We in the UK need to know if its true about this 'scum bag 'of a man who should have been imprisoned for what he has done or been involved in?(apparently)

I am not one to judge without concrete facts and I would appreciate, any information you guys can provide me with.

Evidently there is a new Facebook site set up calling for his arrest and it has been one of the most successfully groups created recently (excluding ours of course!)

I admit I/we in the UK know next to nothing about this greedy man. What we do know is what we read from the associated press and as we all know that is so diluted and censored, that we find it hard to find the truth buried within all the spin!, and sensationalistic headlines!

Please provide any information you can so I can pass it on, whether it's your own personal views(providing that you can justify yourselves) or any concrete proof that he really is corrupt and up to no good.

Once again please forgive my ignorance, but as I have said many times the reason me and so many Brits like me are turning to site's like this is to get to the truth buried between the headlines, as we are so fed up at being lied to by our own spineless weak Government, Press and news agencies, as they all have their own agenda's which on the face of it appears to be differant, but when you piece together all the facts the 'Fat Cats' are all members of the NWO, Builder -berg (excuse spelling) group, Globalist & CEO's of Media groups...(no names mentioned!!)

Thank you once again for spending time reading this. I trust that you don't feel like you have wasted your time, and also be happy to help me/ educate your cousins across the 'Pond'

This is Bryan Langridge signing off & look forward to your comments...may they come in thick & fast

yours truly

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Comment by Steve Lee on November 28, 2009 at 6:44pm

After former Vice President Al Gore was defeated by a Supreme Court decision giving the presidential election to George Bush he was depressed and disappeared from public life for two years.

During that time he thought about what he wanted to do with his future and wrote the book An Inconvenient Truth, a book on the "Environmental Crisis" that brought "Global Warming" into the public's vocabulary and became a best seller.

Al Gore is a unique capitalist, one that seeks to profit from creating a "crisis" rather than producing a product or service that we can benefit from.

Have you ever wondered were the politicians get their, Click Underlined Link:

Bad Environmental Ideas?
Comment by Bill on November 28, 2009 at 11:08am
One very good web site you can check out that does have the facts is www.noteviljustwrong.com
This was started by a couple of Irish people who were not out on a witch hunt, they just had to many contradicting facts and wanted to straighted things out. He actually was at a meeting of Environmental Journalists that Al Gore was speaking and when he asked some difficult questions to Gore, he was escourted out and disbarred from the Environmental Journalists organization.

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