Classic Post. Upsized info overload, all neatly put in one place. awesome.
Part 8
04 - Drink Reverse Osmosis (Fluoride Free) Water ONLY!
NO PURCHASED BOTTLED WATER PERIOD! WE MUST REMOVE THE FLUORIDE! Install a 2 stage R/O fluoride removing counter top or 5 stage under sink R/O fluoride removing water filter with a line (if possible) to the refrigerator water and ice and add shower filters (they don't remove fluoride but everything else) for each bathroom. ALWAYS carry your own home filtered water in a BPA free container.
Must Watch Videos:
Dr. Paul Connett - Toxic Tapwater, The Fluoride Deception, Fluoridation - At Any Cost - Part 1 of 3, Fluoride, Aspartame and Population Control, Tapped (trailer), The Disappearing Male, Iodine - The Most Misunderstood Nutrient.
Search, read and learn at:,, and then buy "American" online.
Boycott bottled water until it is all Fluoride & BPA free! Find the best water filters HERE
Check how toxic your bottled water is HERE
05 - Prevent and reverse Cancer! Eat Certified USDA 100% Organic and Raw Foods ONLY (NO Toxic Irradiated Food, GMO’s or Corexit/Mercury Infested Seafood)
Shop at Whole Foods or other ORGANIC supermarkets and buy from your local organic farmers/gardeners market on the weekends. Better yet, grow your own! Search, watch, read and learn at:,, and
Must Watch Videos:
Everything you have to know about Dangerous Genetically Modified Food, The World According to Monsanto,Food Matters, GMO Trilogy - Unnatural Selection, Hidden Dangers in Kids Meals, Processed People, The Future of Food, Food Inc. (trailer), A Silent Forest, Patent for a Pig, Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Threat of Food Irradiation and Live Viruses, Farmed Salmon Exposed, Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days (trailer), World Without Cancer – The story of Vitamin B 17, The Gerson Miracle, Run from the Cure: Cannabis Cancer Cure, A Cow At My Table, Earthlings, PETA Meet your Meat animal cruelty.
Search Non-GMO Shopping Guide.
BOYCOTT ALL (even organic) COWS MILK TILL WE GET RAW MILK BACK! Buy ORGANIC (no sugar) Almond, Hemp or Rice Milk instead, it's delicious! NEVER EVER DRINK TOXIC SOY MILK!
06 - Use Glass or Non Gender Bending (turns boys into girls) BPA Free Plastic Products ONLY
Shop on land and online for BPA (Bisphenol A) free products. Carry your own fluoride free filtered water in BPA free reusable water bottles. Store foods in glass with BPA free lids. If you must use plastic check the bottom for codes 1, 2, 4 and 5 only! Search, and learn at:,,
Must Watch Videos:
The Disappearing Male, Addicted To Plastic, Tapped (trailer).
Boycott all toxic aluminum and plastic containers and plastic wrap
07 - Use Non Toxic Kitchen (NO Nutrient Destroying Microwave Ovens) and Cookware Products (NO Poisonous non stick coatings or aluminum)
In simple terms, microwave ovens change the molecular structure of food with radiation. If manufacturers would have more accurately called them “radiation chambers” it’s doubtful they would have ever sold one, but that’s exactly what a microwave oven is. When food is irradiated the radiation breaks up the molecular structure of the food and creates a whole new set of chemicals known as “unique radiolytic products” (URPs). These URPs include benzene, formaldehyde and a host of known mutagens and carcinogens. Irradiation kills vitamins, friendly bacteria and enzymes in food, and effectively renders the food “dead” and therefore useless to your body.
Shop for the best convection ovens and non-toxic ceramic coated cookware products. Search Dr. Mercola's and Mike Adam's website and read the Microwave and PFOA warnings!
Must Watch Videos:
Radiation from Microwave Oven (Electromagnetic Radiation), The Dangers of Using Microwaves, Microwave Cooking is Killing You.
Boycott all nutrient killing microwave ovens and toxic PFOA generating non stick cookware.
08 - Use Non Toxic Organic Laundry, Bath, Makeup and Personal Care Products.
Many of the so-called "organic" product companies are frauds. They put the word "organic" or "natural" in their company name or product names, but in reality, they're using cheap, low-grade, contaminated ingredients that actually promote cancer. 25% or more of the slow poisons entering your body comes from this UNREGULATED group of fake "green washed" products. The FDA does not require cosmetics products to be approved as safe before they are sold, companies can put unlimited amounts of toxic (lead in lipstick, mercury in mascara, etc.) chemicals in cosmetics.
Shop "American" and organic online (100% safe companies include: Dr. Bronner's, Burt's Bees, Desert Essence, Dr. Hauschka, EO, TerrEssential, Zia Fresh, Avalon Organics). Check all products for toxicity at (environmental working group). Look for the USDA certified organic seal, it is currently the best way to protect yourself from cancer-causing chemicals. Read ingredients labels, and avoid all consumer care products made with the following ingredients (or words in the ingredients): Myreth, Oleth, Laureth, Cateareth (or other "eth"), PEG, Polyethylene, Polethylene Glycol, Polyoxyethylene, Oxynol, Xynol.
Must Watch Video: Coming Clean Natural Cosmetics Organic Body Care Campaign.
Boycott all non organic laundry, bath, makeup and personal care products including Jason brand of products, 365 brand, Kiss My Face, Earth Friendly Products, Alba, Method, Giovanni, Nutribiotics, Hello Kitty Bubble Bath, Huggies Baby Wash, Johnson's Baby Wash, Scooby-Doo Bubble Bath, Sesame Street Bubble Bath, Clairol Herbal Essences Shampoo, Olay Complete Body Wash and many other personal care products."
09 - Avoid Cancerous Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) Radiation
Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Power Lines, Wi-Fi routers, Compact Fluorescent Lights, ALL X-rays, Microwaves (Ovens), Mammograms, CAT and Truck and Airport Naked Body Scanners (Please request an "OPT OUT"!).
This would represent approx. 17,500 cases in America and climbing.
Must Watch Videos:
Cell Phone War, Panorama Wi-Fi Warning, Dirty Electricity Dangers of Fluorescent Bulbs, Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution, Generation Cellphone, Dr. Nick Begich – What You Don't Know: Cellphones 1 of 3, Dr. Charlie Teo - part 1 and 2, WiFi in schools proven dangerous, The Dangers of Using Microwaves, Microwave Ovens - The Hidden Hazards, Diabetes and Electrosensitivity,, Comparing "Smart" Meter RF Emissions to Cell Phones, Invisible Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation.
Search, watch, read and learn at: (for the safest phones),,,,Center for Electrosmog Prevention and Smart Meter Dangers
Boycott and protest any attempt to install a smart meter or microwave cell tower near (300m) your home. Keep your cell phone away from your head (use texting or speakerphone to prevent BRAIN CANCER!) and internal organs and tissues (never put it under your pillows or in your front pockets!). Use a hard wire instead of Wi-Fi when possible and install dirty electricity filters in your home and workplace.
10 - Switch to LED (white or clear) lighting ONLY
NO COMPACT FLUORESCENT (Emits Cancerous X-Rays, Brain Disrupting UV EMF's and contain Deadly Mercury, Phenol, Naphthalene and Styrene).
Must Watch Videos:
Dirty Electricity's Rays of Rash, Dirty Electricity Dangers of Fluorescent Bulbs, Health Effects of Fluorescent Bulbs, Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: The Truth.
Search, watch, read and learn at:,, and
Boycott all toxic CFL light bulbs - use clear or white LED's ONLY!
11 - Never Eat ANY Fast Food
All fast food contains addictive, neuron killing MSG, obesity causing, toxic mercury and glutaraldehyde (burns holes in your stomach) contaminated high fructose corn syrup/sugar (HFCS), cancer causing acrylamides, silly putty plastic type fillers, MSG based Meat Glue (transglutimase) and many more poisons! You get VERY Fat, Sterilized, Stupid, Organ Damage and Toxic Diabetes while you DIE SLOWLY PIECE BY PIECE! (source) Search, read and learn at:, and
Must Watch Videos:
Supersize Me, The Dangers of MSG - pt 1, 2a, 2b, 3, Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days (trailer).
Search WWW.truthinlabeling.ORG
Boycott all Fast Food period!
12 - Never Take ANY Vaccine, Inoculation or Flu Shot.
The BIGGEST MEDICAL FRAUD IN HISTORY! You get Brain Damage, Sterilized, Immune System Damage, Chemically Lobotomized and SLOW (SV40) CANCER.
Must Watch Videos:
The Origin of AIDS, Polio Vaccine -The Smoking Gun, House of Numbers, The Other Side of AIDS,Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS, HIV=AIDS: Fact Or Fraud, Vaccine Nation, In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism, Preventing Gardasil Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Barbara Loe Fisher, Dangers of Vaccines - Part 1 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Flu and Flu Vaccines: What’s Coming Through That Needle, Autism - Made in the USA, Robert F Kennedy Jr. - Shocking Vaccine Cover-Up, Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda - Dr. David Ayoub M.D., Selective-Hearing Autism caused by MMR SHOT, 60 minutes 1979 - 1976 SWINE FLU VACCINE WARNING, Mexican Swine Flu Outbreak 2009 SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz, VVH-TV News Special Report on PLUM ISLAND, Under Our Skin (Lyme Disease).
Search, read and learn at:,,,,
Boycott all Vaccines!
13 - Avoid ANY Toxic Pharmaceuticals or Over the Counter Drugs
You won't ever need them if you do the first 12 steps!
Search, read and learn at:, and If you need help, see a Nutritionist or Naturopathic Doctor (ND).
Must Watch Videos:
Generation RX, The Marketing of Madness: The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs, Big Bucks, Big Pharma - Marketing Disease - Pushing Drugs, Selling Sickness Pharmaceutical Drugs, ADHD – Epidemic or Fraud, We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom, Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging,Prescription for Disaster, - Episode 1 - Pharmaburger.
Boycott all non Naturopathic Doctors, Find one at
14 - Never Join the Military
The MOST DEADLY, TOXIC and DANGEROUS JOB! You become a Human Guinea Pig for military radiation, chemical and germ warfare that destines you to a life of pain, disease, mental problems, chronic illness and premature death.
Must Watch Videos:
Beyond Treason: Depleted Uranium & Anthrax Vaccines, Depleted Uranium – The Ultimate Dirty Bomb, Poison Dust - Health Consequences of Depleted Uranium, Gulf War Syndrome - Killing our Own, Military Secret Shots,The Enemy is at Home.
Search, read and learn at:, and
Boycott the Military
15 - Remove and Replace TOXIC Mercury Amalgam Fillings and Deadly Root Canals with Non Metallic Porcelain Fillings and Zirconium Implants (NO metals or plastic BPA resins)
Mercury lowers IQ, damages brain tissue and internal organs and "Dead Teeth" harbor toxic bacteria that generate lifelong disease. Use an IAOMT mercury-free, Holistic or Biological Dentist when necessary.
Must Watch Videos:
60 minutes – Is there Poison in Your Mouth, BBC Panorama – Poison in the mouth, Amalgam fillings in your mouth are poisoning you part 1, Quecksilber - The Strange Story of Dental Amalgams, Rooted, University of Calgary - How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration, Mercury Autism, The Mercury Amalgam Conspiracy.
Search, watch, and read at:,, and, root canal toxins.
Boycott all Dentists that use mercury or fluoride!
16 - Stock Up on Food, Water and Supplies
The rapidly approaching financial collapse of the U.S. dollar will most likely be preempted by A NEW STAGED ATTACK BLAMING SOMEBODY with VALUABLE RESOURCES or without a "CENTRAL BANK" (North Korea, Lybia, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Venezuela) COVER WAR in order to grab more land, oil, etc.
and boost the profits and presence of our military/security/intelligence (Police State) sector of the economy.
The Global Banking Mafia controlled government will use the fake crisis to create an excuse to declare martial law in the U.S.
Part 7
What Can We Do To Stop Them? - (The Protests)
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Global Peak Oil (Survival of the Richest with Oil) = The 3000 pound elephant in the room that few, in my humble opinion, want to acknowledge is the arrival of the tipping point for modern civilization - Global Peak Oil. This is the point in time when HALF of all the cheap, easy to extract oil in the world has been used up. From now on there will be less of it ever year and progressively harder to find, extract and refine.
Despite Oil Industry denials and red herrings (aboitic, bakken shale, biofuels, etc.), dozens of independent scientists have confirmed we have now reached the point of no return. Global Oil Production peaked in 2008 at around 87 million barrels per day. It plateaued for a couple of years and has now slowly begun the irreversible decline.
We are now on the down side of the global peak oil bell curve and no amount of accounting fraud, new discovery or alternate fuel production will prevent the decline. We are currently using 5 barrels for every 1 we produce and the demand is increasing exponentially. This is the one thing the Global Banking Mafia cannot control and the main stream media is forbidden to cover.
Due to the oil intensive industrial revolutions in China, India, Africa and other emerging countries there are now to many straws in the margarita! That means there is not going to be enough oil in the very near future for these other countries to grow into industrial giants like the United States. Thanks to the Internet these once hidden truths are now dawning on the rest of the world. There is going to be much more fighting for control of the remaining deposits.
Their documented global plan in progress is to deregulate certain industries (Banking, Biotech, etc.) to allow them to wipe out financially (deregulation, derivatives and fraud) and physically (starvation, contamination and sterilization) as many countries as possible to destroy demand and save their precious remaining oil supplies... THIS INCLUDES US! I REPEAT, THIS MEANS AMERICA! The first permanent OPEC oil shocks will hit by 2012 through 2015.
After that, skyrocketing oil and food prices will slowly grind the world economy to a crawl. Millions - BILLIONS on the edge of life will perish. America is being sold off piecemeal in a Federal fire sale of our profitable infrastucture to the Rothschild Banking Network and the Global Banking Mafia are cashing in their chips, selling off the slot machines and poker tables and heading out of "dodge" to the next country that's stupid or desperate enough to take their counterfeit money. History does repeat itself. Think Germany, Russia, Argentina, Yugoslavia, etc. To make things worse, we ignored all the warnings and are NO WHERE NEAR any "plan B" on the scale we need NOT to get thrown back to life before plentiful oil. We have less than 2 years to prepare.
We must act NOW to detoxify our chemically ravaged bodies, protect our health, stock up on supplies and save our financial futures while we prepare to survive and adjust to this painful transition. It may seem overwhelming (just follow this guide!) but America has been through far worse! We can do this!
* I had to deduct 5% from Alex Jones (nobody's perfect) for not understanding this well documented geological FACT as the hidden reason the ultra sleazy rich and their minions of useful idiots need to sterilize and kill most of us gas guzzling useless eaters very soon. In my humble opinion, it's the most critical piece of the puzzle. Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe I misread the situation. Please, for God's sake, verify everything for yourself.
Or you can click your heels 3 times and PR. Lindsey Williams will magically appear and tell you another dead "oil buddy" story of endless fossil fuels until you fall asleep again...
Must Watch Videos:
There's No Tomorrow, Oil Smoke and Mirrors, A Crude Awakening, The End of Suburbia, Arithmetic Population and Energy, Crash Course - Global Peak Oil, Agenda 21 for Dummies.
Search Peak Oil The Numbers.
What I discovered changed my life forever and after triple checking hundreds of mind-boggling facts and life changing claims Internet sensations Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jeffrey Smith and many others have reported on over the last four years, I finally pieced the really BIG picture together.
What I learned was the painful truth about the diabolical Rothschild Zionist global central banking ponzi scheme systematically raping the planet's oil, gas, gold, land and other critical resources with their intentionally created terrorism, wars and financial collapses and their post war/collapse predatory capitalism.
I also uncovered a bold and blatant Nazi inspired global eugenics program to destroy the public demand for the irreplaceable military industrial complex oil and other critical war mongering resources by depopulating most of the planets "inferior" humans by slowly and intentionally poisoning their air, soil, food, medicines and water.
Their latest deadly scam is conducting eco-terrorism with tectonic weapons by using HAARP antennas for the manipulation of global weather for profit and to stage worldwide "natural" disasters to bring about their version of end times to scare people into their plans (see NASA project Blue Beam).
"We have discovered that the military in the east and west has developed new technologies which could attack the planet and transform it into a weapon itself! This technological process is by no means controlled by the public. Moreover these technologies can be used everywhere on the planet as plasma weapons, weather wars and geo-engineering."
- Claudia von Werlhof, Professor of Political Sciences and Women's Studies at Innsbruck Austria.
Despite being blind to global peak oil and soft on the Zionist connection, Alex Jones was and is right about one thing - The War on Terror is a War on Liberty. It's an elaborate Global Banking Mafia sponsored mainstream media enforced lie intended to scare the freedom out of us and slowly bring about a long planned One World Government.
The current "War on Terror" is just the latest version of manufactured fear in a long line of contrived wars (remember the "War on Communism"?) against false flag (staged) terrorism routinely engineered by corrupt banker owned governments and their military/intelligence agencies around the world to maintain perpetual wars to stay in business and enrich the Global Banking Mafia (central bank network) that supply the money (at interest) to both countries to fight them.
The corrupt Bankers, Corporations, Governments and their Militaries have been scaring, robbing, poisoning and killing millions of innocent people for power, oil and war profit for a very long time and have used the corporate controlled main stream media and Hollywood to distract the public and cover up their tracks.
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
- David Rockefeller (1915- ) International billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateral Commission, New World Order Godfather. June 1991 Bilderberger Meeting, Baden Germany.
If you don't read and understand the information revealed in this 21st century survival guide and you accidentally fall for one of their many carefully cultivated illusions, you may be broke, sick or dead in the very near future!
As bitter a red pill it was to swallow (his delivery still drives me nuts!), Alex Jones is right on the money! This all American, southern Christian, family man has become the unlikely lighthouse of truth for millions of victims of banker sponsored, government sanctioned medical tyranny and financial terrorism in the last century.
He can also be a loud and bombastic modern day Paul Revere that sometimes delivers the brutal truth so over the top you just want to slap your laptop and turn him off - But you can't - Because if you stay calm and make the effort to look up for yourself (use this guide and save four years!) what sounds like crazy talk, you will understand he's just a hyper active, red blooded American obsessed and at times possessed with exposing and sharing the hidden truth.
And the hidden truth is that all of our country's problems started in 1913 with the installation of the American branchof the Global Banking Mafia's privately owned World Central Bank Network called the Federal Reserve and IRS and its total control and manipulation of our monetary system and illegal income tax collection ever since.
Since 1913 the Global Banking Mafia's tentacles of greed have spread out to create corrupt foundations, politicians, and corporations that wrapped their toxic coils of profit and deceit around every aspect of our lives...
And as they squeezed our liberties to death with intentionally created fear they slowly and deliberately poisoned our bodies and minds until we were so fat, sick, sterile and dumbed down we couldn't fight back.
The documented facts are crystal clear, 93% of Americans are totally polluted with over 200 persistent, bio-accumulative cancerous toxins by design! From cradle to grave for more than a century, banker controlled Corporate America and the Military have been illegally using Americans as human guinea pigs, bio-hazard waste containers and filters for their expensive to dispose of toxic waste and deadly industrial byproducts while making a profit!
Luckily, hundreds of honest, independent scientist, researchers and journalist (Alex is the loudest!) around the world have uncovered documented proof confirming that for decades dozens of Global Banking Mafia controlled corporations and the Military have been secretly recycling their toxic waste back into our soil, food, water, air, medicines andmilitary ammunition (i.e. aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium, sulfur, carbon black, lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium, plutonium, mercury, PCB's, antibiotics, dioxins, coal tar derivatives, fluoride, bromine, chloramines, etc.) while making a profit!.
Greedy corporate polluters have been getting away with these sickening, treasonous crimes by installing influential corporate moles in many high level government agencies (FDA, USDA, EPA, etc.) and bribing (campaign contributions) elected politicians to pass ridiculous EPA laws with loopholes that allow corporations to SELL THEIR TOXIC SEWAGE AND RADIOACTIVE INDUSTRIAL WASTE to use as FERTILIZER for our FOOD SUPPLY and to put in our TAP WATER!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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