong and this is when they will be completed by" or "if you have been adversely impacted by this prank contact us and we will do what is necessary to fix the situation"
Freddyt55555's profile photo

Freddyt55555 said:

Really? Because the service is free Google is justified in screwing people over due to an immature joke? I thought Google had learned their lesson and become adults after losing a patent portfolio opportunity by bidding Pi.

On Friday, April 1, 2016 at 5:48:02 AM UTC-7, Mark1980A wrote:
Lots of people here saying how critical Gmail is to their business, yet clearly not paying for the business version. If email is that important, then don't be cheap and use a business account. 
I feel sorry for people emailing CVs and Resumes who accidentally clicked the button though.


The obligatory Google drone replied with:

Crystal Cee's profile photo

Crystal Cee said:

Well, it looks like we pranked ourselves this year.  Due to a bug, the MicDrop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs. We’re truly sorry. The feature has been turned off. If you are still seeing it, please reload your Gmail page


Yeah, it's all the fault of a bug - looks like Google just lost a lot of users who will be migrating elsewhere for email service.

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