Governments cause inflation ??? NOT !!!!


Mr. Hornberger chides the citizens of Argentina who fall for the government propaganda that businesses are responsible for inflation because they raise the price of goods and services in his recent article. Ref. . He then berates their government controlled schools for not educating the people.

Perhaps Mr. Hornberger should review the economic chaos of the United States and Europe and question whether it is the government or financial institutes that cause---and profit from---inflation. “Bought off” and corrupted are terms that come to mind to identify the cause from the implementer..

The methodology by which the Federal Reserve Board of Governors conceals $4 billion daily from the auction accounts of Treasury securities that are exclusively handled by the FRBNY---the accounts have never been audited or reported to Congress as required by law---has been documented. Ref. FEDERAL RESERVE HEIST. The lengthy mathematical analysis of the Fed's Ponzi scheme that dates from Rothschild's “loaning” to rulers of centuries past to reveal the inherent national bankruptcy of their scheme is available. Ref. RIP OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE.

The use of that money to fund the New World Order using the World Bank and International Monetary Fund has been theorized. Ref. FUNDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The embezzlement of the Treasury auction funds by the FRBNY and FRBOG has been brought to the attention of the United States government. Ref. AMENDED COMPLAINT—WHISTLEBLOWER SUIT.    All articles available at

The  “end goal” of the cabal has been stated in internal memos to be the collection of the $17 trillion National Debt of the United States. Greece and Cyprus are but two available examples of their collection methods.

And still Mr. Hornberger is unaware of the future tragedy and demise of the U.S. while he belittles the economic knowledge of the Argentina people.     The academic centers of the U.S. {that must groom economists for future employment with the largest employer of economists--the Fed and the banks---and who also receive largess from the banks and government} have done a great job in hiding the perfidy of the Fed.

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Comment by olde reb on April 8, 2014 at 10:08am


Only two possible scenarios appear visible:

  1. The National Debt is evidenced as an act of fraud and theft by an audit of the Treasury security auction accounts maintained by the FRBNY. The implied contract with the owners of the BOG---based upon paying a debt that can never be culminated---is declared null and void from its inception as are all fraudulent contracts. The extension of legal tender status to debts of the (unknown) owners of the FRBOG is therefore nullified and the debts of the Fed belong only to the perpetrators of the fraud. (those green things in your billfold are Federal Reserve Notes with legal tender status).

  1. The status quo continues. Wall Street financiers are able to collect on the U.S. national debt in the same manner as debts of Greece, Cyprus, Haiti, etc., are being collected by troika, ECB, IMF, WB, etc., with austerity and martial law (to enforce the debt)  being imposed on the U.S.   Confiscation of national assets at firesale prices and assets of citizens, including but not limited to banking accounts, pensions, savings, CD's, life insurance, stocks, etc., all under color of law will be standard practice.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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