That made me laugh out loud, the last sentence. Hey, we're all here for the same reason even though, as can be expected of any diverse group of humans, we have different beliefs about certain things.
The facts still remain. The food is poisoned, NATO, the UN, the IMF, the WTO, WHO and the World Bank are killing humanity, the water sucks, we're polluting the ocean and the government doesn't respond to the needs of the people, and worse, they lie about almost everything. Chemtrails, HAARP, Global Warming, Carbon Credits are also at issue as is this Capitalist Banker fiat money system and taxes are ridiculous. I think we can all agree on these things and that's enough for us to remain friends regardless of the minor details we disagree on.
And there are DEFINITELY people that believe what they hear and read. Millions of 'em just got vaccinated!
Regardless of my beliefs every species has extraordinary value and to say that I defend the elites is intellectually incorrect. While the environmental movement may have been hijacked, as many movements have been, almost all of them, the original tenets and dogma for that movement have extraordinary value and we should all consider the consequences if we don't face resources depletion and environmental degradation squarely, two very real consequences of the existence of humanity.
People do believe everything they read on the internet and they also believe factually incorrect information without checking it. Josh Templeton posted a ridiculous post that stated that people you don't know could spy on you on Facebook, there are 1,000 upon 1,000s of people that believe in Global Warming evidenced by web sites that favor global warming and a year or so ago many web sites popped up espousing that the Swine Flu shot was designed to depopulate the globe and posts to that effect appeared right here. To say, in your words that I am "sadly mistaken that I or anyone else believes everything that is posted on it" is just inaccurate. I never said you did but there is no shortage of people that believe information that is just factually incorrect. None. People habitually believe data because it's seen in print without checking a variety of sources to determine if it's true. It's called being human.
Jeff you are only a couple of years older than I. As if age equals wisdom or something.
Your right about the internet, but, sadly mistaken that I or anyone else believes every thing that is posted on it.
Yes there is pollution, our food sucks and yes we need to clean up a lot of other screwups i.e. wars and imperialism and greedy bankster manipulation that have been attributed to the people of the U.S. but are actually foisted on us by the elites you are so quick to defend.
Stop trying to lecture people and listen to what we are saying before you start spouting off and I will try to do the same.
I think we are standing for many of the same values only from different perspectives and world views.
If you are an athiest as you claim then you probably believe in Darwinism and in that case who cares if species go extinct, right. If evolution is the truth then only the strong will survive and you should be ok with that. Only I suspect you are more an agnostic than an athiest. But what do I know? Anyway at least we can agree on some points and agree to dissagree on the others.
Hey 1811st, thanks for posting the video that did not go up on my original post.
I don't agree with them, as you probably know, or maybe you don't. You might consider I probably wouldn't be here if I did.
That doesn't mean that certain truths aren't a part of our lives here on earth. I'm not certain how old you are. I'm almost 60. Within my daughters lifetime the planet will either run out of, or begin to realize the end of copper reserves. Even sooner then that we'll run out of Coltan which is used in cell phones, computers and other electronics. Eventually we'll also see the end of other ores like nickel, tin and iron but that day is much farther off. All of our earthly resources are finite. We have already seen the complete extinction, in the 20th century of the Arizona Jaguar, Arabian Ostrich, Bali Tiger, Barbary Lion, Burchell's Zebra, Caribbean Monk Seal, Caspian Tiger, Falkland Island Fox, Heath Hen, Tasmanian Wolf, Pygmy Hippo, Passenger Pigeon, Japanese Wolf and several other species. Plant species are in an even more alarming state and scientists the world over are scrambling to discover, document and sample species before they go extinct. We have polluted the soil to the extent that our food has lost a significant portion of its nutrients, we've polluted the air to the extent that we are sick, many people suffering severe Asthma their entire lives directly as a result of air pollution, we've polluted the streams, rivers and oceans to the extent that some are unlivable and the oceans have enormous gyres of plastic compounds and we've polluted a fair number of countries with nuclear weapons. We're fishing the seas to the point of extinction as well and the fleets have to go farther and farther out into the oceans to catch food fish and their catches are getting smaller and smaller. If you don't think we have a problem then I think that you might be messed up. That doesn't mean we need to exterminate any portion of the population but it surely means we need to act, and we need to act in a wide variety of areas and I support any actions that will preserve these finite resources in some way so that we can continue to exploit them, but we need to exploit them sustainably.
I've seen no factual data to support that Turner, Gore or the rest of the globalists want to get rid of 3/4 of the earths population. I said factual data. I have read ALL of the opinions but none are supported by facts.
Americans are quick to make these claims as though they think these people have designs on Americans. That's folly. The people being exterminated are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and other Muslim countries and they're called Muslims. They are the ones you should be concerned with saving. No one will be exterminating Americans. We are their army, their commerce and their slave workers.
By believing everything you read on the internet you get distracted and lose touch with reality. Anyone can post anything on the internet.
These people you refer to like Turner and Gore don't worship Lucifer. They're well educated people that are trying to survive and at the same time trying to make certain we all survive. That doesn't mean I agree with them. It means I understand their motives.
Not against anything except Al Gore, Ted Turner and the rest of the globalist Lucifarians who want to get rid to 3/4 of the human population in the name of "saving the earth" and if you agree with them you are really messed up.
I'm not understanding what you have against peace, love, understanding, acceptance, The Endangered Species Act and saving the Earth's resources, human, animal and natural?
I've seen the word Gaia here and there. Never bothered to look it up.
The Endangered Species Act and saving the Earth, although I'm not terribly familiar with the others (UN Biodiversity Treaty, Council On Sustainable Development), are based on sound principles Jesus would probably be proud of.
Like I've said many times before, because it's printed on the internet, it MUST be true. Not.
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