Israel threatens ‘military action’ if Iran refuses to stop nuclear program

"Mr Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States."

  • Israeli PM said Iran has enough material for almost three nuclear bombs
  • He said Iran must know if sanctions fail ‘military action’ will be considered
  • Authorities seeing if cargo could be used to make nuclear weapons
Action: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was clear Iran was pursuing its nuclear ambitions and called for 'credible military action' if they nation continuedAction: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was clear Iran was pursuing its nuclear ambitions and called for ‘credible military action’ if sanctions fail

Israel’s Prime Minister said the world must make clear that Iran would face ‘credible military action’ if sanctions do not shut down Tehran’s disputed nuclear program.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s warning comes as Malaysian police found equipment they suspect could be used to make nuclear weapons smuggled on board a ship headed to Iran.

Mr Netanyahu said this week it was clear Iran was pursuing its nuclear ambitions despite international sanctions and had enough material for almost three nuclear bombs.

National police chief Ismail Omar said two containers were seized from a Malaysian-registered ship travelling from China to Tehran while it was docked at a central Malaysia harbour earlier this month.

Authorities are investigating whether the equipment could be used to make nuclear weapons.

‘They have enriched enough material now almost for three nuclear bombs,’ Mr Netanyahu told CNN. ‘They still have to re-enrich it again but that is what they are doing.

‘The only thing that will work is if Iran knew that if sanctions fail there will be a credible military option.’

Asked what would constitute a credible military action, Mr Netanyahu said: ‘It means action that will knock out their nuclear facility.’

The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on Tehran for refusing to freeze its uranium enrichment program, which Western powers suspect is aimed at producing a nuclear weapon.

Iran denies Israeli and Western allegations that it is enriching uranium to produce atomic arms and maintains that its program is for peaceful energy needs.

Mr Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States.

He said a nuclear-armed Iran would not be just a concern for Israel because it would pose the risk of proliferation.


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Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on March 20, 2011 at 4:08am

"Mr Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States."


Now that's rich....we're going to come and bonk you on the head, but our whipping boy is going to do it for us.....

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