Hi John,
I read with interest your comments -
Can you say at which time since the time that white Americans started killing all the Indian Americans (60 million)
that white Americans were ever other that pathologically cruel -
Here is an example  Russell Means - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEQUrIN38dw
White Americans have never cared about anyone - but themselves - They worship all phylosophies - (such as Charles
Darwin - Albert Pike, et al) - that put America and Americans at the top of the latter - and all other races on earth below
them - they plunder and kill all who can't defend themselves and undermine those who can.
I think it appropriate to suggest that you read some American history - (i.e.: Gore Vidal et al) - to get the correct context
of the American Dream (nightmare) -
I am truly sorry to write such an email - but the facts are the facts - and history does not lie - Extreme cruelty is the core of America and Americans and being ashamed is not enough, many people are ashamed - they keep quiet - on the other hand a few brave folks take a more positive (active) approach.
I wish you and all American well - I hope that a miracle will happen - but I am not optimistic

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on September 24, 2011 at 3:38pm

I'm white. I agree to an extent with this, but evil comes in all shapes, sizes and of course... colors. Mankind is evil and power corrupts. So had it been Arabs that dominated the globe throughout history blame would befuddle them in rebuttal.


Had the Mongols succeeded in passing on the lineage of the conqueror from generation to generation how might the world be different? A hundred years from now all races may echo your sentiments, but about, say, the orientals (Chinese) if they flourish beyond an economic super power and catch up to the U.S military might. Although if you take into account NATO (28 countries) it is highly unlikely, but still by a stretch of the imagination probable.


Beyond white and black, right and wrong, I think people are just people and go where the one in front goes... like sheep; the heard mentality that is so conceptually simple to understand just, overlooked, becomes one of the greatest contributing factors to our detriment. People are only as good as those leading them. Perhaps more importantly, people are only as good as the knowledge that is available to them to make the prudent choice of who to follow and who not to.


I postulate that it is wisest to not follow the masters, but instead, to  follow what the masters followed; knowledge and wisdom; insight and understanding.

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