After much time, thought, and reflection, I have decided not to come back to the "truth movement". There are many things great about it, and I will miss the people the most. It's not that I don't care or I'm giving up. I have just found a more appropriate direction for my energy. I wish the best of luck to all that live in these halls.

Unfortunately, this has left Veracity Videos essentially unmanned. I have tried to fix and respond to things as I get emails, but it's at the point that it's not fair to keep it in my hands. Veracity Videos should be a lot bigger than it is right now. It has been floating around the same amount of visitors, bandwidth, etc. for a while now. That's not necessarily bad considering it could have gone down hill. Fortunately, it has some very dedicated members.

For now, I am looking for a volunteer or two to run the site. I need at least one person that knows xhtml/css, some php, and some mysql. It also really needs a moderator for fixing classification and Q&A. Essentially, both people would be moderators. I don't take this decision lightly, or the appointment of volunteers. Any person that is interested would need to have a recommendation from at least 5 members, and at least one person that knows me to be considered.

Other news and alternatives:

I will be dropping the non-profit corporate status this year. It's just another thing I have to pay out. Given that scenario, I would also consider a potential buy out. I wouldn't sell it to just anyone--that's a sure thing. I have put too much money, time, and effort into VV to see it turn into another plain Youtube clone with ads, downloads, or worse. The potential buyer would have to be a very serious person in the movement; that many people trust and respect. I have not even considered a price, but probably much less than I put into it.

Email: if you have any interest or questions.


Ezekiel "Zeke" McLeskey

Views: 38


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Comment by fireguy on March 11, 2010 at 7:50pm
Sorry you have to go
Comment by truth on March 11, 2010 at 4:10pm
I think the movement and social networks are two different animals. I believe I understand many of the issues you are having with the social aspects of the movement. It can be defeating when so many, do so little, considering that they are the ones we call awake.

As far as your video site, there are so many sites out there right now, and it seems people come and go as if it's the latest hot night club, moving often on to the next hot spot. It is an uphill battle to gain and retain active members.

I like to thank you for your work and trust you will find another effort that is equally valuable to the cause of freedom and justice.

On a side note, we are actually taking steps now to move the site off ning. All your contributions to the leaving ning group have been saved and will be reposted here again soon.

Take care, and if you ever change your mind, you are always welcome back here.

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