Hollywood's Subversive Contribution To US Society

Hollywood’s Leftist Contributions

Among the many non-existent virtues that the broadcasting establishment tends to attribute to Hollywood’s contribution to society is the greatness of its film heritage and entertainment value. However, nestled within the voluminous archives of film and the sick transformation of what is now defined as  amusement differ greatly from the content that Americans embraced in the early decades of the 20th Century compared to the declining quality of film making today. Though cinematic technique has rapidly progressed the degenerate content in terms of moral value and deviant behavior has increased exponentially to the point that many Americans have opted to simply shut off the TV altogether. Why?

Devastation of Influence

Since the “Golden era” of the silver screen Hollywood has made it a point to continually degrade ethics and morality using the uninformed opinions of actors making millions within an ideological vacuum trying to influence politics and social issues. The gradual decline of morality in the West as well as America can be traced to the demonstrably liberal and amoral conduct of stories as well as the lives of actors on and off the stage. The only true influence Hollywood can claim is that it has contributed to the steady decline of the American family while encouraging drug abuse, promiscuity, divorce, abortion, and homosexuality among other misconduct that, at one time, remained the minority of social ills instead being in epidemic proportions today.

Age of innocence                  

In the 1940’s and 1950’s that generation of children watched shows like the Lone Ranger, Lassie, or Walt Disney and others that supplied entertainment with a moral outcome, a decent and well-mannered approach to portraying life and how civilized behavior should be. What was once the definitive approach to amusing kids without the injection of the sick and sordid behavior that Hollywood has manufactured today for the young and impressionable mind is now much different? Today, demonic distortions of an imaginary future with rotted flesh eating zombies tearing people apart has replaced the Romper room atmosphere of childhood content today.

What once was

The Walt Disney film corporation of today funds pro-gay and Lesbian events even injecting subliminal sexual content in the seemingly innocent and amusing movie “Finding Nemo”, a film length cartoon intended for children. The days of Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Walt Disney Presents, have become antiquated and too unsophisticated for children today exposed to little girls dressing in the latest fashions like adult lingerie, comedy shows that portray children talking back to adults and showing disrespect to their elders. Children who can outwit their stupid adult contemporaries and parental figures have become typical content. One might recall Walter Matthau, a hard drinking and bitter kid’s baseball coach in the “Bad News Bears” who encourages kids to use profanity swearing like sailors! Oh how funny and cute to see young boys talking like convicts in a penitentiary!

Youth worship

Perhaps watching the young and hip Will Smith constantly outfoxing his parents and pulling off one scheme after another under the nose of his father sets the new role model for kids today during the heyday of “Fresh Prince of Belair”. What is defined today as family hour TV with hits like “How I met your mother” or “That 70’s Show” portraying the parents in their younger years as drugged fools, boorish oafs, or promiscuous fornicators constantly seeking the next party gives kids an idea of the kind of character that is acceptable in society today? If it does, won’t children emulate this kind of behavior when they come of age thinking that this is normal?

Transforming lives

From the 1930’s on, divorce between the celebrities’ even deaths and controversies over alleged sex parties, drugs, and alcohol fueled the gossip and then eventually influenced the masses. In the movies rebellion against society was a constant theme. Dustin Hoffman goes to bed with his bride’s own mother in “The Graduate” what a great way to contemplate what career to pursue after graduating college just hop into bed with an older married woman! Who could possibly forget “Irreconcilable Differences (1984) where the child takes charge, becomes the authority figure, and supersedes the will of the imbecilic parents? Is this not a reoccurring theme that Hollywood has delivered for decades that somehow kids are smarter than adults and we should listen to them?


Defying Authority

The much revered James Dean in the movie “Rebel Without a Cause” considered to be ahead of its time and an icon of the troubled youth of each successive generation portrays misfit teenagers all facing the malevolent peer pressure and delinquency run rampant resorting to a series of actions that lead to the death of a friend. Is this the way most teenagers end up today or is it a subliminal roadmap for the fate of our youth as it seems in Hollywood in that strange vacuum of existence there lies an irrefutable pattern of disaster lying in wait for all young men and women privileged enough to exist in the modern troubled western society of today?

The new norm

These are merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of influential realms of entertainment with a message that must influence the mind of children and adults while carving their expectations for life as they use the fatalistic methodology of Hollywood’s false heroes to emulate as they forge a living through-out their own confused lives. Lives that have become increasingly disturbed and devoid of lasting marriages and rife with self-destructive behavior. It has all become acceptable to get drunk, to sleep around, to do incredibly stupid things that would have been looked down upon a short time ago, yet have somehow become a constant page in the news that accompany such headlines as “Another Hazing Death” “Child Commits Suicide in Front of Classmates” “Teen Drug Use on the Rise” “Teen Pregnancy Becomes The Norm”. If the tragic headlines of self-destruction are not enough for us why not just tune into to another episode of “Jack Asses” and watch the idiotic death defying as well as repugnant behavior of dim wits who have somehow managed stardom over sandwich bagging feces they collected off the street!


Lon Chaney Jr. (The Wolfman) once complained that he and many of his contemporaries in the old Universal Pictures horror movies like Dracula, the Mummy, Frankenstein, and the Invisible Man all played by well-crafted and in many cases Shakespearean actors eventually became buffoons being stereotyped by their roles. Unlike Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney Jr. was able to find acting in many supporting character roles in famous movies to come such as “High Noon” with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly. Termed “Horror” genre those black and white films prove nothing in comparison to the visually arresting blood and gore of “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” “Freddie Kruger” “Halloween” “Chuckie’s Bride” these movies who glamorize the sadistic slaughter of human beings in the hands of their demonic villains being produced by the score. Undoubtedly, this ghastly cinematography has evoked psychotic tendencies in viewers, inspired copy-cat criminal acts, and desensitization to violence that we have seen becoming prevalent in today’s society, but hey it’s amusing, right?

Politics and acting merge

Jane Fonda comes to mind. Daughter of Henry Fonda, who came to embrace the rebellion of the sixties and then tried her hand in politics. Bra burning, protests, and finally visiting a POW camp in North Vietnam, US servicemen brutally tortured, starved, and ill were allowed a bath, some food, and forced to claim in front of cameras for the purpose of Communist propaganda that they were guilty of war crimes anxiously awaited the appearance of the young and well known actress. During the course of the visit in which she posed seated at an anti-aircraft gun with Vietcong guards a slip of paper was secretly passed to her by own of the American pilots shot down several months before.

Public policy

After such supportive gestures as telling the American prisoners that they were indeed guilty and didn’t they feel bad about what they had done? She handed over the secret note she had gotten from a gaunt and mistreated POW. The note contained information intended for the American public and their intelligence channels exposing the fact that they were being beaten, starved, and mentally abused by their Communist captors in violation of the Geneva Convention rules. Thanks to Jane Fonda’s actions the Americans received more beatings even more intense than before and several of the men died. This is the true essence of what Hollywood has brought to the table as we think of President Obama grinning as Director James Cameron lectures the public on global warming. This specialist in fiction suddenly becomes an authority just as Hollywood deplores President Trump, this is the entertainment world’s portrayal of modern day patriotism, a laughable if not tragic irony.



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