'I just f***ing killed someone and it was ahmazing': The sick diary entries of teen who strangled and stabbed neighbor, aged 9 Alyssa Bustamante was 15 when she killed Elizabeth Olten in 2009 She wrote: 'As soon as you get over the "ohmygawd I can't do this" feeling, it's pretty enjoyable... Kay, I gotta go to church now' Olten's mother called killer 'not even human' at hearing on Monday
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:45 AM on 7th February 2012
A Missouri teenager who admitted stabbing, strangling and slitting the throat of a young neighbor girl wrote in her journal on the night of the killing that it was an 'ahmazing' and 'pretty enjoyable' experience – then headed off to church with a laugh.
The words written by Alyssa Bustamante were read aloud in court Monday as part of a sentencing hearing to determine whether she should get life in prison or as little as ten years for the October 2009 murder of her neighbor, 9-year-old Elizabeth Olten, in a small town west of Jefferson City.
Bustamante, 18, sat silently – occasionally glancing at those testifying about her, often looking down or to the side – as law enforcement officers, attorneys and forensics experts read aloud her inner most thoughts that she had recorded as a 15-year-old high school sophomore.
The most poignant part of Monday's testimony came when a handwriting expert described how he was able to see through the blue ink that Bustamante had used in an attempt to cover up her original journal entry on the night of Elizabeth's murder.
He then read the entry aloud in court:
'I just f***ing killed someone. I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they're dead. I don't know how to feel atm [at the moment]. It was ahmazing. As soon as you get over the "ohmygawd I can't do this" feeling, it's pretty enjoyable. I'm kinda nervous and shaky though right now. Kay, I gotta go to church now...lol.'
The journal entry was presented to the judge not long after Elizabeth's mother and other relatives pleaded with Cole County Circuit Judge Pat Joyce to impose the maximum sentence.
Bustamante pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and armed criminal action last month and faces at most a sentence of life in prison with a chance for parole. The least she could get is 10 years.
Elizabeth's mother, Patty Preiss, described her daughter as 'happy, little girl,' when she left her home about 5 p.m. after begging to go play with Bustamante's younger sister.
Preiss said she told Elizabeth to be back for dinner at 6 p.m. but never saw her again.
'So much has been lost at the hands of this evil monster,' Preiss tearfully said, with Bustamante sitting several feet away. 'Elizabeth was given a death sentence and we were given a life sentence.'
With Bustamante looking at her, Preiss said: 'I hate her, I hate everything about her.' The judge cut off her testimony when she described Bustamante as 'not even human.'
FBI agents seized the journal from Bustamante's bedroom during a search of her family's home the day after Elizabeth went missing as hundreds of volunteers scoured the rural area around St. Martin's.
Bustamante suggested to FBI and the Missouri State Highway Patrol officials that the girl had probably been kidnapped and that whoever had done so deserved to be convicted.
At one point, law enforcement officers discovered a hole in the ground in the shape of a shallow grave near Bustamante's home.
They testified that Bustamante acknowledged digging it but said she just liked to dig holes. It was only later that Elizabeth's body was found concealed under leaves in another grave in the woods behind the Bustamante home.
At a hearing in 2009, Missouri State Highway Patrol Sgt. David Rice testified that the teenager told him 'she wanted to know what it felt like' to kill someone.
Defense attorneys Monday highlighted Bustamante's troubled childhood as part of their argument about why she should receive leniency. They referred to numerous references in her journal in the two months before the murder, describing her suicidal feelings and the urge to hurt herself and others.
At one point Bustamante had written that she intended to burn down a house and kill all the occupants, but she never followed through with that.
On Oct. 14, one week before Elizabeth's slaying, Bustamante had written that she was unable to use her cell phone because the charger had died, which meant she couldn't talk to anyone about the depression and rage she was feeling.
'If I don't talk about it, I bottle it up, and when I explode someone's going to die,' she wrote in a journal that was read to the court by her defense attorney, Charlie Moreland.
Prosecutors said Bustamante plotted Elizabeth's death, even digging two holes to be used as graves, then attended school for about a week while waiting for the right time to kill.
Hundreds of volunteers searched for two days for Elizabeth before her body was found.
Juvenile justice officials testified at an earlier hearing that Bustamante had attempted to commit suicide in 2007 and had been receiving mental health treatment for depression and cutting herself.
On a now-defunct YouTube page in her name, one of Bustamante's hobbies were listed as 'killing people'.
A few weeks before the murder she tweeted: 'This is all I want in life; a reason for all this pain
The victim's mother called the teen, seen here in 2009, 'less than human' at the sentencing hearing
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2097307/Alyssa-Bustamante-s...
now I am really confused..psychotics include many disorders, right? not just psychopaths?
and the statement is especially relevant because I recently likened another forum, which is very toxic to a 'psych ward that is contagious'
I believe the studies found in the book Political Ponerology which indicat that psychotics represent 10-12% of the population but most are functional psychotics meaning that they have the ability to supress their bloodier instincts in favor of self preservation when necessary. The charisma of such people tends to engender psychotic like tendencies in the people around them though.
They have found 2 factors in most psychopaths..genetics and environment. Some people have genetic potential but because of good environment, it never manifests. Some people have potential, and combined with abuse in their childhood, it manifests clearly.
this video outlines it well
It is no wonder that the US is so messed up as evidenced by the numerous crime statistics that tend to prove this. We are fed lies and falsehoods from our earliest memories( Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny???) We are babysat by barney, sesame street and tele-tubbies while forced to work two or more jobs just to cover the ever increasing cost of living that TPTB continue to manipulate into an ever downward spiraling tempest of debt slavery. We spend most of our lives in indoctrination centers called schools, taught whatever curriculum happens to be en vogue with the upper echelon. Images of death and disaster fill our airwaves and our minds, FEAR is the most common emotion vibrating through our society and psyches.
Right ! see this: Social Environment Contributes to Crime Kill the tube!
...Crime and international comparisons
A comparison of crime rates among various nations indicates that social environments strongly influence criminal behavior.
For instance, the homicide rate for young whites in the U.S. has been six times the rate for all races combined in France. And the rate has been twenty times the total homicide rate in Japan.
A similar phenomenon is seen in regard to Hispanics. The incidence of juvenile delinquency among Puerto Rican youth in New York City is far higher than that of their peers in Puerto Rico.
Overall, murder rates in the U.S. have been between three and twenty times those of other industrialized countries.
Even Canada's murder rate is only about a fourth of the levels experienced by its next-door neighbor to the south. For homicides committed by youth, the U.S. rate has been as much as ten times the Canadian levels.
Rates of robbery, burglary, rape, and other serious crimes are also generally much higher in the U.S. than in other industrialized nations.
Because genetic differences among human populations are miniscule, it's not surprising that environmental factors have been correlated with crime.
I agree, Maria, and like I said, the ones allowing this stuff to permeate the minds of their kids shoulder a great share of the blame. I used to plop my kids in front of the tube and think nothing of it...until I woke up and had to fight tooth and nail to ween them from their electronic nanny. Most adult/parents seems to be just as glued to the nanny box as many children are. It is sad that so many people live their lives hypnotized by the TV and rarely make conscious decisions base on thought and consideration. It seems like damn near everything a person does is a subconscious response to subconscious stimuli.
Well TommyD you may be right about American media exploiting these stories ad infinitum and beyond but few societies make the Celebration of Violence their daily info/entertainment-bread like Amerika does
@ Shiva....I concur 100%
I know from personal experience, if it were not for the soothing and relaxing effects of maryjane....quite a few more coffins would be filled...I was an angry youth.
Is it that America has more of these types or is it that the American media runs these stories ad naseum? I blame the media in part but I also blame the ones allowing this stuff to infiltrate the minds of our youth and create the wrong thinking in the first place. There is an off switch on EVERY electronic device.
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