Its not fear its lack of the public's and infowarriors understanding of what the military ind complex, NWO and C&C structure is up to. This flu is as worrisome as any other airborne influenza, What I'm worried about is what the psychos in gov are planing and doing.
We're now on a ticking time bomb of disaster, this Bio event is not going to stop they are in the beginning stages of implementation of physical martial law. The current "swine flu" is the opening scene of the NWO culling and control event. Think about it now is the time ... Obama can only lose his credibility and support from here on out. Theres not much more that the NWO has to put into place to pull the trigger.
Concern is not irrational for the situation presented, I'm watching this closely for one reason. The response of the people enforcing and implementing tyranny.
TLS, To get a picture of the governments devious plans, see Massachusetts Senate Bill 2028, section 12, Among other emergency powers, "(d) Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of such person to the tuberculosis treatment center. No law enforcement authority or medical personnel shall be held criminally or civilly liable as a result of an act or omission carried out in good faith in reliance on said order.".
GIT-R-DONE wrote "I agree James. This is both a conditioner & a red herring. I'm more worried about what Obamanation is doing behind our backs while he has us distracted."
You mean apart from appointing industry shills to run America Inc, Shiftybama has in the works, plans to bring the complete collapse of civil society by a series of unfortunate events.. After the collapse, the vampires will take command and convert the world to slave labor.
The most telling of the NWO plan is
"Rob Kall is reporting the following:
I just spoke to a friend who knows someone who is trying to get out of the military because they are training returning troops for riot control to take over US cities and he doesn't want to be a soldier dealing with US citizens. On top of that, these returning Iraq vets are burned out and "fried" with PTSD and exhaustion. And he doesn't want to pick up arms against his own country.
This same source says the military is setting up a separate communication system. In the military, securing or taking out communications is one of the first steps. If you are an invader, you need to bring your own communication system because you have to assume that the existing system will be destroyed or compromised. "
This may sound alarmist, but not don't anything is the worst of the options. Understand, Plan, and
Resist the New World Order.
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