February 7, 2011 posted by Gordon Duff · 62 Comments 


“The son would kill more, millions in fact, rig two elections and run up more national debt in a single month than Jimmy Carter did in four years.  America would have its own GESTAPO, called “Homeland Security” but managed by his good friends in Israel, cementing their partnership with what was once the party of Reagan, now running America into the ground, from “triple crown winner” to “glue factory nag” in 8 long and painful years.”

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor


This is where we are:

  • Broke-busted, we can’t even file bankruptcy, China won’t let us.  America is 5 minutes away from a currency collapse.  94% of America’s 15 trillion dollar debt, built over 235 years, came from 3 presidents, Reagan, Bush and Bush.  That wasn’t money that was “trickling down.”
  • Continual decline in standard of living since Reagan and not by accident, the borders weren’t opened by the same people who crushed labor unions for nothing. 
  • 20 million empty homes, where did the people go?
  • Hyperinflation, totally artificial, totally planned, driven by speculation in oil and commodities, price fixing in health care and Wall Street looting of the economy is hitting now.  Buying gasoline, food and paying utilities will push millions of Americans into poverty.  The extra 75 cents a gallon for gasoline alone is the biggest tax increase in history, one no American voted for, not knowingly.
  • 80% of Americans believe their “news” is continually lying to them but continue to watch, accept and believe anyway.  The American media is an outlet for press releases from the New World Order and nothing else.  It doesn’t get any better than this!
  • When the Supreme Court gave corporations full political rights, they created a class of feudal overlords.  Americans are now indentured serfs in their own country!
  • Israel receives, not 3 billion but between 10 and 20 billion yearly from the US, inclusive of “off the books” military aid and “no bid” contracts.  2 billion of that is spent in “pump priming,” paying off American politicians to take the real figure to 30 billion soon.  Problem is, Israel is one of the richest countries on earth with nearly half the world’s 1000 billionaires holding Israeli passports though only 18 were born in Israel.  Israel could give the United States 30 billion a year and not even notice it.  Where did you think the 3 trillion dollars lost during the Bush administration went to?  Check the names.
  • After 9/11, an event Ron Paul rightly fears calling the “false flag” attack it was, laws were passed in the US that ended all constitutional rights for Americans including the right to bear arms.  When habeas corpus was suspended in 2006, gun rights went with it, yes, the 2nd Amendment was eliminated but only when the government feels guns are a threat.  The best part, they get to decide “when.”  Under the Patriot Acts, which nullify the constitution further, they can enter any home, take guns, seize any property and jail any person indefinitely without legal representation or trial.  When  habeas corpus went, due processwent with it, you know, all that stuff about trials and confronting your accuser, jury of your “peers,” etc, etc. (and you were worried about “Obamacare”…)
  • Almost 900,000 Americans have security clearances with 100,000 “top secret” and over 50,000 “SCI” (Special Compartmented Intelligence).  One thing that isn’t a secret is that Israel has their pick of any American secrets, peddling our military technology to the highest bidder and sending the rest to ”Wikileaks.”  The only people kept in the dark are the American people and the information kept from them is done so for a good reason.  If the American people knew the truth, they might just so something about it, and we don’t mean “vote.”
  • Since the collapse of 2007-8, most state and municipal governments, including school systems, have been bankrupt.  None have cash reserves, only debt underwritten by bonds, and a few assets.  Those assets are quickly being sold off, including, here in Ohio, the state’s turnpike system may be heading to China.  If you don’t think you may have to have a credit card out when privatized police arrive at your home to seize your guns or take you to debtors prison, you aren’t paying attention.  I hear that the prisoners in Gitmo are having to pay for torture.  Are we waterboarding with Perrier now?
Read article here: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/02/07/gordon-duff-how-we-got-wher...

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