Losing your right to grow, harvest and consume your own food

Marti Oakley   © 2011 All Rights Reserved

No one would have believed that the Russian government would have intentionally starved an estimated 10 million Ukrainian people to death, but the fact is …from 1932-33 they did.  During the Holodomor people became so ravenous, some inevitably turned to cannibalism. The Russian government accomplished this mass starvation by seizing control of all food production and forcing everyone to work for collective farms.  Farmers and ranchers were forced to give up their land and livestock to the state and were not allowed to consume any of the food they produced; all of it was held in government owned silo’s and terminals.  All of it sold for export to other countries and the money used to finance wars. 

This was genocide on a massive scale. It was a genocide intended to take land and farming away from the people and convert it all to state (corporate) control. It was estimated that 80% of the Ukrainian population were farmers.  As the millions died, other ethnic groups were brought in to replace the Ukrainians.  And it all began with the Russian government depleting grain reserves and food supplies and then claiming ownership and control of agriculture.

While our own government has not yet begun withholding food from the general population, the transferring of other ethnic groups into our communities through the promotion of illegal immigration across our southern border and from the dumping of massive numbers of alleged refugees from many mid-eastern countries into communities where the cultural, religious and ethnic back grounds quickly divide the population, is happening.  This is an intentional disruption of these communities not for the purpose of diversity, but rather, to end the sense of cultural and national unity.  This is nation busting.  Its purpose is to destroy any sense of community or national identity and loyalty.

Where is our back up?

Here in the US, the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) was charged with maintaining grain reserves and commodity backups. The purpose of the CCC was to maintain a balanced supply of food commodities as a strategic backup in case of emergency and was charged with distributing those back up supplies to the population should they be needed. This purpose has long since disappeared from the CCC mission.

Along with this loss of strategic grain reserves, there is no butter, cheese, dry milk or any other food commodity stockpiled for the American people in the event the predicted food crisis occurs or, if there is in fact another “terrorist” attack.  Nearly one third of all corn crops are now diverted to ethanol production and are not grown for food; this while the coming food crisis begins. 

In the 1980’s, America’s commodity reserves were depleted and never re-established.  In 2008 all of our grain reserves were sold off and never re-established. The CCC, which has no operating personnel, exists on paper only as a conduit for financing and a means of controlling export markets. 

It is now a felony to be prepared!

The Patriot Act includes a provision that makes possession of more than one week’s worth of food or even necessary medical supplies a felony should the president declare a national emergency.  Does this make sense?  In a national emergency wouldn’t you want the population as self sufficient as possible?  Wouldn’t you be encouraging them to stockpile and prepare for one of these terrorist attacks they claim are imminent? 

Does any one besides me find it odd that while those jackasses in the District of Criminals scream that we are all out here looking for government handouts and are too lazy to take care of our selves, they are simultaneously passing laws making it illegal for us to be prepared or to do anything in the way of maintaining our self sufficiency?  Consider the ongoing mocking of so-called “preppers”; people who heeded the government warnings of possible terrorist attacks and began making preparations for that contingency.  

Bear in mind that since 2007 and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the president may declare a national emergency at any time that he determines there is one….even if he is the only one who thinks there is one.  No congressional oversight for six months after such a declaration was simply added to relieve congress of having to challenge the presidents claim or to be held responsible.   

What we are witnessing is the remaking of another holodomor, only this time it will be America that will suffer.  Stalin used a specific plan of attack as he began his genocide of the Ukraine.  It takes little effort to see the same system being implemented here and in other countries, obviously to affect the same result.

1928 Stalin introduces a program of agricultural collectivization that forces peasants/farmers to give up their private land and livestock, and join state owned, factory-like collective farms. Stalin decides that collective farms would not only feed the industrial workers in the cities but would also provide a substantial amount of grain to be sold abroad, with the money used to finance his industrialization plans.

Are any alarms going off here? 

In the last ten years most especially, we have seen a concerted effort by congress, our presidents and various corporations that operate as federal agencies, to centralize food production in the hands of the state where access to markets and agricultural production will be divvied up between favored corporations.   

The FDA, an agency which represents a massive and imminent danger to the general public, announced that the citizens of the US do NOT have the right to choose what foods they will eat; that is apparently to be determined by the state.  Now logically, if we have no right to choose what foods we want to eat, neither can we produce the foods we want to eat and FDA along with the USDA and several other international organizations and federal agencies are working toward eradicating our right to grow our own foods free from government and corporate interference. 

The fake food safety bill was passed giving dictatorial powers to agency heads, and setting in motion the enforcement of unconstitutional rules and regulations meant to make independent and family farming and ranching untenable due to burdensome regulations and ever changing rules and massive enforcement operations which are never applied to corporate multi-national producers.

Name one time that USDA/FDA swat teams showed up with the local sheriff, dressed in star wars riot gear, weapons drawn, after some big Ag producer sent out millions of pounds of contaminated hamburger or even peanut butter.  But try selling fresh raw milk through your local co-op and see who comes calling.

This system is not intended to secure or make safe our food supply, but is instead the system that will be used to undermine and eradicate our independent agricultural sector converting it to a state controlled and corporately owned enterprise. 

Swat team raids are now used to trespass private property, to unlawfully seize private property, to terrorize and harass private citizens on what they thought was their land.  No evidence of wrongdoing is needed; only a “belief” that a problem might exist.  The intent is to drive independent ranchers and farmers out of business and off their land. 

The USDA is again attempting to implement the infamous National Animal Identification System (NAIS) having changed the name of the program to Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) in an effort to establish state owned herds and reducing livestock owners to “stakeholders, managers and/or operators” but NOT the actual owners of the livestock. 

The White House Rural Council

From 1929:
A policy of enforcement is applied, using regular troops and secret police. Many Ukrainian peasants/farmers, known for their independence, still refuse to join the collective farms. Stalin decides to “liquidate them as a class” and accuses Ukrainians of “bourgeois nationalism.” 

While this Rural Council is said to be focused on strengthening rural economies, one has to wonder what the military role would be in that, or the role of HSD or the FBI for that matter.  Of course the focus of this Council is not to strengthen rural communities but rather to coax, push, threaten rural land owners off their land and convert private agriculture into corporately owned and run industrialized farms.  

This council has been established to determine if agricultural land owners are making “adequate and beneficial” use of their land.  If land mapping and identification of potential resources available in or on your land indicate that the “state” could make more of a profit from the resources available on land you own……you won’t own it anymore.  Your land will be taken under eminent domain and even though you will supposedly be offered a fair market price for your land, that offer won’t come until land values in your area have been intentionally reduced via government regulation and interference, to virtually nothing.  Either way, you will have no choice.  And if you refuse to leave voluntarily?  Not a problem!  The Pentagon (military) is part of this Council and will be used for enforcement.

Modern collective farms

Today’s collective farms carry the names of multi-national corporations which have steadily bought up massive areas of agricultural acres here in theUSand abroad.  Food produced on these farms is not intended for local or even national consumption.  All of it is targeted towards the global market where it is sold to the highest bidder.  If we can’t pay the price…we won’t eat.  And just to make sure you are forced into bargaining on the global market, laws are steadily being put into place to make growing your own food illegal.

  • We should not be exporting anything but the surplus beyond what we need and,
  • what is not held as emergency commodities. 
  • We should not be importing anything we can produce ourselves.
  • We should never allow foreign corporate producers and governments to under sell our domestic producers and,
  • we should never be in the position of being beggars on the destructive global market. 

Foreign countries are supplying the bulk of our food and our own government is encouraging and supporting this dumping of massive quantities of low quality, cheap food products while our independent agricultural sector has been intentionally hobbled with everything from free trade agreements to arbitrary and malicious laws, regulations and rules; the stage is set for our own version of holodomor. 

Will the real terrorists please stand up?

We have individuals from our own states and local communities who have donned government badges and who have decided to work against us.  Those individuals who show up on family farms, ranches, in local whole food stores are not foreign terrorists; they are Americans.  Having decided apparently that it is far safer to throw in with the oppressors than to stand up to oppression, these people have terrorized, harassed, intimidated and threatened other American citizens all in the name of global government. 

Hundreds of thousands of American citizens collect a paycheck for spying on and terrorizing other Americans.  Others spend their time attempting to enforce unlawful rules, regulations and unconstitutional “laws” and appear to take great pleasure in bullying and terrorizing the population. 

A line is being drawn in the sand and each of us needs to figure out which side of that line we are on.  There is a plan in motion that will harm a great many of us and there are a great many of us who will sell our souls to save ourselves. 

The day is coming when each of us will have to determine which side of the line we are on. 




It was initially managed and operated in close affiliation with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which funded its operations. On July 1, 1939, CCC was transferred to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Secretary of Agriculture was granted the authority to exercise all rights of ownership of the Corporation’s by Executive Order 8219 of 1939.



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