Killing the "Borg" myth with numbers-Directed by Mark Koernke

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Comment by Cryptocurrency on October 3, 2011 at 9:27pm
My old profile! Lol i still can't get into my old account!!
Comment by truth on July 23, 2011 at 2:11am
Comment by Mettacom on March 4, 2009 at 11:27pm
A billion rounds sold in a month........that's a lot of led flying around. Americans bought enough guns in one month to outfit the Chinese military. No wonder the globalist look terrified.
Comment by ProphecyofBorg on March 2, 2009 at 5:08pm
I think that there is surging number of military personnel who are getting to the truth just like the everyday citizens. I think that in the end there might be a civil war not just here but throughout a vast majority of nations as the planned global economic collapse progresses. I really am starting to believe that we are a little better off right now than most of the globe. Look at the situation everyday. I hear of another nation on the verge of collapse. Look at Dubai, that place is falling apart at the seams right now. So is the lesser nations of the EU. Things will get bad eventually as planned, but unless there is a organized movement globally against these globalists and their agenda of one bank, one currency, one religion, one government, and them leading it, I fear that their plan will ultimately prevail. I pray that we can all come together around the world and hit them where it hurts on all fronts.
Comment by Mettacom on March 2, 2009 at 4:44pm
The United States military is waking up more so than most tend to think. Sometimes patriots give into to the subtleties of the enemies propaganda allowing their message to alter you perceptions of the true reality of this second American Revolution. Believe me when I tell you there are plenty of members of the US armed forces that are well aware of the rogue factions of government pulling the strings. They know all about 911, martial law, gun confiscations and the rest.

Chitty, chitty, bang-bang........................
Comment by Marklar on February 28, 2009 at 2:51pm

When people try to say a revolution could never succeed against a trained US military I just have to point out tht there are more trained military personnel who are now veteran civilians than there are active military and that there is no way the military could possibly stay intact as a cohesive fighting force under such conditions. In other words many US military personnel would swiftly split away bringing the military's guns, tank, armored personnel carriers, and fighter jets with them rather than fire on their friends and families.

In a knock down drag out popular revolution the US government and any military that obeys them would have almost no chance of survival whatsoever.

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