by Ron Ewart

Who has charged the "Nuisance Abatement Team" with unconstitutionally entering private homes?

(Jul. 26, 2010) —You can kiss Fourth Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure goodbye.
Those protections no longer exist. Your home is no longer your castle;
it is the government’s domain to do with as they will. Jack-booted
thugs, and we do mean thugs, can come on your land, come into your home
with guns drawn, search your home at will and make a shambles of it,
take what they want, write you up for alleged violations, terrorize you
and then walk off without a by-your-leave ….. all without the benefit
of a warrant, signed by a judge for probable cause of a crime having
been committed. That’s right! It is happening right now in the rural
areas of Los Angeles County and it is coming to a county or city you
live in, if it isn’t there already.

We have predicted for years that if government keeps writing law after law after law, eventually people will stop obeying an ever-rising
plethora of stupid laws. Government, in response to citizen
resistance, will call out the jack-booted thugs, the goon squads, or
the equivalent of the Nazi Secret Service, to force you into compliance
with the law by fear, intimidation and threat of huge fines and jail
sentences for non-compliance. We further predicted that in the end,
America would become a police state. It appears that it already has.

Los Angeles County, in response to rural non-compliance of environmental ordinances, has formed what they call the “Nuisance
Abatement Team”. The enraged locals call it the NAT squad. The name
sounds innocuous enough but its name camouflages what it is and does.
The County has given the “Team” broad authority to come on your land
and force compliance with draconian environmental law, literally at the
point of a gun. They are dressed in black swat team clothing with
complete police force equipment and they are armed with police side arms
and M-15 rapid-fire rifles, tear gas, stun grenades and
other armament. The SWAT team arrives at your property, unannounced,
in several black SUV’s with black tinted windows. You can’t see in,
but they can see out. They swarm out of the SUV’s and surround your
home. In true Nazi from, they are there to strike fear into your
hearts and intimidate you by their very presence. If your dog barks at
them, they will shoot your dog. You will comply, or else they will
make an example out of you and you will pay with fines and jail time!
But the good news is, at least they won’t execute you.

Los Angeles County has turned what would normally be civil violations, into misdemeanors and higher crimes. Having an in-operable
vehicle on your property is a crime and you can be punished with fines
and imprisonment if you don’t remove it, within a very short time
frame. If you ignore the order to remove it, you are forced to appear
in court to defend your alleged crimes. You are guilty until you can
prove your innocence, in direct violation of constitutional law. If a
neighbor files a complaint with the county that ends in police action
against you, you cannot confront the actual accuser in court, because
now the accuser is the government. Decisions by the courts are nothing
more than rubber stamps of the unconstitutional law they use against
you. Their intent is to “purify” the rural areas to city standards and
drive you off of your land if they can.

The basis for these draconian environmental laws was born in the United Nations in June of 1992 at the Rio Conference. Out of the
conference came a position paper entitled Agenda 21. 21 stands for
Century 21. [check out the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests]
The United States signed on to the provisions of Agenda 21 at the
conference and President Clinton literally codified it into American
law with an Executive Order, without a treaty being debated and
ratified by the U. S. Congress, as required by the Constitution. The
provisions of Agenda 21, as now written in American law, are
unconstitutional, but to our knowledge no one has challenged the
ordinances drafted in compliance with Agenda 21 in American courts.
Lower courts uphold the environmental protection laws as written
without questioning their constitutionality.

We were contacted by landowners in the Antelope Valley within Los Angeles County and made aware of what was transpiring there with the
County’s “Nuisance Abatement Team.” We could not believe what we were
hearing, even though we had predicted this very thing would happen
years ago. We intend to do more individual stories on what Los Angeles
County is doing to the landowners of the rural regions of the county,
with their Nuisance Abatement Team, aka “goon” squads. We will also
research other such incidents in other counties of America. It is only
through the stories of actual people and their suffering, that others
can understand the magnitude of the unconstitutional abuse that is
taking place in the rural lands of America. It is an all-out assault
by our government on a minority of Americans who, by in large, feed the
rest of us and a good part of the world. We suggest that you log onto
the Antelope Valley website at http://www.theavto.org
and see for yourself what these brave rural folks are having to endure
at the hands of the Los Angeles County “Nuisance Abatement Team.”

Some might think that these events are isolated to Los Angeles County, but they are not. Because of the increase of enforcement of
environmental law all across America, many counties and cities are
resorting to fear and intimidation with heavy-handed police presence
and legal sleight-of-hand to subdue the rural population into
compliance with environmental ordinances. These tactics have been used
by arrogant governments, despots and dictators throughout history on
the rural inhabitants, for two reasons. People in big cities are
easier to control and are dependent on government. People in rural
areas still believe in self-reliance, independence, responsibility …..
and freedom. They don’t want no “cotton-pickin’” government messing in
their lives. And in America, at least for now, the rural folk own
guns. However, if you can control the rural population with fear and
intimidation, you can control the seeds of insurrection, civil war, or
revolution. Remember, it was the independent farmers of the Colonies
that made up the rag- tag bunch of irregulars who took on the
well-trained British forces in America’s Revolutionary War.

The fact is, dependent people won’t bite the hand that feeds them and a tyrannical government is acutely aware of it. In contrast, rural, independent people will fight to the death for
freedom. The harder government squeezes them, the greater the
likelihood of violence against that government, and the government is
squeezing rural landowners real hard right now. The government will be
directly responsible if spasmodic or pandemic violence is the result
of their squeezing.


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