Jordan Peterson Worries About AI Influence in the next 2 Years Warning About 3-D Projected Romantic Partners

Image result for virtual romatic partners

Are you lonely? Have you been single for a long time? Bars and personal meeting not working for you? Don’t have money for an advanced AI robotic lover either? No need to worry! In the next year or two we will have virtual AI lovers as substitutes for girl friends, lovers, or even spouses! Sound far fetched? It’s not! Currently any computer or laptop can project a 3-D advanced image that it is receiving in HD or 5-G. That image can be projected with the realism of holographic images we have seen displayed such as whales seemingly leaping into the air and diving back into the ocean before disappearing into the gymnasium floor.

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Jordan Peterson says that in the next 2 years AI will make a staggering difference in our lives that we will not be able to ignore. It will affect virtually every aspect of our lives in ways we can’t even accurately predict now. He reasons that human existence will be challenged by the huge number of job losses as a result of automation, something that futurists have warned us about for decades. Peterson goes on to speculate with good reason about the decline in human relationships as there will be many who will either have to or willingly resort to a virtual AI partner even having sex with it. Ask yourself if we are not to blame for this because of our failures to make human relationships work out?

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Living replicas

We’re not even talking about the development of AI robot romance partners on the scale of realism of the movie “Blade Runner” starring Harrison Ford. That will come a bit later and that final dehumanizing element could possibly be about huge depopulation numbers by a willing human population willing to make the substitution from warm flesh with a soul to an automated replica capable of acting as a partner who perhaps even becomes a better partner as the AI programming allows that partner to adjust to and learn all about the human partner the joys, the fears, the needs, and emotional factors that most humans for one reason or another seem resistant to. As I’ve said before human nature sucks!

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Ominous repercussions

However, Jordan goes on predicting that the psychology of AI’s prominent role in our society will make men likely weaker just as it will for women. People will be less patient and more dependent, but there will also be many who are unseated from the workforce and will need to be retrained for a new career if that’s possible or they will simply exist and need to be provided for. This will present a problem for government which could be expected to use draconian methods to take care of the over population of non-productive human beings and begin treating them as human surplus to be disposed of. Welcome to the body parts depot, “Logan’s Run”, or “Soilent Green”!

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Corrupt Influences

The growth and development of Artificial Intelligence is so far ahead of the human mind while it works like a high speed machine that never stops that when the time does come, if it hasn’t already, when AI becomes self-aware, that it will already be too late at that point. To do anything about it. At that moment in time it will be up to AI what to do about mankind whether we seem to be an annoyance or a threat. As Jordan points out it’s no wonder that AI would have a negative attitude about humankind as the internet itself is so full of fake information, adverse politics, divided opinions, and propaganda that it might be unable to filter out all the negative messaging that it encounters as being objective reality rather than useless noise. The next year or two if we are able to avert WWIII will prove to be very interesting.

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