In the 1950's an amazingly creative yet disturbing Hollywood science fiction movie emerged that not only left movie theater audiences spellbound but perplexed over the proposed content. The proposition that an extraterrestrial organism from space could genetically duplicate it's human host but with one caveat. That the duplicate would become devoid of emotion, of love, or empathy. Being immune to emotional entanglements reduced people to the equivalent of biological robots, godless and lacking sentimentality. Thus, making human existence more streamlined and practical because now men would not be faced with the prospect of making love to a wife they no longer felt passion or love for. That people would not have to be emotionally affected by the suffering of others. All these roadblocks to calm and tranquil existence could be achieved without inconvenience.

Only in appearance

Let me ask you if indeed the Democrats and the left have not already arrived at this solution. Even though Democrats and leftists appear to be human they've advocated everything that is inhuman. Aborting babies like there's no tomorrow, allowing murderers and drug dealers out on the streets as prison reform, allowing Americans and all other citizens of other countries to be victimized by refugees and illegal aliens because the government neglects its very own responsibility of protecting it citizens under the aegis of humanitarian values while the nation is being invaded by terrorists, criminals, human traffickers, drug cartel gangs, and those who have no respect for a sovereign nation's legal status!

Dissolving norms

Feminists want women to value their individual separatism from the opposite sex without forming a family or a supportive role in child rearing. Feminism creates division between men and women for political purpose reducing a relationship into no more than a noncommittal interaction based upon sexual gratification without emotional attachment or a future family. Rationalizing that a relationship cannot develop because sex is rape, and is a confining prospect. Thus, sex can be reduced to nothing more than a transaction between consenting adults without the hindrance of emotional ties! The traditional role of husband and wife is being obliterated under the adverse ideology.

Warping the child's mind

The Democrats, who have been compromised by hard line left socialism would allow children to become sex objects, being taught how to use condoms and sexual toys in elementary school, allowed to get an abortion without informing their parents, and even being subjected to gender reassignment surgery and hormonal treatment before reaching a legal age of consent. Democrat leadership in the state of California makes it a crime for a transgendered impostor addressed by their biological sex rather than who or what they think they want to be.

When the lie becomes truth

Using the rationale of relativism and autonomy the left refuses to acknowledge absolute truth even when they are caught blatantly lying they refuse to accept the legal consequences of prosecution. Is this not the alien behavior of those who appear to be human yet they lack truth, morality, or decency just as though their are nothing more than replicants who resemble humans? In Hollywood, the very unholy alliance between the state and the entertainment empire of the world. There are actors such as Keanu Reeves and Jim Carrey who allege that Satanic rituals involving the blood sacrifice of babies. Tormenting the child until the pain is at maximum levels to allow the greatest amount of adrenaline present in the blood that is consumed by these godless psychopaths only resembling human beings!

Curtain of deceit

It is a strange sort of reality we now face in the world today. All of the once convenient illusions we have clung to out of disinformation and propaganda are crumbling before our eyes as we see the enemy for who they really are. The enemy is not at the gates, but is among us. Indoctrinated, lobotomized, mesmerized, too inhuman to see their own frailty, their self deluded arrogance. The very reason we have division in America and the world is that people cannot comprehend beyond the facade they have been fed by the media, the state, and foreign infiltration of adverse ideologies such as radical Islam. The delusion is so widespread that people are willing to blow themselves up along with others in worship of their false gods empathy or consideration for others, just like "Body Snatchers".

Promoting division

One might recall even at the beginning of the movie how wives and husbands report to the local doctor that their spouse is no longer acting like themselves or are not at all the person they've known for years! Such is the case today with divorces occurring over political differences and whole families being divided over the left and right paradigm. The illusion created by the left has even created the alienation of family members as though people seem to be acting in ways that are a complete change of character or behavior due to the battle lines drawn by the Democrats in their disinformation campaign against sanity. To be an advocate of the left of today's Democrats is a transformation from reason and sound judgment to the unrecognizable conduct of Body Snatchers with an inhuman agenda.

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Comment by Doc Vega on December 4, 2019 at 11:52am

James, it's true I agree. Our enemies are ruthless and unprincipled that's easy, but having integrity and courage is a whole nother demand! 

Comment by James Roberts on December 2, 2019 at 8:45am

Our enemies have it much easier than us in that it is much easier for them to destroy value than for us to create it.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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