REPOST: In support of Christopher Story's latest article..:LIKE THE UK; THE U.S. NEEDS TO REPEAL ALL LAWS & TREATIES BACK

Posted By: watcher51445 Send E-Mail
Date: Wednesday, 21-Jul-2010 09:22:10

In Response To: LA S: Christopher Story's last two articles have been pulled off hi... (watcher51445)

In support of Christopher Story's latest article..:LIKE THE UK; THE U.S. NEEDS TO REPEAL ALL LAWS & TREATIES BACK TO
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Saturday, 10-Apr-2010 07:50:14 In support of Christopher Story's latest article..

Date: Friday, 9-Apr-2010 21:18:52. Christopher Story has published a new article here:


"snip: HOUSE OF LORDS WAS THEN PACKED WITH BLAIR’S CRONIESHaving thrown the constitutional furniture around the room in this barbaric and wanton fashion, the Blair-Brown Revolutionary Government then packed the Upper House with their own cronies, for whom Letters Patent were issued in spades. This behaviour encapsulated the following ironies:"

Being perfectly honest, but perhaps "politically incorrect:" THE SAME THING NEEDS TO HAPPEN HERE IN THE U.S. of A. We need Presidents, their offspring, and co-conspirators in the U.S. House and Senate, Wall Street, Security Exchange, Banking Regulators ad infinitum brought before A COURT OF COMPETENT JUSISDICTION with Judges and Jury's Appointed by WE the People to get this Political Corruption and UnAmerican Activity 'brought before the Bar' .. under the Law of the Land, the SUPREME LAW of We, the People and detmine if what has happened was 'pre-designed SEDITION AND TREASON' or simple LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES OF THEIR OFFICES OF PUBLIC ALLOWED and WOULD NOT ALLOW.

Lets look at CS's statement again: "HOUSE OF LORDS WAS THEN PACKED WITH BLAIR’S CRONIESHaving thrown the constitutional furniture around the room in this barbaric and wanton fashion, the Blair-Brown Revolutionary Government
then packed the Upper House with their own cronies, for whom Letters
Patent were issued in spades. This behaviour encapsulated the following

The identical statement can be made about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and every Administration since about the U.S. House and Senate Members, etc., plus... We have suffered the UnConstitutional, Despotic, Oppressive Indignities of having Presidents as Knights such as Bush, then Alan Greenspan, Colin Powell representing 'others' other than those and that to which they took an Oath and Swore to "Uphold, Protect and Defend, The Constitution of the United States, Against All Parties, Foreign and Domestic." They Ignored and set aside their Duties of Oath of Offices of Public Trust.. whereas by doing so.. they placed not only the United States of America's Monetary System in "Harms Way".. it also placed other unsuspecting
nations in Harms Way by the "Failure of Duty of Oath of Office"..

80000 LOBBYIST PAY YOUR U.S. REPS. TO SELL YOU AND YOUR ... power by those 80000 Lobbyist who have bought and paid for YOUR Congressman;

As Americans watch with absolute total disgust the shennagins going on in the U.S. House and Senate, and lets not forget the presidency's.. We watch the Democrats and Republicans acting like opposing sides in a football game. So far this U.S. House and Senate Member game is just that.. A GAME. What happens to the People is not important to these individuals at all..
What happens to the Sovereign Constitutional Xth Amendment Civil Governments of the States.. they could care less..what happens.. These individuals profess the "Constitution is Old and Outdated it needs to be done away with as it interferes with our doing of international business, trade and commerce." That was stated to a group of college students back in the 1990's to a group of college students at Scottsdale Arizona by President Clinton and Vice President Gore.

Lets take a further look at something else Christopher Story said: "

snip: HOUSE OF LORDS WAS THEN PACKED WITH BLAIR’S CRONIES Having thrown the constitutional furniture around the room in this barbaric and wanton fashion, the Blair-Brown Revolutionary Government then packed the Upper House with their own cronies, for whom Letters Patent were issued in spades. This behaviour encapsulated the following ironies:

• Having started this destructive revolutionary process, the revolutionary socialists led by the corrupt opportunist criminal Blair and the hardened international socialist Brown then lost their bottle and decided that THEY quite fancied joining the élite themselves one day – making it possible for themselves and their cronies to become Lords and Ladies of the Realm.

In other words, their egos got the better of their sterile ideological preoccupations.

We have a little lady in the U.S. House who's family ties are just a 'tad' more than suspect..
read: EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT WHO "PELOSI'S U.S. HOUSE ... Mr Cattelin told reporters: "We did have connections with .... Called Operation Gladio (gladius is Latin for sword),;read=170166

Yesterday, I responded to a young man age 56 by the name of Philip, one of our valued readers

Thank you for your comments and concerns, Phillip.

You asked me a question which is an issue which has been rolling around in my mind since Richard Nixon, who could never get an invitation to go to CHINA.. until a telephone call came in late one afternoon to my late husband who had been married to a member of the Royal Chinese Family, who called family members, obtained the invitation for Nixon to visit Chou en Li.

Henry Kissinger went along with Nixon to China.

Henry Kissinger came to the United States from Germany in 1938. He served in the Army and was educated at Harvard University, where he then served on the faculty from 1954-71. In the Nixon administration, Kissinger served as the president's National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State. Kissinger was the go-between in the secret negotiations that eventually opened relations between the U.S. and communist China.

The 'dye' with China had been set, then Spiro Agnew using the Powers of the Office of the President conducting all kinds of business including setting up transactions banking with Greek High Rollers, and his Bebe Rebosa Crowd of Crooks.

Nixon Administration's John N. Mitchell, the only United States attorney general to serve a prison sentence for his roll in Watergate.
See: John N. Mitchell, Principal in Watergate,

Martha Mitchell attempted to "blow the whistle".. she tried to blow the whistle on THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION.. she died of mysterious circumstances.. Later.. the Dallas Times reported "Martha was not just whistleing Dixie"..

After Spiro Agnew was removed from NIXON's Executive Office, his replacement came into public view.. another Nixon Administration Office Holder with a wife who strongly indulged in what those of us in that generation used to call "John Barley Corn", "High Jump" or "Kick a' Poo Joy Juice" also known as 'the hard stuff' called LIQUOR or BOOZE.. and sometimes the other stuff was called "Potato Squeezins"..

Then there was the Amiable good Old Boy.. Gerald Ford, assigned in to 'quietly' pick up where Spiro Agnew and Bebe Reboza left off to act as the 'gofer' for the 'boys' in the Business of Politics.. using his Presidential Powers to pave the way very quietly for the Jimmie Carter Administration who sold off the Panama Canal to CHINA.. indulged in activities involving the CONTRAS.. which brought about THE GOLD FOR ARMS; THE IRANIAN ARMS DEAL and THE IRAN CONTRAS..

Then there was "Ronnie the Red" i.e., Ronald Reagan's presidency's which brought in such individuals as CIA Director, G.H.W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney to mention a few who did more CONTRAing of the Constitutional U.S. Federal Government by "Re-Oganizing" Government, setting up CONTRAry federal government and state structuring which immediately began terminating American's who had held jobs in federal and state offices reaching retirement age; then hiring individuals who could not speak English, or read a word of english to work in those vital public offices supported by tax payor dollars.

Ronnie the Red kept "Heinz or Henry Kissinger' on for this CONTRA operation in Latin America.. alleging it was to clean up "drug running".. in another GUNS FOR GOLD, GUNS FOR DRUGS operation of the Contras.. flown into the U.S. and out of the U.S. by Air America.. CONTRAct on America? Now watch the following video it's no different than what happened in San Salvadore

The Video The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See

This 24-7 'tracking' the final leg of the Carter-Reagan "Contras" and the Global Banking, Financing and Economic "Hostage" Crisis a nearly accomplished 'fete' accompli' to finish off the Banking and Financial Structure of "Civilized Societies".. which the Black Swan, Black Ops Financial Terrorism generated with "Counterfeit "U.S." Collateralized U.S. Debt Obligations.

This Financial Aggression of the Contras did not end in Latin America.. It moved to North America as 'the president's men' took the Title 38 Oath to the President as they became our U.S. House and Senate Members, our Judge's on the Bench's of the Courts of Law belonging to WE the People who sat there on those bench's denying the American People the "Protection of THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE and "SAVINGS CLAUSE" of the Law of the Land as the Law of the Sea washed over every home, farm, business and Infra-Structure in this Nation of ours..

Our lands, mineral rights, water rights, highways, waterways, rail-roads etc.. as you can see for yourself in Executive Order 12803 of President G.H.W. Bush (#41) quoting source: Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization

April 30, 1992

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure that the United States achieves the most beneficial economic use of its resources, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) "Privatization" means the disposition or transfer of an infrastructure asset, such as by sale or by long-term lease, from a State or local government to a private party.

(b) "Infrastructure asset" means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government and needed for the functioning of the economy. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals.


To answer your question: Has anyone ever suggested that any president's sole possession and authority to use the launch code authentications contained in 'the football' is inappropriate? Surely, investing that authority in only one man is far more power than you complain that he's exercised in this matter.

Should that authority be stripped of this, and all, president(s)? If so, whom do you suggest should wield it?

ANSWER: No President should be given that much power, while NO PHARMACUTIAL COMPANY or NO FERTILIZER COMPANY, or NO NATION should be allowed to Trade in Commerce, Enter into Treaties international agreements other than treaties with the malicious, deceptive intent to break the agreements, allowing privatized "Contras" to operate freely with diplomatic immunity selling counterfeit "U.S. Debt Obligations" then send troops into nations for the purpose of war when those nations only have [guestimate] ONE HOUR OF ELECTRICITY per day..

Nations Military's should be DISARMED.. that would stop all wars.. These Presidents have wives who drink too much, put too much pressure on the men.. and at that time, in one split second..all hell could break loose.. NO ONE MAN/WOMAN NEEDS OR SHOULD HAVE THAT MUCH POWER.

Recently, Alan Greenspan stated to a Congressional Hearing "I did not know this was going on"...
BULL CHIT! He knew.. he was one of the facilitators for THE CONTRAS banking..

You did see this did'nt you? VIDEO: GODFATHER GREENSPAN & CONMEN BANKERS; Unbelievable! We knew all along, now it is being said!

One of our readers was kind enough to send this:

Stumbled on this today. It's starting to hit the mainstream press. Unbelievable! We knew all along, now it is being said!

Question is...What is to be done?

----- Original Message -----
From: Phillip
To: V.K. Durham
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: OBAMA A 'KING'? Obama Limits When U.S. Wou....

Dear Mrs. Durham:
Thank you for your heartfelt reply.

I in no way meant to make
any comment, whether disparaging or complimentary, concerning any topic
that you've raised in your reply. Nor to my knowledge did I do so.

I am a not-so-young-anymore
man of 56 years, and I am well aware of the history that you cite in
your reply (having read it right there on Rumor Mill News Reading Room
directly from your keyboard, I presume, and other places as well). It
saddens and sickens me, frankly, and you have my utmost sympathy and
respect for what you and your family have gone through and what you've
tried to do in this regard. This was not a topic I meant to address, nor
did address in any way in my prior e-mail.

I only commented on what I
found an odd assertion, that somehow the POTUS cannot legitimately set
the military conditions for the use of nuclear weapons, and that in
doing so, Obama was acting like a 'king.' I consider that assertion or
question off base, and contrary to how ANY president is considered the
commander-in-chief (per the Constitution's own language). Has anyone
ever suggested that any president's sole possession and authority to use
the launch code authentications contained in 'the football' is
inappropriate? Surely, investing that authority in only one man is far
more power than you complain that he's exercised in this matter.

Should that authority be stripped of this, and all, president(s)? If so, whom do you suggest should wield it?




From: V.K. Durham a href="">>
To: UnDisclosed
Sent: Wed, April 7, 2010 6:45:17 AM
Subject: Re: OBAMA A 'KING'? Obama Limits When U.S. Wou....

The following e-mail was sent to you via The Rumor Mill News Reading Room from sofla >


Re: OBAMA A 'KING'? Obama Limits When U.S. Wou....

The Constitution provides
that the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. What
President Obama has done is consistent with that office, and does not
require that he be a king of the country. The civilian control of the
military by the elected president is a key provision of the
Constitution, and it was designed to protect the American people from a
tyranny of the unelected military over the people.

Best regards.


VKD Responds:

This twisted concept of federal powers.. is absolutely and totally beyond belief and believed TYRANNY in reverse by it's imposition of Rules and Regulations which are not 'law'.. by the selling off and privatizing Tax Payer's Tax Dollar Built.. PUBLIC BOND Financed to 'foreign corporations' cloathed with federal powers operating as QUASI federal agencies..

The People are taxed to their max.. they cannot survive, they have no jobs, no health care because they have no jobs.. threatened by the quasi feds constantly as the president worsens the situation per the jobless and homeless people.. who suffer .. as the tax dollars are misapplied, misappropriated through Acts of Mal-Administration, Predatory Banking and outright GREED of Bankers who decided to indulge and play the game with the BCCI BANKING GROUP of the Pakistani-George H.W.. Bush-Contra Group.

Young man/woman.. Please do not insult my intelligence! My husband was smack dab in the middle of this! He was the Contra Account Holder; This group of disgruntled men.. murdered him [ ] after they kidnapped him, strung him up with meat hooks inserted under his collar bones, beat him unmercifully, burned him with ciggarettes, broke his ribs, broke his "signature hand", shoved a cattle prod up his rectum, excessively and invasively radiated him, injected him in the old radiation burn 8 or 9 times thinking it would not be 'discovered'.. then freezing him to death in the VA MORGUE. Son.. Don't give me any of your 'new age' constitutional allowances of reverse thinking. Simply.. Do not do it!

The People are aware of what has happened since the late 1970's early 1980's by and through the Excessive Misconstruction and Abuse of Powers by those in power, and the influence over the News Medias who would not report these Excessive Misconstruction and Abuse of Powers of the 'Influence' of the President's son's.. who began this mess in the first place of stealing of properties and it started in the S&L Crisis with Senator Charles Keating, Neil Bush, Clark Clifford, Mark Rich and even the Clinton's got into the rackets when they threatened Neil Bush back in August 1991 to insure they got a second $120 Billion Dollar Collateral.. involved in the BRADY BONDS..

All of this going on.. and all the Presidential Involvement.. the U.S. Attorney General's Deputy AG, Jamie Gorelick puts out a DO NOT INVESTIGATE ongong criminal activities... Come on! Not even the President's are "Above all Law!" But remain ABOVE THE LAW they did.. they kept dismantleing this nation highway by highway, bridge after bridge, hospital after hospital, school after school, health program after health program, industry after industry, manufacturing after manufacturing.. sending everything that was necessary outside the United States of America.. to outsource 'jobs' needed by Americans!?

And you have the intestinal fortitude to write me.. of all people after the president's murdered my husband, illegally and unlawfully 'hypothicated' Collateral belonging to Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087, indulge in FINANCIAL TERRORISM with those "UnLawful, Hypothicated-Stolen" two $120 Billion Dollar increments of Gold Collateral, then set up a Black Ops Operation in the Philippines suckering in Nations and Nations People around the Globe with over $107 Quantrillion Dollars in Counterfeit Gold Collateral which "I" did not authorize, and have the kahunas to say to me: quote: "The Constitution provides that the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. What President Obama has done is consistent with that office, and does not require that he be a king of the country. The civilian control of the military by the elected president is a key provision of the Constitution, and it was designed to protect the American people from a tyranny of the unelected military over the people."

Your mind is warped young man/woman.. That kind of power is not granted, vested or enumerated by the Constitution of/for the United States of America or in any of the Sovereign Xth Amendment Governments Constitutions of the States of the Union.

You see.. The Constitution is a 'compact' between the Sovereign Citizens of the states and the federal government. That stands in Res. in case you are not aware of it!

All of us remember AIR AMERICA and the CONTRAS ARMS FOR DRUGS out of Latin America and Iran... Don't we?!

WELL! MY husband was the CONTRA ACCOUNT HOLDER for CI-LTD. He was a Col. in this unGodly mess. When he objected to the slaughter by the CIA of the women and children, and shoving the bodies off into mass graves; His own "superior officers" had him thrown in prison in Latin America. He managed to get out of the prison by one of his female associates i.e., Cecelia, holding a "gun" on the President of Mexico in the Presidents Office, to allow the time for the Chiapias Indians to get Russell back into the United States. She grew up in Mexico whereas her family was influential and friends of the President.

Barry Seals and Russell Herman, Oliver North, George H.W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, James Baker III, Nicholas Brady, (Hughes Corporations) Bob Maheu, Col. Al Martin, Col. Frank McDonnald, Col. Al Caron, George Whackenhut, Rodriguez and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, FBI, CIA and MI6 were the original members of WHACKENHUT Services Inc., which was formed in 1955.
How do I know this? Russell Herman (Herrmann) told me so after his kidnapping and torture of October 28,1993 RUSSELL BROKE "THE CODE OF SILENCE" upon his return home from the St. Mary's Health Care Facility, Clayton Missouri, on November 17, 1993. See:

When Russell was brought home on November 17, 1993, he sat in his chair with that "1,000 yard stare"... Finally he made the following statement

"If the American People ever wake up, and find out what the Federal Government has really done; I would not want to be in the Executive Branch. I would not want to be a Member of Congress or Senate, state of federal. I would not want to be a judge on the bench. I would not want to be a lawyer. I would not want to be even the local dog catcher. Because; The American People will round all of them up; Give them a fair trial and hang them on the Capitol Steps [end quote]."

I have since heard Ex-President George Bush #41 made a similar statement after his resignation from THE CARLYLE GROUP.

Two farmers were over heard recently discussing Mr. Obama saying: "Obama has done more to awaken the American "Sleeping Tigers" than the bombing of Pearl Harbor".. and now they are pissed at his heavy handedness. "

It appears the American People have awakened.. and it appears they did read of Mr. Bush's MalAdministrative Acts of Selling Off and Privatizing that which was Property of We the People.. even Social Security was sold to England see: Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997


© Crown Copyright 1997

Statutory Instruments
printed from this website are printed under the superintendence and
authority of the Controller of HMSO being the Queen's Printer of Acts of

The following is not, has
not been authorized by the Constitution. Do not insult the intelligence
of WE the People.. and most of all.. Do not insult me!

V.K. Durham, CEO

read the following:

Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization

April 30, 1992

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure that the United States achieves the most beneficial economic use of its resources, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Definitions. For purposes of this order: (a) "Privatization" means the disposition or transfer of an infrastructure asset, such as by sale or by long-term lease, from a State or local government to a private party.

(b) "Infrastructure asset" means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government and needed for the functioning of the economy. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons, and hospitals.

(c) "Originally authorized purposes" means the general objectives of the original grant program; however, the term is not intended to include every condition requires for a grantee to have obtained the original grant.
(d) "Transfer price" means: (i) the amount paid or to be paid by a private party for an infrastructure asset, if the asset is transferred as a result of a competitive bidding; of (ii) the appraised value of an infrastructure asset, as determined by the head of the executive department or agency and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, if the asset is not transferred as a result of competitive bidding.

(e) "State and local governments" means the government of any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and any country, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, intrastate district, regional or interstate governmental entity, council of governments, and any agency or instrumentality of a local government, and any federally recognized Indian Tribe.

Sec. 2. Fundamental Principles.
Executive departments and agencies shall be guided by the following objectives and principles: (a) Adequate and well-maintained infrastructure is critical to economic growth. Consistent with the principles of federalism enumerated in Executive Order No. 12612, and in order to allow the private sector to provide for infrastructure modernization and expansion, State and local governments should have greater freedom to privatize infrastructure assets.

(b) Private enterprise and competitively driven improvements are the foundation of our Nation's economy and economic growth. Federal financing of infrastructure assets should not act as a barrier to the achievement of economic efficiencies through additional private market financing or competitive practices, or both.
(c) State and local governments are in the best position to assess the respond to local needs. State and local governments should, subject to assuring continued compliance with Federal requirements that public use be on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms, have maximum possible freedom to make decisions concerning the maintenance and disposition of their federally financed infrastructure assets.
(d) User fees are generally more efficient than general taxes as a means to support infrastructure assets. Privatization transactions should be structured so as not to result in unreasonable increases in charges to users.

Sec. 3. Privatization Initiative.
To the extent permitted by law, the head of each executive department and agency shall undertake the following actions: (a) Review those procedures affecting the management and disposition of federally financed infrastructure assets owned by State and local governments and modify those procedures to encourage appropriate privatization of such assets consistent with this order;
(b) Assist State and local governments in their efforts to advance the objectives of this order; and
(c) Approve State and local governments' requests to privatize infrastructure assets, consistent with the criteria in section 4 of this order and, where necessary, grant exceptions to the disposition requirements of the "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments" common rule, or other relevant rules or regulations, for infrastructure assets; provided that the transfer price shall be distributed, as paid, in the following manner: (i) State and local governments shall first recoup in full the unadjusted dollar amount of their portion of total project costs (including any transaction and fix-up costs they incur) associated with the infrastructure assets involved; (ii) if proceeds remain, then the Federal Government shall recoup in full the amount of Federal grant awards associated with the infrastructure assets, less the applicable share of accumulated depreciation on such asset (calculating using the Internal Revenue Service accelerated depreciation schedule for the categories of assets in question); and (iii) finally, the State and local governments shall keep any remaining proceeds,

Sec. 4. Criteria.
To the extent permitted by law, the head of an executive department or agency shall approve a request in accordance with section 3(c) of this order only if the grantee: (a) Agrees to use the proceeds described in section 3(c)(iii) of this order only for investment in additional infrastructure assets (after public notice of the proposed investment), or for debt or tax reduction; and (b) Demonstrates that a market mechanism, legally enforceable agreement, or regulatory mechanism will ensure that: (i) the infrastructure asset or assets will continue to be used for their originally authorized purposes, as long as needed for those purposes, even if the purchaser becomes insolvent or is otherwise hindered from fulfilling the originally authorized purposes; and (ii) user charges will be consistent with any current Federal conditions that protect users and the public by limiting the charges.

Sec. 5. Government-wide Coordination and Review.
In implementing Executive Order Nos. 12291 and 12498 and OMB Circular No. A-19, the Office of Management and Budget, to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the provisions of those authorities, shall take action to ensure that the policies of the executive department and agencies are consistent with the principles, critiera, and requirements of this order. The Office of Management and Budget shall review the results of implementing this order and report thereon to the President 1 year after the date of this order.

Sec. 6. Preservation of Existing Authority.
Nothing in this order is in any intended to limit any existing authority of the heads of executive departments and agencies to approve privatization proposals that are otherwise consistent with law.

Sec. 7. Judicial Review.
This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch, and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by a party against the United States, it agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person.

George Bush
The White House,
April 30, 1992.

----- Original Message ----- From: Undisclosed
To: a href="">>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: OBAMA A 'KING'? Obama Limits When U.S. Wou....

The following e-mail was sent to you via The Rumor Mill News Reading Room from sofla >
> ***************************************************************************
> Re: OBAMA A 'KING'? Obama Limits When U.S.. Wou....

The Constitution provides that the President is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. What President Obama has done is consistent with that office, and does not require that he be a king of the country. The civilian control of the military by the elected president is a key provision of the Constitution, and it was designed to protect the American people from a tyranny of the unelected military over the people.

Best regards.

Back to Christopher Story..

Date: Friday, 9-Apr-2010 21:18:52. Christopher Story has published a new article here:

snip: Any such 'reform' would be consistent with, and would pressupose, the conversion of Britain into a chaotic Republic like the worst extant contemporary example, the United States: see why, below.

• Another clue here is that nobility (and 'fake' nobility, such as is represented by Blair's cronies in the House of Lords) is incompatible with any Republican form of Government. [The original 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, drafted around 1800, banned Titles, Nobles and Esquires, and barred such title-holders from being US citizens and therefore from holding high office, a state of affairs that triggered the War of 1812 with Britain, leading to the sacking of Washington in 1814; whereupon the 13th Amendment was quietly dropped, with the assumption being that it was not ratified. However in recent years, state-by-state archival research has proved that it WAS ratified].

Having thrown the constitutional furniture around the room in this barbaric and wanton fashion, the Blair-Brown Revolutionary Government then packed the Upper House with their own cronies, for whom Letters Patent were issued in spades. This behaviour encapsulated the following ironies:

• Having started this destructive revolutionary process, the revolutionary socialists led by the corrupt opportunist criminal Blair and the hardened international socialist Brown then lost their bottle and decided that THEY quite fancied joining the élite themselves one day – making it possible for themselves and their cronies to become Lords and Ladies of the Realm.

In other words, their egos got the better of their sterile ideological preoccupations.

• Having thus abused the Letters Patent system in the manner described above, they accordingly proceeded to abuse it further by issuing new Letters Patent to a bunch of preferred and randomly selected hacks, thereby, contrary to law, discriminating against the Hereditary Peers who retained every right to sit in the Chamber and perform their serious duties as Councillors to The Queen. source:;read=170796


: Christopher Story's last two articles have been pulled off his
: web site

: This is quite odd because In his last article, C. Story had
: spoken of an assassination attempted on
: him by the usual suspects here in the USA and Britain, He went
: on to report that he had survived
: this attack on his life, and further that the assassins or
: their Bosses were surprised that he was
: indeed still alive, but that as he was still recovering from
: that attempt, he would not be detailing
: and revealing more of this story until after he became well
: enough to do so.

: As of today, that attempted assassination article, as well as
: his regular July 10th article entitled
: have been pulled from his web site.

: I wonder if he has been Killed?

: LA S

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cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post Too Brainwashed to Use Common Sense
"Mass psychosis Formation. Mass Formation in itself is not necessary a bad thing but 90% of it is…"
Doc Vega posted blog posts
tjdavis posted a video

Final Judgment Approaches: What the Noahide Laws Reveal

The Seven Noahide Laws, often seen as a precursor to a global system of judgment, stand in stark contrast to the teachings of the New Testament. Jesus Christ...

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