“It is an act of insanity and national humiliation to have a law prohibiting the President from ordering assassination.”  Henry Kissinger (National Security Council meeting, 1975)

We live in a lawless nation. The Wild West pales in comparison to the lawlessness and recklessness in our government. Decency and morality may be the qualities of many law-abiding citizens, but this is not how our country operates. We have all been taught the same propaganda in our junior high civics class that there are three branches of government, providing the checks and balances needed to maintain an orderly society.


The United States of America is ruled by a criminal class of politicians, corporations, banks, religious organizations, shadow governments, and courts. The proof is overwhelming, but most people are immune to the truth because they have been literally brainwashed with sophisticated propaganda techniques and tools by the criminal class that keep us from examining their commission of crime.

The time has come for citizens to draw a line. We are either a nation of laws or not. There is no gray area. One side is morality. The other is lawlessness. You are either a law-abiding citizen or not. You are either a court that upholds the law, or not. You are either a politician that works for We the People, or not. And we will know you because of your deeds. We are watching.

Here is the line:


The Anonymous Patriots have spent the last two years writing article after article, providing citizen readers with overwhelming research about how the criminal cabal works. From the 911 crime committed by government insiders, killing U.S. citizens on U. S. soil, to rampant elite pedophiles who are torturing and killing children, we have uncovered it all. Our deeply researched articles and our C2C intelligence network can be found at http://www.aim4truth.org.

Decent people are sick and tired of this corruption and we demand that law enforcement and the courts act immediately in reigning in this terrorism. There is no person in our country that should be allowed to operate above and beyond the laws of our land. We want to see George Bush Senior called out for his life-long crime spree. We want to know his involvement with the assassination of our beloved JFK, and untimely death of John Junior, up to his involvement of 911. We want to see the domestic terrorists of 911 be arrested and tried for their heinous crimes. And we don’t give a rat’s ass who these people are. Their illustrious names and backgrounds mean nothing to us because they have killed our fellow citizens with their wars and false flags, shackled our liberties with their domestic laws and spying, stolen our wealth through their corrupt banking system, and dismantled the foundation of morality and decency upon which all great civilizations must be reliant upon.

We want the complicit, corrupt media to be obliterated. They are not news agencies. They are the opposition and have deliberately kept the truth from Americans with their entertainment style news that turns a blind eye to the Corleone-type gangsters running our country. Shame on each and every reporter who reads this article and goes back to committing the same ruse on their fellow Americans. Is your paycheck worth the karma that will be yours in the face of turning a blind eye to truth?

Why in the hell hasn’t Hillary Clinton been arrested? Her litany of crimes is beyond imaginable. Her entire entourage is a criminal cabal from John Podesta to Huma Abedin to their IT thugs at Crowdstrike to her shields at the FBI.

And most important why aren’t we laser focused on taking down public enemy #1 Henry Kissinger and his ruling mob at the Council on Foreign Relations? From the time he arrived on the political scene with his heavy German accent and his dark background, no one in the media ever questioned his real backstory and agenda. Why is a man of 93 years still kicking around, managing all the White House presidents since his arrival? Who is the head of America’s crime family—this Henry Kissinger?


From the moment that the Central Intelligence Agency was created, lawlessness has ruled the White House by providing total power that has totally corrupted every president since Richard Nixon, who was guided by his head henchman, Henry Kissinger, the archetype of CIA White House, which became the seat of the criminal cabal in America.

Nothing was beyond Nixon and Kissinger because they knew that executive privilege would protect their criminal activity, bringing them unfathomable personal power and wealth. Even before Nixon, George H. W. Bush worked with the CIA to help assassinate John F. Kennedy, demonstrating that the CIA was in control of the White House. It has been downhill since.

Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama have all been controlled by the CIA through proclamation of “International Security.” The president may oversee “National Security,” but the Director of the CIA is in control of “International Security.” International policy has been determined by the Council on Foreign Relations since 1921. The CIA has overseen covert “International Operations” since 1947 and has conducted non-stop black-ops warfare against anyone targeted by the CFR and the CIA White House.

Key Point: The “deep state” is made up of the CFR-CIA “big gators” who slither at the bottom of the DC swap. Let’s drain the toxic waters in which they thrive by throwing some light on their heinous forms.

America has become a lawless nation. It starts at the Council on Foreign Relations and then spills over into the CIA-controlled White House. From there the sewage flows over to Congress, then the judiciary and law enforcement, right down to schools, religious organizations, and people who we thought were in positions of public trust. Lawlessness is the norm among our elected officials, at all levels of government, as they do the bidding of their controllers who seem to have them blackmailed and co-opted in a web of illegal activities, from shady financial deals to pedophilia and human trafficking.

Institutionalized corruption, a lack of transparency, corporate control of government, and creeping neglect of existing laws is found everywhere. There is a growing pattern of wickedness and lawlessness dominating our society today that throughout history was a key marker of civilizations in the process of decline.  

As we are learning through the truth news media today, the CIA, the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative, several U.S. Senators, U.S. and NATO military generals, and the “power elite” are involved in activities that include: extortion, blackmail, money laundering,  human trafficking, pedophilia and child sex trafficking, slave labor, kidnapping, illegal organ harvesting, medical experiments on poverty-stricken populations, “regime change” for oil, pipelines and minerals, illicit government pay-for-play contracts, bribery, perjury, and obstruction of justice to name a few.

Key Question: The above list is comprised of illegal activities. So why, if we live in a land where there are well defined and established laws, are the perpetrators of these crimes not being investigated and indicted? Have we decided as a country that there are certain people that are above the law—too big to prosecute?

For example, it has been revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated and profited from the trafficking of Libyan stinger missiles and sarin gas to the Muslim Brotherhood (ISIS), weapons which were obtained during the coup they perpetrated on Moammar Gaddafy, at which time they stole Gaddafy’s weapons, oil, gold, and his personal billions. Libyan arms trafficking led to the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The Hillary Clinton State Department and the Obama White House ignored pleas for security and later, for rescue.

Question: Is Hillary Clinton and those in the State Department who were complicit in Ambassador Steven’s death above the rule of law?

Hillary’s emails are being withheld by FBI Director James Comey who is no boy scout in lawless America. Irrefutable proof is everywhere one can google that Comey was with the Clintons and their foundation. His shady background at Lockheed and HSBC only adds to the narrative that he is in place to protect and defend political criminals, not  those of We the People. Another key figure that has been protecting the Clinton emails from being released is FBI National Security deputy Andrew McCabe, who is believed to have taken a million-dollar bribe via a “campaign contribution” from a Clinton ally to his wife-physician Jill McCabe’s state senate race.


Kissinger 2


Again, we ask the question that the main stream media has NEVER asked and answered. Who is Henry Kissinger that he could be a top advisor to Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? What kind of position does he hold that he was an advisor to all these presidents, plus countless lesser politicians—year after year—both Democrat and Republican?

Why didn’t the media ask why Hillary Clinton courted the endorsement of Henry Kissinger during her presidential bid (claim) for president? Those of us in the alternative media know that the Kissinger and Clinton friendship goes back to when Bill sought out Kissinger’s support to pass NAFTA. Why had Hillary continued her apprenticeship with Herr Kissinger, soliciting his advice and calling him “friend.”

Would it surprise you to know that Kissinger was a sergeant in the 970th Counter Intelligence Corps during WWII, just as the OSS and CIA were getting started? He worked as a double agent in Germany and turned on his own nation and people. Kissinger practices Realpolitik, which implies politics that are coercive, amoral, or Machiavellian. George Soros and Kissinger have many of these same things in common. They were trained early on to be ruthless criminals pursuing their personal gains. But you won’t find this out from the corrupt media that does has been doing the bidding of the criminal cabal for decades.

As Richard Nixon’s aide-de-camp, Kissinger helped plan and execute a murderous, illegal foreign policy in Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America and throughout the world. Millions died because of his actions. Kissinger and Nixon threatened to use nuclear weapons, and, indeed, Kissinger helped inscribe the threat of “limited nuclear war” into doctrine. Kissinger, in the 1970s, not only dug the hole that the greater Middle East finds itself in, but, as an influential advisor for both the first Gulf War in 1991 and its 2003 sequel made sure to keep America in a “clash of civilizations” that would keep America as the dominate world power.

Kissinger’s role in helping to create today’s failing global economy and structural inequality didn’t start with NAFTA. As Gerald Ford’s secretary of state, Kissinger was key to making sure Saudi Arabia’s and, until its revolution, Iran’s growing mountain of petrodollars were recycled through private banks and arms merchants in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States—in what was then called a New International Economic Order (prelude to the New World Order of Bush Sr.). Kissinger fudges the line between public policy and private finance, especially as it relates to arms trade and petroleum extraction.

As National Security Advisor, Kissinger directed the much-debated National Security Study Memorandum 200 which called for eugenics in third world countries. His secret trips to China paved the way for the groundbreaking summit between Nixon, Zhou, and Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong, as well as the formalization of relations between the two countries. The result was the formation of a strategic Anti-Soviet alliance between China and the United States that continued to alienate the Soviet Union while selling out American manufacturing to China. Kissinger took a personal economic interest in US-China relations in March 1989 with the establishment of China Ventures, Inc., a Delaware limited partnership, of which he was chairman of the board and chief executive officer.

Under Kissinger’s guidance, the United States government supported Pakistan in the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. Henry Kissinger had also come under fire for private comments he made to Nixon during the Bangladesh–Pakistan War in which he described Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as a “bitch” and a “witch.” He also said “The Indians are bastards”, shortly before the war.

In 1973, Kissinger did not feel that pressing the Soviet Union concerning the plight of Jews being persecuted there was in the interest of U.S. foreign policy. In conversation with Nixon shortly after a meeting with Golda Meir, Kissinger stated, “The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, even if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.”

Ioannis Zigdis, then a Greek MP for Center Union and former minister, stated in an Athenian newspaper that “the Cyprus crisis will become Kissinger’s Watergate.” Zigdis also stressed: “Not only did Kissinger know about the coup for the overthrow of Archbishop Makarios before July 15th, he also encouraged it, if he did not instigate it.”

Chilean Socialist Party presidential candidate Salvador Allende was elected by a plurality of 36.2% in 1970, causing serious concern in Washington, DC due to his openly socialist and pro-Cuban politics. The Nixon administration, with Kissinger’s input, authorized the CIA to encourage a military coup that would prevent Allende’s inauguration, but the plan was not successful. This is when the U.S. implemented  economic sanctions against Chile. The CIA also provided funding for the mass anti-government strikes and extensive black propaganda in the newspaper El Mercurio.

On September 11, 1973, Allende died during a military coup launched by Army Commander-in-Chief Augusto Pinochet, who became President. The CIA actively supported the military junta after the overthrow of Allende and made many of Pinochet’s officers into paid contacts of the CIA or U.S. military.

On September 10, 2001, the family of Chilean general René Schneider filed a suit against Kissinger, accusing him of collaborating in arranging Schneider’s kidnapping which resulted in his death. Per phone records, Kissinger claimed to have “turned off” the operation. However, the CIA claimed that no such “stand-down” order was ever received, and he and Nixon later joked that an “incompetent” CIA had struggled to kill Schneider.

Kissinger took a similar line as he had toward Chile when the Argentinian military, led by Jorge Videla, toppled the elected government of Isabel Perón in 1976 with a process called the National Reorganization Process by the military, with which they consolidated power, launching brutal reprisals and “disappearances” against political opponents. Kissinger also attempted to thwart the Carter administration’s efforts to halt the mass killings by the 1976-83 military dictatorship.

Kissinger also served as an honorary advisor to the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce that was responsible for fleecing the oil reserves of that country and others in the Caspian Basin. George H. W. Bush was also on that committee and together they formed a bond that would become the most corrupt American political machine in US history.  George Soros, acting as a financial agent for both the CIA and the Rothschild family joined Kissinger and Bush Sr. to make a powerful triumvirate of global corruption. 


kissenger-cartoonDon’t get the Anonymous Patriots started with all the crimes Kissinger has committed against the world. His policies resulted in more than 4 million civilian deaths, probably many times that number of wounded and refugees – and that doesn’t include his victims in Vietnam — a war that he and Nixon helped prolong for five years. Any one of these crimes on this short list should be enough to bring war crime charges against the American Godfather.

  • Militarization of the Persian Gulf inflating the Shah of Iran
  • Provided massive amounts of aid to security forces that tortured and terrorized democrats
  • Pumped up the U.S. defense industry with recycled petro-dollars
  • Spurred a Middle East arms race financed by high gas prices
  • Emboldened Pakistan’s intelligence service
  • Nurtured Islamic fundamentalism
  • Played Iran and the Kurds off against Iraq
  • Sabotage Vietnamese peace talks for his own political gain
  • Expanded the war into Laos and Cambodia – “bomb anything that moves”
  • Committed Washington to defending Israel’s occupation of Arab lands
  • Wars in Angola and Mozambique killed between 1,750,000 and 2 million people
  • Subsequently devastated and bankrupted Angloa and Mozambique
  • Pakistan’s genocide in East Pakistan between 300,000 and a million died
  • Bombing Cambodia – 100,000 civilians dead in the bombing, 1,671,000 killedin the resultant genocide
  • Indonesia’s invasion and occupation of East Timor killing 200,000
  • The CIA overthrow of President Allende in Chile where at least 3,000 died
  • The Guatemalan genocide killing over 100,000 people


Godfather Kissinger has promoted the Washington criminal cabal for so long that crime is the D.C. norm and no one expects to serve jail time whether they are politicians,  presidents, or banksters. They are all in the swamp together with the corrupt Council on Foreign Relations and the Central Intelligence Agency.

The following list of Washington D.C. top level crimes all happened while Kissinger and George Bush Sr. were in power through the CIA White House and the Council on Foreign Relations, not to mention their many other political positions. From the time of the death georgeof JFK, George H. W. Bush was a top CIA agent who fully understood that the CIA, not the White House, Congress, or Supreme Court, ran the government. Bush was on the scene when JFK wanted to end the corrupt CIA, but Allen Dulles simply ignored being fired and ordered Kennedy to be assassinated.

Later, Dulles would be placed on the Warren Commission to make sure that he would not be implicated. Corruption and CIA control of the White House has reigned supreme in DC ever since the CIA demonstrated that they were in control and would eliminate anyone who got in their way. All other presidents have bowed to the power and control of the CIA and the intelligence community.

Just take a quick scan at some of the lawlessness of our past presidents and decide for yourself if the RULE OF LAW has operated in America in your life-time. Hang on, here we go: 

Lawlessness of the Richard Nixon Administration

Lawlessness of the Gerald Ford Administration

  • Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. Nixon had nominated Ford to be his vice-president.
  • Earl Butz (Secretary of Agriculture) resigned after making horrible racists remarks. He was later jailed for tax evasion.

Lawlessness of the James E. Carter Administration

  • Debategate – Jimmy Carter’s briefing book was stolen and given to Ronald Reagan.
  • Bert Lance (Director of OMB) resigned amid allegations of bank fraud. 

Lawlessness of the Ronald Reagan Administration

Lawlessness of the George H. W. Bush Administration

Lawlessness of the George W. Bush Administration

As you can see by this list, lawlessness in DC seems to be an entitlement of powerful politicians. It is more than apparent that any high-level position is subject to great amounts of corruption and fraud. It is important to remember that the above cases are just the ones that got caught; there are surely many more that do not get caught. And even when the top political appointees and the political elites gets charged, they often get reduced sentences or are pardoned by the president. Fewer and fewer politicians do any jail time for crimes that a normal citizen would spend years behind bars.

Think the corruption and lawlessness ended with George W. Bush?

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