Ian McKellen’s Gandalf; Defecator on the Bible, - gives new meaning to; “Lord of the Rings”...

"I got delivered a package of 40 of those pages—Leviticus 18:22—that had been torn out by a married couple I know. They put them on a bit of string so that I could hang it up in the bathroom". Ian McKellen.

Defecators of the Bible

     It would be fair to say that the follow scenarios aren’t necessarily a regular occurrence, though nor was the actions of such people like Caligula, Hitler or Pol Pot, and my reason of sharing these repulsive stories with you, is so you can understand there are many a lunatic out there mingling among us, - though there are even many more other “normal” people whom too seem to get a kick, or for some deep personal perversion and reasons, or by way of accident, - deface, desecrate and even defecate on the Bible[1][6] or Quran [2], - that they’ve even been made into or used as actual toilet paper, - or there are just other sorts of people whom are simply into acts of urination [11] and defecating [10] in general.

     Like most things I touch on here, I can’t cover it all-so do your own research, check-out the links I’ve supplied and you’ll see for yourself this kind behaviour is quite a common practice among a certain sector in society.  If I didn’t include this additional material and came straight out with the accusation that as part of some secret societies initiation ceremonies and rituals, they partake in defecating or urinating on copies of the Bible, each other or other items and places in general, - then most people would scoff at such an accusation and demand proof at the very least, - and this is why I’ve decided to reveal what I know, and personally have experienced, plus provide the links that prove there’s 1000’s of other cases that back-up my claims. 

     I’v met some very sick-in-the-head people in my time, tough this one fellow surpasses them all, and who called himself ‘Lev’.  Even though he was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, he was in my eyes a psychopath, who should have resided in a mental home and not been allowed to live unattended within society in general, - and at the very least he should have had a ‘care-worker’, which he didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t be pointing out this fact.  It was due to Lev’s actions, that in a sense and without him knowing it, was a contributory factor that helped me to overcome my alcoholism, - and it will be 9 years ago this coming summer I had my last alcoholic drink, - and almost around the same time when this disturbing incident first happened to me.

     Lev was quite convinced he was in fact ‘Lucifer’, the fallen angel, or as like him as you could possibly expect, though he preferred being called ‘Lev’.  He really thought he had huge feathered wings, and at times would and what seemed like hours, imagine he was preening and stroking his invisible [non-existent] wings, - which he’d do whilst talking to you, or watching TV, sitting in a pub or wherever.  He’d been in and out of prisons and hospitals for the best part of his 38 year adult life, - and was covered in scars due to the many fights he had been involved in.  He’s obsession was religion, knives and acts of violence.  He always seemed to carry a copy of the bible and a knife or some sort of other weapon.

     It’s interesting to note that David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam who confessed to killing six people and wounding several others in New York between 1976 and 1977; claimed that he was commanded to kill by a demon who had possessed his neighbour’s dog, and just prior to his arrest police released a psychological profile on the 26th May 1977.  He was described as neurotic and probably suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and believed himself to be a victim of ‘demonic possession’. [7] Berkowitz later amended his confession to claim he was the shooter in only two incidents, personally killing three people and wounding a fourth.  The other victims were killed, Berkowitz claimed, by members of a violent satanic cult of which he was a member.  Years later, - he’s still serving life in prison, as he got 365 years, - he discussed the cult claims in greater detail, but said that he wouldn’t divulge all he knows, as it would put his own family at risk.  The cult had roughly two dozen core members in New York, the “twenty-two disciples of hell.”  The cult had ties across the US, claimed Berkowitz, and was deeply involved in drug smuggling and other illegal activities.  He said: “There are other Sons out there, God help the world.”  [7] [8]

     Lev had said to me he was a member of a ‘secret society’, which proves the abuse of the term ‘secret society’, as it was a ‘gang’, connected to football hooliganism, protection rackets, i.e. debt collecting, and mainly from small time drug dealers, in the guise of being a ‘security firm’.  He said that you could only get into the ‘inner circle’ if you could prove you had killed someone, he didn’t say how, but a conviction and prison sentence for such a crime was suffice for such an honoured membership.

     I met a few of his other ‘crew’ members, who’d addressed each other, as “bad’on”, - as in he’s a ‘bad one’, and in reference to Abaddon = The Destroyer, as mentioned in Freemasonry, and years prior to Dan Browns; The Lost Symbol.  If they addressed themselves, it would be by a letter such as ‘T’, they called me ‘D’, - or numbers, such as 11, 24 or 57 etc, the code was simply the initials of their real, or ‘gang names’, and each initial was in reference to a letter of the alphabet, i.e. 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C etc.

     Lev was a devoted West Ham supporter, and claimed he and his mates organisation was a breakaway division of the Inter City Firm [ICF], and Combat 18 [C18], - and that the name of his then present ‘organisation’ could not be revealed to anyone other than an initiated member.  And again, it appears as if whenever, which was hardly ever, they referred to the name of the ‘group, gang, society or organisation’, it seemed to be like another set of letters and numbers such as; ‘WH15’, and which would have only been a part of the whole number, - and ‘WH15’ here means nothing, as I’ve just used it as an example.

     He said back in them days, there were members of C18 who were either grasses, or undercover old bill [police], though ‘bigged-up’ the ICF, and seemed to mourn for it, saying it was no longer in existence, or what it once was.  He claimed he was mates of Cass Pennant, who wrote on football hooliganism in the 1990s and 2000s.  Who’s also the subject of the film; Cass, [1a] which was released on the 1st August 2008, which is based on the true story of the early life of Pennant, and adapted from his book; Hooliologist [2a] that tells of when he was adopted by an elderly white couple [Cass is black], and brought up in an all-white area of London, and was forced to endure racist bullying on a daily basis, and found through violence the respect he never had, and “...became addicted to the buzz of fighting”. 

     The ICF is [was], an English football hooligan firm mainly active in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, associated with West Ham United.  The name came from the use of Inter-City trains they travalled on for away games. [3]

     Combat 18 [C18], was/is a renown violent neo-Nazi organisation originated in the UK, but today exists in some other countries.  Members of Combat 18 have been suspected in numerous deaths of immigrants, non-whites, - and other C18 members, - such Chris Castle.  The ‘18’ in its name is derived from the initials of Adolf Hitler; ‘A’ and ‘H’ are the first and eighth letters of the Latin alphabet.  Combat 18 members are barred from joining the British Prison Service, and the police. [4] [5]

     C18 was formed in early 1989 by Charlie Sargent, and who was sentenced to life alongside Martin Cross in 1997, and still inside prison today.  Sargent had split with his former C18 colleagues over allegations that he was an informer for MI5/MI6, which led-on to a rival group, fronted by Wilf “The Beast” Browning who wanted Sargent to return to them the C18 membership list. Browning and Chris Castle, arranged a meet-up with Sargent to sort out their problems, when it all turned rather nasty, and it was alleged Martin Cross plunged a nine-inch [22 cm] blade into Castle’s back and which he died of.[5]

     Believe me, you wouldn’t want to be in the same room as Lev and his mates, they were evilly mad, frighteningly crazy, obsessed with guns, knives and violence, - either by hurting someone or being hurt was seen by some of them, as being better than sex or any drugs.  Glassing someone in the face was a favourite, as it was a spontaneous gesture that delivered instant gratification as the sight of blood was immediate, and guaranteed to produce screams of pain from the recipient, followed up with squeals and cries of shock and horror by the onlookers.

     He and his mates worked as a team, and tried to bring me into their fold by intimidation, they would beat someone up really badly in front of me, as in an odd way of trying to tell me if I didn’t do what they told me to do, that’s what would happen to me, - though thankfully it didn’t, as I wouldn’t bite the bait and play their psychological mind-games, and individually I would have most probably done anyone of them.   Though at certain times, it was really odd, as the atmosphere would become so dark and thick, you couldn’t have cut it with a knife, as you would have needed a machete to do so.  It appeared at these times as if I was being eyed up for some kind sacrificial slaying and that any moment they’d rush me, - and start stabbing me to death.

     Lev was a puzzling bloke, as he said he had a deep hatred towards homosexuals, though proclaimed to be bi-sexual, and at many times had a younger lad accompanying him, and what appeared to be more than platonic, as they would often slip off to the bedroom of toilet together, though there was never any mention of anything untoward had happened.  Though it appeared to me something obviously had, though they could have being taking heroin.  But it didn’t bother me, as I don’t have any objections as to how anyone leads their own lives, as long as it doesn’t encroach on mine.   He had a vile habit by sniffing the air, and saying; “Ah mum, is that Shit’o I can smell...” and then roar in fits of insincere laughter, and expecting those around him to find it equalling amusing.  It was a send-up of the “Ah...Bisto” gravy advert.

     He told me, that part of his initiation into his ‘secret society’, was that members were encouraged to deface the Bible and the Koran, as it would prove they had no allegiance to those religions.  The initiate had to at the very least spit on a copy or copies of these books the ‘Worshipful Governor’ had holding out in front of them.   Then following up from what was required from the initiate as part of his initiation, - the others members would then ‘bond’, as some would then get hold of these books and rip out pages of them setting them alight.  Others would open them up, and rustle-up the largest and thickest ball of mucus-like phlegm and gob it straight onto the pages.  And it was normally after these initial defacements, they’d then throw them onto the ground and start to piss all over them, with the grand-finale, - which was quite often held under a secluded railway arch, squat or an abandoned lock-up garage etc. – being that they’d take turns on shitting on them.

     If you refused to partake in this type of ceremony, the other members of the gang would kick the shit out of you, or much worst, - as what it means, - the initiate, wasn’t initiated and had witnessed the most sordid, sickening and depraved procedure that the other members of the fold had carried-out, and wouldn’t like him then going about town mouthing it off what he’d witnessed Tom, Dick or Harry doing down the local railway arch on a Saturday night, - and quite often the body would have been found at a squat or wherever, with all the hallmarks that it was suicide – as nothing works wonders like an overdose of heroin.

     Lev had admitted to me he’d been involved in various murders, though never went into fine detail about them, other than telling me he thought he’d killed a man after stabbing him 20 odd times, mainly in the chest and back, - and was only sentenced to 5 years in prison, - for he said it was done in self defence.  The man was almost twice his size, so the judge gave him the benefit of the doubt and ‘believed’ his version of events.  Though Lev admitted to me he did it on purpose and wanted to kill the man, and was convinced he had, and was fuming to soon learn he hadn’t.

     He told me, that as the bloke, - who was also drunk, turned his back on him, he hit him over the head with a vodka bottle and did so until it smashed into pieces, then with the jagged neck remaining, proceeded to stab him in the head and until he collapsed in a state of unconsciousness.  It was then when he proceeded to stab the man in a frenzy using his knife.  Soon after, he, with two other friends helped him remove the body from his flat.  It was only due to the man’s body being discovered, that he was then rushed to hospital, gained consciousness and told the police what happened, and that he knew who did it to him.

     One day I popped around to see Lev, which I did quite regular, and at times stayed-over the night, crashing out on his sofa, - he was in an odd mood and his eyes were as wild as a madman’s, which of course he was.  He had bibles everywhere, at least 80 to 100 and all different sizes and ages, he’d go into churches just to steal their bibles.  He’d liked to recite various chapters, and I must admit he seemed quite fluent in his quotes as he appeared to know them even without a bible to hand, so I used to take the piss out of him by calling him ‘Dot Cotton’, which is the name of a female character in a soap opera here in the UK, called Eastenders.  She’s famous for quoting passages from the bible, and he’d give me a look to kill, when I called him Dot.

     He never used toilet paper, and always used the pages of the bible to wipe his arse, it’s not as if he had a bidet or even a sink in his toilet, so many a guest, - fellow drunks and drug addicts had no alternative but to use the only available paper. 

     In a Q&A interview on the 20th October 2009, by Ian Daly in the Details magazine, [6] - with Sir Ian McKellen, - headed: The legendary British actor on coming out, getting ink, and making the Bible gay-friendly - one copy at a time. Though on the link I provide the title is: Turning the Bible into toilet paper.  - Details: “Is it true that when you stay at hotels you tear out the Bible page that condemns homosexuality?” - Ian McKellen: “I do, absolutely. I’m not proudly defacing the book, but it’s a choice between removing that page and throwing away the whole Bible. And I’m not really the first: I got delivered a package of 40 of those pagesLeviticus 18:22that had been torn out by a married couple I know.  They put them on a bit of string so that I could hang it up in the bathroom.” 

     In 1988, McKellen came out and announced he was gay.  His work has spanned genres from Shakespearean and modern theatre to popular fantasy and science fiction.  He is known to many for roles such as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, and no doubt a title he’s worthy of.  Not that he goes on to say’s he actually wipes his arse on the pages, as he doesn’t, though it’s interesting to read as to why the couple would send them that way, and even more so, why there in his ‘bathroom’, [toilet], perhaps over a drunken dinner one night, he let slip, what he really did with those ripped out pages.  Though equally interesting to me was the name Leviticus, as it seemed to hit a note.

     Lev loved to shock people, and thrived on getting a reaction from them, so his party piece was to put an opened out copy of the bible on the floor, and then shit on it, - and then expect it to remain there in that position, in the middle of the room for the rest of the night, or even a day or two, has had been the case in his own flat, - of course it stunk. 

    I’ve often questioned myself, why did I mix with him, and his like?  Not that I was much better, but I’d never do what he did, but why did I stay?  And the honest answer is, that we were all alcoholics, and drug dependent people that in a sense become co-dependent on helping each other out, - as some days you’d be too ill to go out to the shops and get your much needed alcohol or drugs.   Many borrowed and lent money to each other that went around and around in a circle, one day you’d be skint, when one or two of them were flush and so on.  In my right mind, I would have run a mile, but in my then state, - I remained part of this dangerous world.

     It’s funny really, as I remember asking Lev the origin of his name, I knew Lex, short for Alex, Len, for Lenny, or Rob for Robert, but where did Lev come from?  I’d thought of Levi, and asked him is that what it’s meant to stand for, as we know you can spell ‘evil’ from it. - Yet he’d just smile and wink at you if you asked him that question, - and it’s wasn’t until reading Sir McKellen’s interview, that it’s very likely ‘Lev’ was referring to ‘Leviticus’, and the part of the bible he seemed to be fond of dumping on, could well have been that section, - as to tell you the truth I never quite made a closer inspection.

     One day he broke down in tears, confessing he tried to make his younger brother urinate on the bible, - why or where he got this weird obsession/fetish from, and at such young age [he was 14yrs old], is anyone’s guess, though he had been brought up in care-home most of his life.   He told me when they were younger, they were severely beaten as kids, and he was sexually abused, - whilst both in the care-home and by their alcoholic stepfather at their own home, [though he wasn’t sexually abused by him].  His brother went missing for several days, and was then discovered hanging from a tree over the local park, and at the back of the house where they both once lived.  Local rumours pointed the finger at Lev, saying he had done it to his brother, and made it look like suicide.

     In remember him telling me about the Chris Castle [C18] killing, and how he seemed to relish in explaining how Stone had allegedly thrust a 9” blade into Castle’s back, by whacking his fist into my back, as an example of where the knife had supposedly gone.

     Anyway, a night or two later we fell out as friends, as he decided to do one party trick too many, and ended up shitting on the bible in my front room.  There were about six or so others there at the time, and I was more incensed that he had the audacity to do it in my home, - so I threw him out and told him to fuck off and don’t come back.

     The following night, I was in the bath, I had music playing fairly loud, but not enough to annoy the neighbours.  I lived on a first floor flat, when I heard the smashing of glass downstairs, then seconds on, I heard the crashing of my front door being kicked open.  I at first thought of a police raid, then the bathroom door, that was already ajar, flew wide open and in run Lev.  I’d never seen him look so crazed before, he was literally foaming at the sides of his mouth, he was brandishing a large 8” bladed breadknife, [and had no doubt ripped his house a sunder trying to find a 9” one], he charged straight at me.  I tried getting out of the slippery bath but couldn’t, - as he came raining-down with the knife in a striking blow, but I was able to quickly grab his wrist and fought with him, the tip of the blade cut the top centre of my chest, leaving a one inch scar, it bled a lot, so it looked a lot worse than it was at the time, I’d thought it had gone deeper that it had, - as did he, - I managed to get the knife from him, as it fell down into the bath water and between my legs.

     You have to imagine, it’s really difficult to try and defend yourself when you’re in the bath.  I was lying down in the normal bath position, and he was standing directly aside of my right hand side, so towering over me, though he wasn’t a tall bloke.  I did everything I could to calm him down, when he then broke his grip and staggered back and collapsed onto the lavatory seat directly facing me.  I was still laying/sitting in the bath, fully aware of the knife between my legs and at the bottom of it.

     He then stood up and murmured he was going home, as he passed me he spun back around and lunged at my ankles grabbing both off them and pulling hard on them, - so I slid backwards with my head hitting the back section of the bath and my head going completely under the water.

     It’s a good job I was quite agile and have always been relatively fit and strong, and wasn’t too bad at gymnastics in my teens, so I was able to grab the sides of the bath and lever myself up and sort of threw myself halfway out of the bath, landing on my head and back first, and onto the floor.  He’d let go of my legs, and now put his hands in the bath feeling for the knife.  I grabbed his legs and wrestled him to the floor, - he was snarling like a rabid dog and bit me right on the breast of my chest, he’s face was covered in my blood and we fought for a minute or two longer.  We again broke our grips and he then got up and went into my front room, which was open plan - with my kitchen full of knives! 

     I slipped on my jeans and a pair of shoes, with my white dressing gown on to cover my top half, and that soon got soaked in my blood.  I then went back out to see him, and where he decided to ripped the telephone cord out of the wall, so rendering the phone useless.

     Though he suddenly broke down in tears and fell to his knees in front of me and begged for forgiveness for what he had just done to me, - and then started to plead with me to kill him.  He kept saying he had to die as he was evil, the devil was in him and making him do what he was doing. - He said he’d deliberately let me get the knife off him, hoping I would then strike out and stab him.  I calmed him down, saying he needed help and that he should be in some kind of hospital, - and he tended to agree with me.

     Anyway, what more can I say, I moved away as I knew it wouldn’t be the end of him, he was after all, - mentally disturbed.  Most people would have called the police in my position, but we don’t deal with things like that where I come from.  Recalling that incident, which I haven’t for almost nine years, has made me brake out in a sweat thinking of what the consequences could have been.  Shortly after this event, I heard that Lev had been found dead, some say he took his own life, though I couldn’t say for certain what really might have happened to him. 

     Now you’ve heard what happened to me with Lev, and why, where, and perhaps how they came about their ideas for their initiation, - though why was it they had to display their hatred against those religions in such an outrageous way, is still perplexing to me?  Yet perhaps the likes of Lev and Sir Ian McKellen’s honest confession, as to why he tears out those pages in Leviticus, - brings us that one step closer to solving the reason as to why so many others are taking such offence from these books of religion.

     Apparently the other main reason certain ‘secret societies, clubs or gangs etc., have these kinds of gross forms of initiations, - is so that it helps them develop a strong bond with the others, knowing none of them would dare reveal what any of them had done in secret, and that it worked both ways knowing neither party would blackmail the other, - as they’re equally despicable.

     And in addition to what I’ve already experienced and been told, - I also met an ex Greek fraternal member of the Alpha, Delta, Kappa like group of fraternities, - whom I met when in Thailand where he came from and lives, - back in November 2008, and whose name is Chanarong.  He was working as a waiter at Keith Floyd’s -‘Floyds’ restaurant on the island of Phuket.  I got friendly with Keith Floyd, and met up with his old series presenter David Pritchard who was also out there.

     I was at the early stages of researching this, or I should say; ‘a book’, though more on the lines of what happened on 9/11 in New York 2001.  The big argument was and still is; that if it was an ‘inside-job’, then how do you keep hundreds of people involved quite?  And my counter-argument is this, - it’s because only a ‘few people’ were actually involved in 9/11 and not hundreds, - as why should there be any need for hundreds?

     It only required small cells of secret servicemen, - and that it’s through the indoctrination, including their initiations, oaths, pledges, rituals and ceremonies, that in addition also involves heavy cases of hazing from a young enough age to start the indoctrination process, - and that sometimes results in death, - and what I cover a little further on, - as this is how they can sieve out the wheat from the chaff, and it’s the wheat that gets highly rewarded, as these people get involved so deep, ‘their’ task-masters know 101% they’ll never talk, inform, grass or spill the beans on any covert operation they were ever involved in, - these highly selected people are not you’re kind of kiss-and-tell Andy McNab’s of the SAS.

     These kinds of people know, if anything their entire families would be wiped out if they so much dreamt of exposing anything, - but the indoctrination/brainwashing process of ancient practices are so precise and well proven to the most finite degree, that the setup of the ‘Illuminati’s is so fastidiously and tightly controlled, that it can never happen and never will.  But to get these kinds of ‘special individuals’, takes a lot of sieving, initiations, trials and tests that 99.9% will fail, - leaving only 00.01% to be selected for an elite squad. 


[Beware it's a proper porn site]

     The Good Shepherd is a 2006 spy film directed by Robert De Niro and starring Matt Damon, although it is a fictional film loosely based on real events, telling the ‘untold story’ of the birth of counter-intelligence in the CIA.  The film portrays Yale’s Skull & Bones secret society as powerful organisation, without revealing just how far their tentacles truly reach.  And in an interesting scene it shows the initiation of Damon’s character, ‘Edward Wilson’, - prior to him going on to become a CIA agent, - where he’s ritual involves lying naked and revealing a personal secret, which is a prerequisite of all new ‘bonesmen’, and has many a sexual overtones left to the viewers imagination as to what else he was expected to have participated in and revealed. 

     Though the film tends to incorrectly portray them as being a ‘boys will be boys’ fraternity, who love a bit of old-time barbershop singing, - as there’s no sign of real skulls, bones or the use of blood and other occult rituals such as an altar to the horned gods, - though they do interestingly enough show the initiates wrestling and rolling about in “mud”, whilst being pissed-on by another ‘elder’ member of the brotherhood, - and much to ‘Wilson’s’ objection of being urinated on, - which was more for the viewers sake, in trying to portray his ‘brief’ reluctance to surrender his dignity in the name of subserviencey to the fraternity.  But nevertheless it was good to see this procedure of being pissed on, included as part of the initiation, and can quite understand as to why they didn’t want to go that one step further and see them being defecated on, [10] though subliminally the ‘mud’ wrestling scene is what that is most likely meant to represent.

     I have spoken too and interviewed many nationalities of students both face to face, and via emails in regards to the subject of Greek fraternities and of the problems of ‘hazing-bullying’.  Virtually nearly all of them agreed, that’s exactly what hazing is, - “bullying”, - and far from a good thing, and was the main reason they haven’t joined a Greek fraternity, as hazing only seems to happen to those who belong to such a group or society to begin with.  Chanarong admitted to me he was bullied, [what he termed ‘hazed’], so much so on an American campus in New York, that he left studying and returned home to his family in Bangkok.  He told me that he joined a Greek fraternity there, - and because so many of the ‘societies’ have so similar sounding names such as Delta Chi, Delta Phi or Delta Psi, I will not attempt to specifically name the precise society or group that he told me of, in case I’ve written it down wrongly, and don’t wish to make the mistake of misquoting one group or another, by the matter of a Chi, Phi or Psi.

     What’s worthy of note, is that Chanarong mentioned - that as an initiate he was asked, and the Masonic Knights Kadosh 30th degree involves the pledge of spitting on the Pope; “Would you dare ever spit, urinate or even contemplate defecating on a copy or page of the Bible during initiation, if it meant you’d be revered and rewarded, - are you prepared to do this for the honour of your fraternity, or would you dare not, in fear of bringing our good name into ill repute?”  Now If I hadn’t meant Lev, I might have found this a bit hard swallow, as we know spitting is one kind of thing, urinating [11] is another, and then there’s defecating. [10]

     As we know, all three options are disgusting, though the last two options are beyond disgust, though symbolically to the ‘fraternity’ they’re all meant to be equal to each other, as it’s said, if someone is prepared to spit on the bible, then it’s as bad as the other two alternatives, - the offence is of equal measure.  The initiate, obviously wonders, is this a trick question, and many would wonder how to respond, - and this is the poser, what would happen to the one who took up on the first option, which is to either spit, urinate or defecate, - as opposed to the one who wouldn’t dare do any of them?

     Well in a sense, the answer is they’ll both be treated the same, - however, only one will be put forwarded for a later-on fast track elevation.  The one who refused to do such a repulsive and despicable act will be patted on the back and told what an upright and genuine person of honour and integrity they really are, and how proud they should be of themselves, and what a privilege it is to welcome them into the secret world of their own fraternity.  This new initiate is accepted into the fold, and that is that.  And as this new initiate proudly rises, knowing that in their heart they did the right thing, - and that they too are now ‘one of them’, a member of the brotherhood, a ‘frat-head’ of a secret society, who swore on oath and pledged to be totally allegiant, and until death, - they are quite content thinking they too are now part of the inner sanctum of this elite club. 

     Whilst on the other hand, that gross despicable one, whom may have had one too many brandy’s and lines of cocaine before hand, and decides to defecate upon the holy bible, is looked upon in astonishment and awe, - little do they realise it, but they’re instantly revered and have almost leapfrogged their way through the ranks of the fraternity.  This person is not one of your ‘normal herd’, but world leader potential, a possible candidate to join the elite 2%, as they’ve shown they really do not give a fuck, they have no belief in the bible, and if they do, then they certainly have little regard for it, - they’ve shown their true colours, - and they can be trusted, or at least show early signs as being one who can be fully confided in with the true knowledge and secret agenda of their Order, but only once they have been groomed and indoctrinated into what the Order really wants them to truly become.

     Like Lev, and those who used his toilet, as Sir McKellen might of even done, and many a prisoners in jail at times of need have too used pages from both the Bible and Koran as toilet paper, [1] and have done so for decades, - proves it’s not as uncommon as one might think.

     Though that’s what it’s like throughout the hidden world of secret societies and fraternities, and as a guess you could say 99.9% or more of the overall millions of members are the same as the initiate who wouldn’t dare even contemplate spitting, urinating or defecating on any kind of book, - let alone the Holy Bible!  Yet despite this, they’re still a vital part of this secret society, whom are like oil, that without - the overall body of the worldwide fraternity wouldn’t be able to function properly and come to a grinding halt, and it’s because of all this, - that it’s to the detriment of the remainder of us in society, - us billions of non-members of secret societies, fraternities and clubs, who are leeched upon by these parasitical kinds of people, who occupy the numerous manifold of positions of influence within our open societies, and affect everyone’s everyday lives, as these are the ones I’ve already mentioned, the politicians, civil servants, mayors, councillors, businessmen, bank mangers, academics, teachers, doctors, dentists, policeman, soldiers, priests etc.

     Despite my build up and explanations, this might still seem a bit farfetched to your average person, as I really was born a natural sceptic, - so ask, prod and prey before I am prepared to take something on face value, I don’t like just quick quips and snide comments, without something to back it up.  And as I keep saying, I’m nonreligious, so have no axe to grind in that department, so only write what I think is relevant to the subject in what I’m covering, and as I have personally been told on four separate occasions that involved initiates into secret societies and gangs participating in acts of defecation and urination, then I think it only right I reveal this information, - and that if I’ve been told these details over the course of 20 years or so, by four different unconnected individuals, then it made me wonder how more common this kind of thing might really be.

     A Hells Angels member once revealed to me, that as part of his initiation, known as ‘breaking in his colours’ in reference to his patches, he was pissed-on by all the other gang members, and that the clothes he was wearing when this took place, were to never be washed again, - besides, a favourite thing to do on hot summers day, with no time to stop on the motorway, was to just piss yourself and let them naturally dry.

    In: An Irreverent Look at the Secret and Mysterious World of Leather Clubs written by Robert Davolt.  He talks about the world of leather clubs, sex clubs, and the Hells Angels: “In many small communities they are the leather community.  Clubs are considered a very old-guard establishment.  They are viewed by most as the gay equivalent of Shriners; dressing alike, travelling in groups and seriously over-accessorised.  Like the Shriners they tend to be a tireless source of service and fundraising for community...”

     And goes on to say: “Club initiation rituals are likely to be very, very secretive.  The accounts that I have gathered here have only come to me through tongues loosened through many rounds of bourbon... The rites of passage in today’s leather clubs are as varied as the number of clubs, each member flogs [whips] the pledge and he is required to show off the welts to the crowd at the local watering hole as proudly earned trophies. - Still another makes the final initiation at a club-run or contest where the initiate is to get at least three different men to jack-off on his chest and display the evidence to his pledge-master.”  Once again I chose such an article show you this kind behaviour is far from being farfetched.


     ‘The making of a man initiation’ in the Sambia tribe of New Guinea, initiation plays a vital role in the making of a man.  All boys are forcibly initiated to undergo a process of initiation for a span of ten years.  Initiation rest solely in the hands of the Sambia’s men secret society, and the events that comprise this ritual are unknown to outsiders.  The boys reside together in a secret cult house constructed on a traditional dance ground and made by them during the first-stage initiation.  This cult house is very important to them since it is the beginning and the root for the whole initiation cycle.  During their stay here and through these stages they hold a homosexual status [9].  During the first stage the uninitiated boy’s skin is pierced as a way of discarding any external contamination from women.  The boys are required to engage in heavy nose-bleeding via brutal assault. They are also forced to consume sugarcane to stimulate vomiting and defecation, as a form of cleansing, followed by having to ingest semen, which is considered vital to ignite masculine growth, and strength [9].  I haven’t the room to go on but I’m sure you get the picture.

     As I’ve mention, animal sex is participated by thousands of sick people all around the world, and there are thousands of websites dedicated to this weird obsession.  And the same applies to defection [10] and urination [11], in which far more people participate in, than that of animal sex.  A ‘Golden Shower’, in where a person is urinated on, is common place in millions of relationships, defection does too take place, but isn’t as popular, though still carried out by hundreds of thousands of people.

     I have many friends who have worked in the sex industry for decades, some of the stories would blow your mind, however I’ll keep to this topic.  Some ‘punter’s’, paid good money to be shit or pissed on, even some women paid to have this done to them.  Some would even want to be beaten, punched, kicked and shouted out, telling them how worthless and disgusting they were.

     It’s alleged that Adolf Hitler had many an odd relationship with various women, and that he too was into ‘Demonic lovemaking’, his demands were to be verbally abused, kicked, whipped, urinated and defecated on.

     This kind of thing has become so more accepted, that it’s actually passed over to popular culture in some places.   You have to realise, many people who participate in these kind of ‘crazy party games’, have been drinking alcohol and in other cases, taken drugs as well.  They wouldn’t normally be seen dead doing these kinds of activities, but like I’ve said before, the additional reason to introduce these kind of ‘games’ into your initiations, or secret and private life, is that if one of your ‘flock’, - later on in life try’s to escape the fraternity, or refuses certain demands and requests, - which may be as simply as requiring planning permission to build a housing estate somewhere, then you can ways remind them of what they did in the 5th grade, or at the office Xmas party or stag night, and if you have photo’s of the event, then even better.

     Then there’s a game, that was or still is regularly played on various college campuses and other institutions, innocently called; ‘Musical Chairs’.  It’s played in a similar way as the children’s game of ‘Musical Chair’s’, and whereas you circle a group of chairs whilst music is being played, and as soon as the music stops, you find a chair to sit on, - whereas in this game there’s only ever one chair.

     A person, normally a female, - unless, this kind of thing goes on at one of the clubs Davolt has just mentioned above, - takes a mild acting laxative, or not.  The bottom of a chair is either kicked out, or simply removed, and the ‘shitter’ sits down on it, then the participating group of people, normally men, circle the chair to the sound of playing music, if possible to the Kool & the Gang’s song; ‘Get down on it’, and where they sing ‘Shit down on it’ instead.

     When the music stops, the one standing at the very back of the chair and directly behind the ‘shitter’, then lays down on the floor, placing their heads directly under the seat of the chair, and for a set amount of time, usually around 10 to 15 seconds, - if they’re shat upon, all well and good, if they’re not, then the game continues much in the same vain and until the ‘winner’ or ‘loser’, has their face shat on, [10] and in which at this same time, because the other’s have ‘lost out’ in being shat upon,  they proceed to give him a light kicking as he’s being defecated upon.

 Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World - http://www.trappedinamasonicworld.co.uk

[1] http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=30366

 [2]] http://sheikyermami.com/2009/10/02/use-the-quran-as-toilet-paper-ge...

[1a]^ "Cass". Internet Movie Database. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0954981/.

[2a] ^ "Cass Pennant Author & Hooliologist". casspennant.com. http://www.casspennant.com/.

[3] ^ "Violence at West Ham is proof that hooliganism has never gone away". www.timesonline.co.uk. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article6811451.ece. ....

[4]^ BBC News,"Officer resigns over BNP badge"

[5] Nick Ryan, 'Memoirs of a Street Fighting Man'

[6] Sir Ian McKellen - http://www.dennyburk.com/turning-the-bible-into-toilet-paper/

[7] Terry, Maury (1987). The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America's Most Dangerous Satanic Cult. Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-23452-X.

[8] Martin, Malachi. "An Article on Exorcism". http://www.starharbor.com/fr_martin/exorcism.html.

[9] "Sambia." Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2011 http://milena.27designs.com/

[10] http://collegegirlspooping.com/ [video link].

[11] http://www.rabbitsreviews.com/c25/Peeing.html [video link].

[12] "10 Bizarre Rites of Passage." a href="http://listverse.com/2009/12/28/10-bizarre-rites-of-passage/%3E">http://listverse.com/2009/12/28/10-bizarre-rites-of-passage/>;.

Free copy of Trapped in a Masonic World in PDF format. This book contains numerous expletives, derogatory terms and insults, aimed at many groups, organisations and people in which you could quite likely find yourself being among one or more of those categories. Don‘t try and judge the book by its cover, or should I say title, - as some already have and therefore have assumed there is some kind of... undercurrent racist agenda here within its contents, when in fact you‘ll see it‘s quite the opposite. Though if you are devout in your religious beliefs, whether you‘re Christian, Muslim, Jewish or from any other faith, it might not be your cup of tea, as I'm an agnostic, borderline atheist. - If you're a member of a secret society, a corrupt world leader, MP, policeman, civil servant, - a paedophile or child abuser in general, - then I‘m afraid it‘s highly likely you will find this book extremely abhorrent, very insulting and bad for your blood pressure. So with this in mind I therefore recommend you DO NOT read on any further than this page. - 'Warning Over 18yrs Only' - do share; http://m.friendfeed-media.com/d00495e5f7afc74daa5a6a521aada39c9c52315e

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