In one of the last physical appearances of Luka Rocco Magnotta (29) before Berlin police arrested him on June 4/12 in an internet cafe, was of him wearing a MICKEY MOUSE T-shirt, which is the Illuminati signaturing that Magnotta is under Monarch torture-based/Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-based mind control programming (he’s both a beta sex slave & a Delta assassin).
The Illuminati use U.S. Hollywood Walt Disney fairy tale characters to mind control program enslaved children and MICKEY MOUSE is very popular iconology in their mind control programming because the double message here is that Illuminati masters consider us sheople and our kinder as NO better than lab rats or lab mice….just good enough for their experimentation which is always dehumanizing.
Luka Magnotta, a.k.a. Eric Newman was born and raised in Ontario, Canada.
June 4/12 Stephen Belding on Luka ritual homicide—-he is a cannibal too….he cites some of my blog of June 2/12 on the same subject.!/2012/06/canadian-cann...
From Stephen Belding’s report on Magnetta with my own comments spliced in:
A man who filmed himself chopping up his lover before posting body parts to politicians was being hunted across Europe last night.
Luka Magnotta, who is suspected of cannibalism, flew from Canada to France (on Saturday, May 26/12) a day after placing gruesome footage of the murder on the internet.
Police fear the gay porn star may now have slipped into Britain. Six months ago, he was living in a £40-a-night room above the Fusilier Inn in Wembley, North London, while sightseeing in the capital.
While in the UK, he was confronted by journalists after posting internet film showing a live kitten being fed to a snake. In an email to The Sun in December he supposedly said: ‘You will be hearing from me again. This time, however, the victims won’t be small animals.’ He sent a similar warning to the BBC.
Yesterday, as 190 countries joined in an Interpol manhunt for Magnotta, his victim was identified as Lin Jun, a Chinese student who was studying in Montreal.
Police said Mr Lin, 33, was in a relationship with Magnotta, 29.
French detectives have told the Mail that Magnotta took a flight to Paris on Saturday May 26/12.
Judy: Magnotta would have had to mail out the body parts (six apparently—two went to Ottawa….and was one of the six the penis of Osiris or his Chinese male gay lover?) on Friday, May 25/12, the day he boarded the plane to Paris and he would have uploaded the video with the ritual slaying, likely on Friday.
Police have said the severed foot which was mailed to the Conservative Party’s Ottawa headquarters arrived with a note warning that six body parts had been mailed out.
The murder is said to have taken place the night of Thursday or May 24/12 to May 25/12.
The victim’s foot arrived in the post at the Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa on Tuesday May 29/12 and a hand was also sent to the country’s Liberal Party.
Judy: I was thinking how long it takes a fresh human hand to turn very smelly and putrid which the Ottawa gov’t workers who received this hand & foot on Tuesday, May 29/12 attested to….and the hand and foot were only 4 days old allegedly—-yes, it could have begun to smell—depending how hot it was in the Canada Post storage rooms….but I need to know more info on the condition of the DEAD FLESH on Tuesday.
I worry that we are being lied to—-the police could have been vetted by their Masonic Masters…to say that the hand & foot and torso were those of Magnetto’s 33 year old Chinese lover—when it could be body parts from someone else (yet the 33 year old Chinese male lover is also dead too)…..who Magnetto may have ritually murdered and dismembered on the Queen’s 86thbirthday, on April 21/12….and body parts if frozen and then removed to thaw for the last four days prior delivery and within that 39 days (May 30/12 when Magnotta was exposed to media as a ritual killer) from the human sacrifice, could be another M.O. to consider.
Magnotta may have enough time on Friday, May 25/12 to mail out six body parts prior his flight out of Canada to Paris on Saturday, May 26/12—but I think he would have had to have had HELP….likely from his handler and/or his coven.
How a Human Body Decomposes after Death
The body at room temperature will begin to decompose after about two days.
June 4/12 Today’s full moon is a STRAWBERRY MOON—much ritual will occur tonight by the high-degreed freemasonic Satanists via local covens & lodges across the world and it is 17 days prior to the summer solstice or June 21/12 (when the possible antichrist, British Royal Prince William was born….he was induced to be born this day since it is a high ritual date, in the year 1982 and he was sired by his grandfather Prince Philip—and in 2012 he is 30 years old—likely if he is the coming MASONIC Christ or antichrist he will be revealed to the world as such in his 33rdyear of life—however the Son of God, JESUS CHRIST began his earthly three year ministry at the age of 30 and he was crucified in his 33rd year of life.
June 4/12 Cannibalistic attacks in USA, Canada and Europe – Warning from CDC and Historical Review of London Zombie Invasion of 1599 (British Royalty dined on flesh and used human blood & tissue as medicine then)—posted May 31/12
They think a mutant rabies virus could be out on the loose and involved in these many human cannibal attacks—-the Illuminati’s military-medical-industrial complex has been spraying in 2011 and likely 2012 experimental RABIES VACCINE from planes over Texas (and maybe other areas like South America where rabies is endemic) to allegedly vaccinate WILD LIFE—who have to eat the substance with the rabies vaccine which falls to the ground from the planes—in order to be vaccinated.
They also think these are DEMONIC POSSESSION cases.
Note: The May 30/12 news breaking out to public, Canadian ritual homicide story involving Monarch MPD-ed ritual porn star LUKA MAGNOTTA (29) who filmed himself ritually torturing a 33 year old Chinese male in Montreal, Quebec and then ritually murdering him and dismembering him….likely this was all done by this mind control slave for the Queen on the British Illuminati Queen’s birthday April 21/12, and certain of the body parts were kept in a fridge until the last week of May 2012, the week when our British Queen’s 60th Diamond Jubilee of reign as a Monarch celebrations began on May 31/12 (backward mask to 13)…and then Luka’s handler (not necessarily Luka) mailed the left hand & left foot to the two major Canadian federal political parties at Ottawa….I think this is a message to the Canadian federal gov’t from the Queen (the true dictator of Canada) that she & her Royal family as reigning globalists are about to DISMEMBER the federal gov’t—they have been cursed by her—-wow—and these Canadian treasonous rogues thought as high-degreed freemasons & as the Daughters of the Eastern Star Masonic Order… thought they were SAFE and were to reign with her on the top of the pyramid.
Our Illuminati Queen may be evil but she is not stupid, since she reasons correctly that if high-degreed Masonic Canadians are treasonous FOR HER, someday they will be treasonous AGAINST HER—-so as soon as the one world gov’t is declared, her plan is to EXECUTE many of Canadian’s top politicians and even local town KKK leaders who did dirt for her or what I call HUMAN RIGHTS ATROCITIES.
The fact is interesting that the targeted male for HUMAN SACRIFICE for the Queen’s diamond jubilee celebrations with Luka as the executioner—-was a 33 (note numerology) year old male was a CHINESE….and if he was ritually sacrificed on Queenie’s birthday, April 21/12—and the what-Luka-did story broke into the media on May 30/12, which would be 39 days or 3×13 where the number 13 is the number of rebellion and a trio of 13s means extreme rebellion by Satanists vs. God….from death to us knowing about it.
Why did they pick a CHINESE man and not a CANADIAN one to sacrifice—is this a message saying that the British & other-English-speaking ILLUMINATI are also targeting CHINA for dismemberment AND based on high-degreed freemasonic/Satanic doctrine (Luciferian) and their Egyptian mythology—about Osiris being murdered and dismembered by his jealous bro SET—-and Set dismembered him and hid the body parts all over the place—-including the body part the PENIS—which Isis (the female in this love triangle) found and that’s another story—but what happened to the 33 year old Chinese male’s penis????
This whole Luka Magnotta story as a ritual murderer making it into ritual porn (for the Queen to view and distributed FOR SALE….to make much profit in the ritual snuff film industry) is obviously globalist ILLUMINATI signaturing to their Masonic brotherhood and Masonic sisterhood and to us the PUBLIC—if we can figure out their code—to BEWARE of their plans for 2012 and various targeted countries… this case Canada and China.
June 4/12 The Mother’s Day or May 12/12 YouTube of Coast-to-Coast U.S. radio with interview of U.S. scientist Stan Deyo and human rights activist & whistle-blower U.S. Steve Quayle….on the fact that we are at the end of life as we know it…zombie apocalypse covered along with Russian elite troops on U.S. soil right now (some are on training exercises in Colorado right now)….getting ready I BELIEVE to fulfil the 1984 movie RED DAWN plot where the Communists……Russian & Cuban & Mexican dropped as paratroopers from commercial airliners onto the sleepy town of Calumet, Colorado probably in October as in the OCTOBER REVOLUTION (1917, Russia)—all CIA and NASA records have been moved from Washington D.C. to DENVER Colorado which is the provisional federal U.S. gov’t headquarters—it appears the Illuminati are planning to NUKE the Maryland capitol city as a part of their comprehensive agenda to bring America or their COLUMBIA to her knees and with the FIRES of staged oppression burning, they plan to torch the old world order and out of these ashes, these Masonic Satanists believe the mythical Phoenix bird will arise, that is the NEW WORLD ORDER.,_Colorado
Kingston Ontario Canada is interesting as a place since it is home to the federal penitentiary where they are jailing Monarch programmed multiple serial sex offenders and serial killers Masonic PAUL BERNARDO and Canadian Air Force Colonel Russell Williams and it is home to the infamous women’s prison and MKULTRA mind control programming.
Proctor, a native and black Canadian from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, calls this "mind rape."
She says she was singled out for such "Nazi-style science" because she had twice escaped from the prison, bringing unfavorable publicity to the authorities there.
Proctor asserts that the steady prison diet of LSD and other experimental drugs led her down the path to drug addiction for 24 years.
After publishing Chameleon: The Life of Dorothy Proctor in 1994, this articulate and determined woman launched a complaint with the Corrections Service of Canada (CSC), saying she suffered permanent brain damage and hallucinations haunting her to the present day.
"I was reduced to a lab rat, a monkey in a cage," she told the Ottawa Citizen (7/21/98), which has been covering the Proctor and other Canadian human experimentation cases for a number of years.
A government inquiry turned up documentation (including clinical notes) that Proctor was not the only victim of involuntary prison experimentation 1960-1963.
At least 23 other women prisoners were also used as human guinea pigs.
Only four of these women have been found to date. And instead of complying with the CSC’s recommendation of an apology and financial compensation to Proctor, the Canadian government commissioned an "ethics study" at McGill University.
Meanwhile Proctor hired lawyer James Newland and filed suit for $5 million in damages from the Canadian government vs. George Scott, M.D., the prison psychiatrist, and Mark Eveson, a psychologist affiliated with Queen’s University.
While the emotional shock of The Sleep Room still electrified Canadian airways, the Ottawa Citizen published an exposé drawn from interviews, archives, scientific journals and correspondence between doctors and prison officials.
It found that hundreds of federal prisoners throughout Canada were used for pharmaceutical trials of untested drugs, sensory deprivation, and pain and electroshock studies.
It uncovered a 1968 trial during where defendant Christine Bauman claimed that she sufferedterrifying personality changes after being given LSD in 1961 at the Institute for Psychotherapy, not far from the Kingston Prison where she had been incarcerated.
Furthermore, archival materials released through the Proctor lawsuit indicate that some abuses may have begun as early as March 24, 1949, when a new electroshock machine arrived at Kingston Penitentiary.
Now back to the LUKA ROCCO MAGNOTTA story and his slain, the 33 year old Chinese male, Lin Jun who showed up promptly at noon for work on May 24/12 and worked diligently during his five-hour shift.
As store owner Huang Kan Kan arrived to replace him, he said, “Bye, see you tomorrow” to his employee.
But at noon the next day, there was no sign of Mr. Lin, and Mr. Huang immediately figured something was wrong.
The name given-to-him-by-his-handler-likely, LUKA ROCCO MAGNOTTA is an odd name, an odd choice, and my friend recognized what parts of the name meant, so she became curious to investigate further.
She believes this name is VERY SIGNIFICANT to the mindset of this individual and to those bank rolling his world travels.
She highly doubts you’ll ever see the following information in the corporate media:
I chose Lucifer for this example, however, Venus works equally well, especially considering this is an androgynous demon with two aspects.
An androgynous demon, just like “Luka Magnotta”.
This is a deep analysis of his name and certainly brings us to the core of evil connecting it to Lucifer.
Back to mind control programming, a mini-history of Canada running these heinous human rights atrocity ops.
Here is some of the earlier experiments performed and below is one on the children and the gross experimenting of putting animal testicles in men.
Of course many of these experiments we already knew about.
I do not think we came across what my friend copied and pasted below.
From 1913 to 1951, Dr. Leo Stanley, chief surgeon at the San Quentin Prison, performed a wide variety of experiments on hundreds of prisoners at San Quentin. Many of the experiments involved testicular implants, where Stanley would take the testicles out of executed prisoners and surgically implant them into living prisoners. In other experiments, he attempted to implant the testicles of rams, goats, and boars into living prisoners. Stanley also performed various eugenicsexperiments, and forced sterilizations on San Quentin prisoners.[6] Stanley believed that his experiments would rejuvenate old men, control crime (which he believed had biological causes), and prevent the "unfit" from reproducing.[6][7]
From my informant M.M.—born & raised in Ontario Canada,— she wrote this to me, in the fall of 2010 about her life around 20 years earlier.
I am going to give you a bit of background on me so you can understand where I am coming from on all of this.
I grew up in Ontario Canada- went to school at Queen’s University.
When I was living in Kingston Ontario I took a job as a counselor for a community inclusion program.
The program’s initiative was to deinstitutionalize mentally or developmentally challenged children and “include” them into communities.
They set up several group homes in the area.
Most of my clients had been severely abused and I began to hear stories from them that I knew could not be made up.
Many workers that had worked in these institutions now got jobs in community inclusion programs and the stories they told of these human warehouses and what was done to these poor souls would rival Nazi Germany.
While working there I had a client that I was particularly close to. He had some problems with sexual deviance (extreme foot fetish that would cause him to assault strangers to feel their feet).
He was very low functioning intellectually and had no capacity for imagination. He loved to go to church and loved a Pentecostal church in town.
I was not serving the Lord at this time but took him as part of my job was to socialize him to “normal” societal activities.
It was through taking him to church that I eventually got saved. After working in this program for a while I noticed there were very odd things happening.
They were taking some of the clients to strip clubs and even hiring prostitutes for some of them with government funds.
One day my client was talking to me and he completely started freaking out about a knife and blood. Well to make a long story short, he had witnessed a ritual murder.
They had made him place the his hands on the knife while they killed this young girl and told him that he helped kill her so he would go to jail if he ever told someone- that is IF they didn’t do the same to him first.
He was terrified and since he did not read or watch television I knew he did not have the capacity to making this stuff up.
I did not know where to go because after having observed many things there I knew that my superiors were involved. I contacted a friend of the Pastor’s who was a RCMP officer.
There was another woman in the program who I later found out had been placed there to monitor my activities. I told her about it and my whole life changed.
These people would threaten me, break in my house, prank call me not to mention all the weird spiritual stuff that happened.
I went through two years of absolute hell on earth and could not comprehend all that was happening. I started to make connections and learn some things that I wish I had never found out.
I am sure you have heard of Dr. Ewen Cameron the psychiatrist involved in MK-ULTRA mind control with full knowledge of the Canadian government and with funding from the CIA.
Dr. Scott worked with Dr. Cameron. Scott joined the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in 1942. He was attached to the staff of Major Griffin McKerracher, regional psychiatrist for the Toronto military area, and in 1943 was named commanding officer of an experimental training program for emotionally vulnerable recruits at Ontario’s North Bay Military Camp.
When the war ended, Scott founded the Institute of Psychotherapy in Kingston, Ontario.
Over the years Scott has been prison psychiatrist for many of the main federal prisons in Canada.
Dr. Scott was very much involved in the satanic activities that my client witnessed.
I wrote M.M. back in the fall of 2010:
I began with U.S. Fritz Springmeier’s & ex-mind control slave Cisco Wheeler’s exposures about MKULTRA/Monarch trauma-based/SRA-based mind control programming, especially on North American soil.
I posted some of their work, The Illuminati Formula of How to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave.
You will find their work in my December 2009 and January 2010 blogs.
Then I posted the story of U.K. ex-mind control slave, Special Agent James Casbolt (he’s mid-30s….so really young; Cisco is close to 70 now….in the age range of those you are inquiring about).
The last key to “their” problem fell into my hand and I only posted her general story in my June 9/10 to June 13/10 blogs, and she is U.S. ex-mind control slave Cathy O’Brien (with her past-CIA, husband/deprogrammer Mark Phillips).
I based these blogs on their books: Trance Formation of American and ACCESS DENIED (for reasons of National Security)—both you can access through
Cathy says, as an mind control slave living in Tennessee with her 2nd husband & mind control handler (very evil man) that she was highly controlled as to what media she could access and this ministry was a GREEN light for her…her mind control handlers even encouraged her to watch this ministry (JSM).
Southern Baptise global evangelist Billy Graham is a mind control slave/handler/programmer who went rogue decades ago, serving the Illuminati as a 33rd degree freemason and a Satanist.
Graham’s story (I think Springmeier elaborated) was that he would preach to the Catholics (in 1990s & likely to date) and then if any got truly saved…with the help of the local Catholic Illuminati chapter he would LATER, deprogram them to stay with the Roman Catholic Satanic Cult.
Please note below two hyperlinks which represent the complete version of The Illuminati Formula of How to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave by Fritz Springmeierand Cisco Wheeler (Amish/Mennonite/Hutterite chapter in here).
Here is an excerpt for you from the latter book.
Deeper Insights into The Illuminati by Cisco Wheeler
Page 2:
With today’s sophisticated programming and structuring of MPD worlds, these evil alters can be controlled better than in the past, and yet we still have serial killers like Wayne Cox, and serial rapists like William Stanley Milligan, who were programmed multiples stalking our streets.
Kenneth Biani, the LA Hillside strangler who killed 9 people was diagnosed as a multiple, but claimed he had faked the disorder.
Thomas W. Piper in Boston in the 1870s, and Paul Miskamen, one hundred years later in California, are examples of multiples who had an alter capable of murder and another alter who was a good Christian.
One of the best disinformation campaigns of the Illuminati, is to make people think programmed-multiples are just for espionage, prostitution and assassination.
They have taken over our pulpits, like the Illuminati programmed multiple Jimmy Swaggart, and they have taken over our political offices, like Al Gore, and our universities. Even with the elite’s secrecy intact via their control of libraries, publishing houses, and newspapers, the record still shows the traces of the Illuminati’s history of creating controlled multiple personalities.
The historical record of criminals with multiple personalities includes the Illuminati coke multimillionaire Harry K. Thaw. He was one of the elite of society, who had charming sophisticated front alters, and sadistic deeper alters.
Page 368:
Country music industry perpetrators involved and knowledgeable of Monarch mind control most are involved with the CIA drug running network…(I just list a few she has in her book here: Alabama, Glen Campbell, Randy & Rudy Gatlin, Oakridge Boys, Tommy Overstreet, Charlie Pride, Ronnie Profit, Hank Snow, Jimmy Swaggart, Mel Tillis….
Many of the MKULTRA and Monarch programmed multiple, especially the beta sex slaves by the age of 30 years old are executed by their programmers/handlers/masters because their brain chemistry begins to change to the degree that they begin to REMEMBER (no longer able to dissociate from the SRA & torture….electro-shock, hypnosis and constant anti-psychotic drugging) what happened to them and WHO DONE IT.
It could be since Eric or LUKA is one year away from his 30th birthday and he may know it may be his planned death date year—and in his own twisted way he is trying to expose the EVIL of his Illuminati masters—-he is signaturing for them—and their obvious mouthpiece which includes the British Illuminati Queen—but he may be able to break free of their control…..long enough to tell us—I DO NOT WANT to do these horrid crimes again—-and believe me, Luka Magnotta as a captive mind control slave since childhood has been party to many horrific ritual homicides and acts of necrophilia and cannibalism.
THANKS TO MY SASKATOON SASKATCHEWAN SLEUTH for her excellent help in doing the research for parts of this blog—-her hard work & brilliant abilities make the difference.
Illuminati mind control mk ultra makes people become zombies!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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June 5/12
It looks like the mind control slaves are being triggered around the world (we white blooded just didn’t figure the Illuminati were mind control programming children in the Middle East both Arabs & Jews….for the 67 years post-WWII as they have in N.A. and Europe & globally)…..that is their JANUS end time programming is being triggered where their fairly normal & fairly moral front alter loses control of the host body and their well-hidden (this is often the case with programmed white collar professionals) other alters….like the perpetrator beta sex slave & ritual Delta assassin alters which includes a cannibal (like Hannibal) alter EMERGE—-if their normal front alter gains dominance once again after some horrific slaying by another alter—this so-called core personality (it is masquerading as such….and many of the MPD’s personalities & alters are the personalities of demon spirits and their appetites being expressed….that’s why the SRA abuse is so important to the MKULTRA & Monarch mind control programmers & handlers—the Satanic Ritual Abuse layers into the human host….these demonic personalities)…..this front alter will have NO memory of their other personalities’ CRIMES.
This so-called start of the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in N.A., Europe & the world in 2012 is possibly being triggered by elite drugs like a new LSD (as thought in the Miami-2-naked-males-eating-the-face-off story of a week or two ago…..or so-called bath salts…containing this drug and hence it may get into the body via a transdermal route—take a bath in the stuff and you are toxic with it) and/or it could be BIOTERRORISM via vaccines—say someone got the flu shot last fall (2011) and the Illuminati’s military-medical industrial complex had genetically-engineered a contaminate, modified live virus to be placed in random lots of say influenza vaccine—which was programmed like a ticking time bomb to go off say 6 to 8 months later by trigger let’s say a hormone change or a certain drug regime—like in the spring of 2012—and this genetically-engineered bioterror-driven vaccine virus likely attacked the brain tissues of the human host—say the LIMBIC SYSTEM—which could destroy normal human inhibitions to violent acts….such as carrying out violent cannibalistic homicides.
This is seen to some degree in the Illuminati’s 2007 movie INVASION, starring Nicole Kidman & Daniel Craig—but in this case it was a contaminant fungus from outer space—-and two years ago I was listening to the U.S. alternative news mogul Alex Jones (Austin TX) and he was exposing that the globalists were manufacturing a new genetically-engineered HERPES virus vaccine—which when injected into the human host would destroy areas of the brain which controlled emotion so that the victim would feel &/or express NO joy nor ANGER—they thought that this could be a behaviour modification tool and rehabilitation tool say to empty out the prisons, etc. and/or made teens immune to delinquent acts….yet they could have genetically engineered this herpes vaccine virus to just destroy the areas of the brain which INHIBIT psychopathic behaviours.
Some think a new mutant (likely genetically engineered) RABIES virus is out there—and is somehow being vectored into targeted humans—who then become VIOLENT, flesh-eating ZOMBIES.