Israel threatens pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran

iran nuclear un russia china Video Playlist:

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Part 3 - Is­rael threat­ens pre-emp­tive nu­cle­ar strike on Iran - China, Rus­sia nu­cle­ar war WWIII
I was going to make a 'Part 3' "Is­rael threat­ens pre-emp­tive nu­cle­ar strike on Iran - China, Rus­sia nu­cle­ar war
WWIII" today, but I felt it more im­por­tant to point peo­ple to this
video from Michel Chos­su­dovsky in­stead : Chos­su­dovsky: US will
start WW3 by at­tack­ing Iran www.​youtube.​com Michel Chos­su­dovsky,
point-by-point, elo­quent­ly breaks down the 'larg­er plan', 'the
ob­jec­tive of these wars' far out­strip the al­leged need to pro­tect
Is­rael or Eu­rope from from the po­ten­tial Ira­ni­an nu­cle­ar weapons
de­vel­op­ment. Don't lis­ten to me; lis­ten to the ex­perts. Many have
said the we in­vad­ed (il­le­gal­ly) Iraq & Ah­f­gan­istan 'for the
oil'. That is true, to a cer­tain ex­tent. But the ul­ti­mate tar­gets
are China & Rus­sia, & the Rus­sians & Chi­nese know this...
The in­va­sion of Iraq was du­al­ly set up as a strate­gic 'foot hold'
in Cen­tral Asia (the Mid­dle East) for staving off Chi­nese &
Rus­sian ex­pan­sion in the re­gion. In other words. Not just for the
oil A UN nu­cle­ar watch­dog re­port sug­gests Iran could be
de­vel­op­ing a nu­cle­ar bomb, ap­par­ent­ly con­firm­ing long-held
sus­pi­cions in the West. But Tehran de­nies the claims, again
in­sist­ing that its atom­ic in­ten­tions are peace­ful. Michel
Chos­su­dovsky, who's from an in­de­pen­dent Cana­di­an pol­i­cy
re­search group, be­lieves that what Iran says hard­ly mat­ters,
be­cause the US is plan­ning for war...

Pub­lished: 2010-02-22
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-16
Au­thor: Zeno­Ef­fect

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China's In­volve­ment in Iran Nu­cle­ar Cri­sis
China's In­volve­ment in Iran Nu­cle­ar Cri­sis Is­raeli ex­pert anal­y­ses China's in­volve­ment in the Ira­ni­an
nu­cle­ar cri­sis Last week, Ira­ni­an lead­er Mah­moud Ah­madine­jad
said that Iran now has 3000 cen­trifuges for en­rich­ing ura­ni­um, an
an­nounce­ment that once again put the Ira­ni­an nu­cle­ar issue back in
world media head­lines. The US and many other West­ern na­tions are
threat­en­ing eco­nom­ic sanc­tions to pres­sure Iran to stop its
nu­cle­ar pro­gram. But de­spite this, there are two big na­tions that
want to take a more le­nient ap­proach. Our Is­raeli team has more.
Al­though the UN Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil or­dered Iran to sus­pend its
ura­ni­um en­rich­ment ac­tiv­i­ty, Iran still has im­por­tant
po­lit­i­cal al­lies. These al­lies are op­pos­ing the in­ter­na­tion­al
com­mu­ni­ty's call for sanc­tions. Pro­fes­sor Barry Rubin from the
Glob­al Re­search of In­ter­na­tion­al Af­fairs Cen­ter in Is­rael says
that it's Rus­sia and China that are sup­port­ing Iran the most.
[Pro­fes­sor Barry Rubin, Di­rec­tor, GLO­RIA Cen­ter]: "What has
hap­pened in the last month or two, the big change, is that the west­ern
Eu­ro­pean coun­tries are more ready to do more in terms of sanc­tions
and pres­sure, so the two coun­tries who are hold­ing it up in the UN
Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil are China and Rus­sia". Pro­fes­sor Rubin stress­es
that Rus­sia is Iran's main ally and pro­tec­tor, but also ex­plains
China's in­volve­ment in the cri­sis. He says China sup­ports Iran
main­ly to pro­tect its own po­lit­i­cal in­ter­ests. [Pro­fes­sor Barry
Rubin, Di­rec­tor, GLO­RIA Cen­ter]: "The Chi­nese are al­ways

Pub­lished: 2007-12-25
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-16
Au­thor: NT­DTVIL

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US Spear­heads New Sanc­tions to Sti­fle Iran's Nu­cle­ar Am­bi­tions
Rus­sian and China have reached a deal with the US and other world pow­ers to im­pose new sanc­tions on Iran, a day after
the coun­try signed a deal with Turkey and Brazil to swap its nu­cle­ar
fuel. Jef­frey Brown talks to a re­porter for more on today's draft
agree­ment and the vote to come in the Unit­ed Na­tions.

Pub­lished: 2010-05-19
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-16
Au­thor: PB­SNew­sHour

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A Non-Nu­cle­ar Iran: Ad­vice for Obama
Jim Phillips, Se­nior Re­search Fel­low for Mid­dle East­ern Af­fairs at The Her­itage Foun­da­tion, dis­cuss­es three ways
Pres­i­dent-elect Obama can keep his cam­paign pledge of pre­vent­ing
Iran from ob­tain­ing nu­cle­ar weapons. www.​heritage.​org

Pub­lished: 2008-12-03
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-15
Au­thor: Her­itage­Foun­da­tion

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Iran Lobby China aghainst US Sanc­tion
Iran Lobby China aghainst US Sanc­tion Iran Talks Lack China, Rus­sia Ac­cord on Sanc­tions (Adds Obama on Iran in sixth
para­graph, call with Hu in eighth, Ira­ni­an ne­go­tia­tor in Bei­jing
in ninth.) By Bill Varn­er April 2 (Bloomberg) -- Talks on tougher
Unit­ed Na­tions sanc­tions for Iran will begin in New York with­out
Chi­nese or Rus­sian agree­ment on the menu of pos­si­ble mea­sures
under con­sid­er­a­tion, US and Eu­ro­pean diplo­mats said. The
of­fi­cials said the move to­ward talks does­nt sig­nal Chi­nese or
Rus­sian ac­cep­tance of pro­pos­als to tar­get Irans Rev­o­lu­tion­ary
Guard Corps, tight­en the arms em­bar­go on the coun­try, sharp­en
au­thor­i­ty to seize cargo sus­pect­ed of car­ry­ing Ira­ni­an weapons,
and bar of­fers of fi­nan­cial aid or cred­it to Iran. The diplo­mats
spoke yes­ter­day on con­di­tion they wer­ent iden­ti­fied be­cause of
the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the ne­go­ti­a­tions, which also in­clude
Britain, France and Ger­many, and are in­tend­ed to reach agree­ment on
pres­sure that would steer Iran away from de­vel­op­ing nu­cle­ar arms.
China has in­di­cat­ed a will­ing­ness to be a full par­tic­i­pant as we
go through the specifics of what would be in a res­o­lu­tion, State
De­part­ment spokesman Philip J. Crow­ley told re­porters in
Wash­ing­ton yes­ter­day. China now rec­og­nizes, as we do, that were
now at a point where we have to con­sid­er very spe­cif­ic steps of a
pos­si­ble sanc­tions regime, he said. Talks stalled for months be­cause
China re­sist­ed the adop­tion of a fourth round of UN sanc­tions,
say­ing more time was need­ed to ne­go­ti­ate an <b>...</b>

Pub­lished: 2010-04-02
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-15
Au­thor: TheRedAshu­ra

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PBS Spe­cial: "The Right Ap­proach to Iran"
An Ira­ni­an in­sid­er on how the US should han­dle the prob­lem­at­ic issue of Iran's nu­cle­ar pro­gram.

Pub­lished: 2009-01-08
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-15
Au­thor: Lawrence2323

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Tarp­ley: China up for Iran sanc­tions - April Fool's Day prank
China will re­main com­mit­ted to fur­ther talks aimed at re­solv­ing the Iran nu­cle­ar issue. So says the coun­try's
For­eign Min­istry fol­low­ing US re­ports that Bei­jing is will­ing to
back sanc­tions against Tehran. A ve­to-hold­ing mem­ber of the
Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil, China backed three pre­vi­ous UN sanc­tions
res­o­lu­tions, but had been op­posed to a fourth round hop­ing for a
diplo­mat­ic set­tle­ment. To talk about what could lie ahead here is
in­ves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Web­ster Tarlpey.

Pub­lished: 2010-04-02
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-16
Au­thor: Rus­si­a­To­day

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Panel: Are Iran sanc­tions enough?
The Unit­ed Na­tions Se­cu­ri­ty Coun­cil has voted to im­pose a fourth round of sanc­tions on Iran. China and Rus­sia
backed the plan, but other emerg­ing diplo­mat­ic forces Turkey and
Brazil voted no against the res­o­lu­tion. Christo­pher Wall says that
he be­lieves that the new sanc­tions are weak and they won't do
any­thing to curb Iran's nu­cle­ar am­bi­tion. While Sara Floun­ders
says that this is just a di­ver­sion­ary tac­tic so that Is­rael will
not have its al­leged nu­cle­ar pro­gram come under scruti­ny.

Pub­lished: 2010-06-10
Up­load­ed: 2010-06-16
Au­thor: RTAmer­i­ca

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Draft Res­o­lu­tion for New Sanc­tions On Iran In­tro­duced at UN
Sec­re­tary of State Hillary Clin­ton says the Unit­ed States and other major world pow­ers have agreed on a draft
res­o­lu­tion that would im­pose a fourth round of Unit­ed Na­tions
sanc­tions on Iran. Clin­ton made the an­nounce­ment a day after Tehran
an­nounced a plan to send some of its en­riched ura­ni­um to Turkey in
ex­change for nu­cle­ar fuel. Sec­re­tary Clin­ton said agree­ment on
new sanc­tions was reached in co­op­er­a­tion with China and Rus­sia.
VOA's Ravi Khan­na has more on the story.

Pub­lished: 2010-05-20
Up­load­ed: 2010-05-25
Au­thor: VOAvideo

Views: 46


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