Im sorry, my ip address keeps changing and computer freezing, follow this for the moment till i get my computer straight!

This wont be just quick reading by the way, lots of loopholes here,need to cross the information and compare. I will eventually get it laid out but just too much to find and put together all myself just three days ago now! I should have been a better writter or paid attention in english class better or better office skills!



JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Jan. 2009, p. 109–114 Vol. 191, No. 1
0021-9193/09/$08.000 doi:10.1128/JB.01166-08
Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Geobacter sulfurreducens Contains Separate C- and A-Adding tRNA
Nucleotidyltransferases and a Poly(A) Polymerase†


Graduate Study
in Environmental
Science and
Rice University
Department of Civil
& Environmental

Wei Chen — Professor, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Baxter Vieux — Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; Vieux and Associates, Norman,
The laboratories of the environmental science and engineering
program at Rice University have several wet labs for environmental
research and additional computational space. These labs are well
equipped for research in the areas of environmental microbiology,
molecular biology, organic pollutant analysis, colloid and nanoparticle
characterization, and atmospheric and water chemistry. In addition,
the modern facilities of the Rice Shared Equipment Authority are
available for research. A list of equipment shared can be found at
Rice University has a large nanotechnology community
with well-equipped surface analysis equipment available on a shared
basis. Major surface analysis instrumentation includes: FEI XL-30
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM), JEOL 2010
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), AFMs, Polarizing Optical
Microscope, X-ray Diffractometer, Raman Microscope, FTIR Infrared
Microscope, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling



ACollection Systems 2010
Collection System Priorities - Balancing
Competing Needs
June 13 – 16, 2010
Phoenix Convention Center
Phoenix, Arizonall events are held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona


Baxter Vieux, Vieux & Associates, Inc., 350 David L. Boren Boulevard, Suite 2500, Norman,
OK, 73072, 3D


Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases
Volume 2010, Article ID 632513, 22 pages
Review Article
Rhombencephalitis Caused by Listeria monocytogenes in
Humans and Ruminants: A Zoonosis on the Rise?


SWAT Modeling Quality Assurance Project Plan
Lake Thunderbird Watershed Analysis
and Water Quality Evaluation
fy 2005 319(h) C9-996100-13
Project 2, Output 2.2.7
Submitted by:
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
Water Quality Division
2800 Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 160
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
Phone: (405) 522-4500
Vieux and Associates, Inc.
350 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 2500
Norman, OK 73072
January 2008

A continuous simulation of the SWAT model using the baseline landuse scenario will be performed for the period 1970-2004. In-lake water quality modeling will be performed to identify the effects of nutrient load on the water quality of the Lake on an average annual basis. This includes the development of a hydrologic water balance, use of a simple phosphorus mass balance model to predict in-lake total phosphorus concentration, identification of the sediment-to-water phosphorus interaction, and a chlorophyll-a to total phosphorus concentration model to quantify the impacts of various targeted management practices, as well as projected effects of urban development on lake water quality.

Oklahoma’s FY 2007/2008 319(h) Project 10 Submitted June 4, 2007, App Dec 19, 2007

1998 ed.



Lake Thunderbird Watershed Analysis and Water Quality Evaluation:
SWAT Quality Assurance Project Plan
Approving Officers:
Name: Greg Kloxin - Quality Assurance Officer/Senior Technical Writer, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Water Quality Division
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________
Name: Baxter Vieux, Ph.D. – Chief Technology Officer / Modeling Leader
Vieux & Associates, Inc.
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________
Name: Jean Vieux – Chief Executive Officer and President
Vieux & Associates, Inc.
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________
Name: Jennifer Wasinger – Environmental Programs Manager
Oklahoma Office of the Secretary of the Environment
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________
Name: Tim Herfel - Project Officer, Region VI United States Environmental Protection Agency
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________
Name: EPA Approving Official
Region VI United States Environmental Protection Agency
Signature:______________________________ Date:____________


Canals, laterals and most all of the wetlands have not been assessed for the goals of the
CWA nor have they been assessed for their beneficial uses. Canals and laterals are
manmade water courses and have not been included in the Appendix A of the WQS. By
default, these waters would be assigned primary protection under the 1994 WQS (OWRB,
1994). Due to a lack of funding, no assessment projects have been initiated on these types
of waterbodies. Wetlands have not been assigned WQS and therefore fall under the same
scenario as canals and laterals. There have been several projects and ventures initiated to
inventory the wetlands within the state, but little or no assessment work done.
Table 5 lists the percent of waters assessed within the state.
Fully Supported 923.21 1.17
Fully Supported but Threatened 2,983.96 3.78
Subtotal 3,907.17 4.95
Partially Supported 5,585.06 7.08
Not Supported 1,750.82 2.22
Subtotal 7,335.80 9.31
UNASSESSED WATERS 67,535.03 85.72
TOTAL 78,778.00 100.00


Google earth Lake Thunderbird area, and east of here, lots of little dirt back roads, no names, all leading to lime green pools of water. That is why they dont count the extra man made lakes or require them to be monitored!!!


Finalized, signed, and U.S. EPA Region VI approved copies of the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) will be distributed to the following persons:
1. Greg Kloxin Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Water Quality Division
2. Baxter Vieux Vieux & Associates, Inc.
3. Jennifer Wasinger Office of the Secretary of the Environment
4. Tim Herfel U.S. EPA Region VI

All project activities will be reported in the semi-annual progress reports to EPA. Other reports to be generated as part of the project are outlined in the workplan and include:
2) Final Report
As discussed in section A.6.2.5, the report will consist of summary tables for historical and supporting data, as well as summaries for the model assumptions, model calibration, model projections, and targeting results. The report will also include summaries for model input and output and plots of predicted and observed flow, sediment, and nutrient loads (when applicable).
Vieux & Associates, Inc. will be responsible for final electronic and hard copy documentation version control, updates, storage, tracking, and distribution. Because existing software will be used for all phases of this project, there is no need to develop
SWAT Modeling Quality Assurance Project Plan
Lake Thunderbird: Revision 0
January 2008
Page 11 of 15
any new file types or protocols. While the project is ongoing, the GIS/Modeler will backup all electronic documentation and data on local hard drives.
At the end of the project, all documentation, data (GIS, water quality data, etc.), and SWAT model files will be archived on CDs. These CDs will be archived and stored by the OCC, and if requested will be provided to the USEPA Region VI.

over the span of a decade, where as soils typically change only over geologic time. When accuracy information is not available, the data must be assessed by professional


Why did Baxter have to set a 10 year monitoring system on something already done? He dont even fully support his own 100 percent accurate!  


It is not currently possible to comprehensively quantify the error in SWAT model predictions, thus there are no quantitative data quality requirements. It is possible, however, to list model limitations. Model limitations may be the result of data used in the model, inadequacies in the model, or using the model to simulate situations for which it was not designed. Hydrologic models will always have limitations, because the science behind the model is neither perfect nor complete. A model by definition is a simplification of the real world. The following is a list of notable SWAT model limitations:

Personnel of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC) Water Quality Division will oversee the primary tasks necessary to complete the project. The OCC personnel involved and their responsibilities are listed below. Please see the Quality Management Plan for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for Environmental Monitoring and Measurement Activities for an organization chart (on file at the EPA Region VI Office in Dallas, TX).
Mike Thralls, Executive Director, OCC
Responsible for all operations of OCC including Water Quality Division operations.
Dan Butler, Program Director, OCC Water Quality Division
Responsible for all OCC Water Quality Division programs, the Program Director is the final decision making authority within the Water Quality Division.
Shanon Phillips, Assistant Director, OCC Water Quality Division
Second in OCC WQD command. In addition to specific duties assigned by the director, this position is primarily responsible for the design and implementation of the Commission's nonpoint source programs including water quality, biological and habitat monitoring, implementation of best management practices, and education programs
Jim Leach, Financial Director, OCC Water Quality Division
In addition to administrative duties, responsible for coordinating and expediting management of OCC watershed projects, both within the OCC and with contracted agencies.
Ann Craven, Executive Secretary, OCC Water Quality Division
Division secretary, file manager and invoice/payments manager.
SWAT Modeling Quality Assurance Project Plan
Lake Thunderbird: Revision 0
January 2008
Page 6 of 15
Judith Wilkins, Environmental Projects Coordinator, OCC Water Quality Division
Responsible for the administration and management of WQ projects. Monitors, reviews and coordinates: grant outputs, agreements, and WQ cost-share implementation and demonstration projects. Coordinates and authorizes the purchasing of all water quality monitoring equipment and supplies under the supervision of the WQ Asst. Director and Commission Comptroller. Coordinates with WQ staff on the creation and administration of contracts and agreements with other Agencies, Universities, and non-governmental organizations.
Greg Kloxin, Senior Technical Writer/Water Quality Analyst/Quality Assurance Officer, OCC Water Quality Division
Lead technical writer, data analyst, and field investigator. Responsible for the drafting and review of the technical reports and other information from the Division. Also responsible for all Quality Assurance efforts implemented by the OCC.
Stacey Day, Environmental Programs Manager, OCC Water Quality Division
Technical writer, data analyst, assistant QA officer, and field investigator.
Candace Cunningham, Technical Writer/Water Quality Programs Specialist, OCC Water Quality Division
Technical writer, data analyst, and field investigator.
Stacy Hansen, Technical Writer/Water Quality Programs Specialist, OCC Water Quality Division
Technical writer, data analyst, and field investigator.
For a complete organization chart of the OCC Water Quality Division, please consult the Quality Management Plan for the Oklahoma Conservation Commission for Environmental Monitoring and Measurement Activities on file at EPA Region VI.
Vieux & Associates, Inc. will be contracted by the OCC to complete the SWAT modeling and targeting:
Baxter Vieux, Chief Technology Officer/Modeling Leader, Vieux & Associates, Inc.
Responsible for all aspects of the modeling and reporting process. Oversees the modeling, targeting, and reporting and ensures that it is technically sound and scientifically defensible.
The Lake Thunderbird watershed is located in central Oklahoma in Oklahoma and Cleveland counties. Lake Thunderbird is a sensitive water supply lake, serving the City of Norman, Midwest City, and Del City. The municipalities of Moore, Midwest City, Noble, Norman, Oklahoma City, and Slaughterville

The water quality data used in this report was collected by the Department, the
Conservation Commission, the Department of Wildlife Conservation, the Water Board, the
United States Geological Survey, the Corporation Commission, and citizens of the state.
The data used in this report came from the Toxics Monitoring Survey of Oklahoma
Reservoirs (OSDH, 1995), Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment Report (Section 319(h))
(OCC, 1988, 1991), Clean Lakes Programs (Section 314) (OCC & OWRB), Lake Water
Quality Assessment Report (OCC & OWRB, 1994), statewide ambient trend monitoring
network, intensive and rapid bio-assessment surveys, fish and wildlife kill reports, spill
reports, citizen complaints, and citizens of the state

There are ten sites in
Oklahoma which are on the EPA National Priority List (NPL). The NPL ranks sites for
clean-up based on the actual or potential risks posed to human or the environment.
Additional pre-remedial and remedial activities at non-NPL sites are being addressed by
the Department’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (Brownfields). Refer to Table 7,
"Superfund, NPL, and Non-NPL Sites Impacting on Groundwater and Surface Water" for
a complete listing of the sites within Oklahoma.

Targeting critical source areas of pollutants from upland areas is an important component to implementing technical assistance and programs in areas that will potentially provide the greatest improvement in water quality with limited funds.

Personnel performing modeling for this task will be familiar with the requirements of this QAPP and will have previous experience in applying the SWAT model for targeting purposes. No special training or certifications are necessary for this modeling task.

No special hardware is necessary for the modeling in this task. The software to be used for the modeling is SWAT 2005 running under Microsoft Windows XP, which has been well tested and needs no modification for use in this project.

Validation is the process of verifying the ability of a calibrated model to make predictions
outside the calibration period. A portion of the available data is withheld during calibration and later used to validate the model. The SWAT model will not be validated unless sufficient data exist


Just read this! This the very brand new report! Mind you the state was funded Billions of dollars for worse results! EPA is the approving officer and yet you will find him in the project in reports submitted with the SWAT project.

Then this is the City of Norman Budget Reports:





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Comment by AquaDoc on February 23, 2011 at 1:21pm
Hell, they are almost neighbors on the other side of the city! They dont have the same underground water supply and im sure they have a whole house filter that gives even di in the shower!
Comment by AquaDoc on February 23, 2011 at 1:19pm
Basically, in a nut shell, the people who monitor the project monitor themselves! They sign their own requests, if you follow this long enough and look at the budget for the city, 0 of our tax paid dollars went into funding the project like it was saposed to, it all went to the contractors of the project! Nothing got done, they have their little software monitoring it saposably and dont have to report its progress! Thats Baxter people! He put the swine out as well all heard on the news, criminal charges that he admitted to. Well thats a good thing about a corporation that can pay their way out and no one person gets locked up, here is the master mind! Only its more than just him, organized crime, so far i got three!

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