I would like to present a video from Dr Alan Sabrosky, a former Director of Studies at the US Army War College explain why he believes Israel did 911.


Israel Did 7/7 And 911 Part II

Posted on September 29, 2011 by horse237

I want to take an approach that emphasizes the role of Oxygen in fires and explosions as it relates to 911.

I previously said the Israel Banking Network had assassinated President Kennedy. They passed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) to de-industrialize America. By sending 50,000 manufacturing plants overseas, they intentionally created supply lines 8,000 miles long to China on a dodgy credit card so the US military would lose World War III thus reducing everyone on the planet to slavery. These were the first two phases in the modern era of their plan to subjugate everyone in the world.

The third phase in their operation is to engineer a clash of civilizations so the Muslims and the Christians destroy each other. Integral to the creation of the hoax known as the Global War on Terror were 911 which Israel executed along with the 7-7-2005 London subway bombings and the Bali and Madrid bombings as well.

Today I would like to briefly explore 911 which Israel has exploited in many ways. Most of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) grants have gone to Jewish groups. The 850,000 DHS employees and contractors are there to defend the Israel Banking Crime Network when the mobs want revenge for the sacking and looting of their economy and their nation.

I always like to begin by asking people to understand these facts. Glass melts at 800 degrees Fahrenheit (426.67 Celsius.) Steel girders can withstand heat of up to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit (1,204.44 Celsius.) Now look at those collapse videos of World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 again but for the first time with this knowledge. Don’t you now see that it would be impossible for a raging fire to melt the steel girders but not melt the glass windows?

There is another point I would like to make before asking you to look at the collapse of the WTC Towers for the first time.

Sir Henry Bessemer invented the process named for him that made modern steel possible. Prior to that the world had wrought iron which produced many bridge disasters. Before his time the village blacksmith worked with open air fires. Bessemer invented the modern blast furnace which made flames larger and hotter by introducing oxygen. He eventually opened his own steel works in Sheffield and made that northern English town synonymous with high quality steel.

An office fire cannot melt steel girders anymore than a village blacksmith could make a modern steel bridge. They both need blasts of pure oxygen to achieve the results that eluded them.

Please note the intact windows but the simultaneous melting of all the steel girder columns required for WTC 7 to fall down in 6.5 seconds. If only a few columns had collapsed, then the WTC Towers would have fallen over at an angle. The simultaneity of the steel girder collapse and the zero fire damage to windows which melt at a 60% lower temperature than steel, proves a controlled demolition.


Continued at http://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2011/09/29/israel-did-77-and-911-part...


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Comment by Freedomrox on October 1, 2011 at 6:26pm

I really hope folks will click on the link to see other info and videos that proves once and for all that WTC had to be an inside job and was the result of Controlled Demolitions, very high-tech, only available to Govts., and Black Ops spook agencies. Always ask yourself the obvious question: Who benefitted the most from the Attacks?


This one line says it all for me.....


"Glass melts at 800 degrees Fahrenheit (426.67 Celsius.) Steel girders can withstand heat of up to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit (1,204.44 Celsius.) Now look at those collapse videos of World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 again but for the first time with this knowledge. Don’t you now see that it would be impossible for a raging fire to melt the steel girders but not melt the glass windows?"

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