April 11, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is a media creation, fake news, the biggest psychological warfare stunt in history.  They're lying.
Their modus operandi is
to destroy you while saying
it's for your own good.  They are destroying society to
protect your health!
by Henry Makow PhD
There is a scene in the Jewish self-celebratory movie, "Chicago"  where a wife catches her husband in bed with two naked women. She draws her gun. 
"Don't shoot," he says. "I'm alone."
"Bullshit," she says.
"Believe what I tell you, not what you see," he replies.
She shoots him. 
In contrast, Americans, the most heavily armed civilian population in the history of the world are holstering their guns. 
This is the Cabalist MO. 
Destroy while convincing you that it's for your own good. Destroy the economy. It's for your own good.
Convince women to squander their most fertile years pursuing career and free sex because it's "empowering." 
Convince western nations to destroy their racial and cultural heritage because, "Diversity is our Strength." 
Destroy gender identity and promote homosexual dysfunction to children in the name of tolerance.  "Love is Love." It's "progressive."
Cabalists create false reality to suit their perversion. That's why they own the mass media. It's their Black Magick.
 The scamdemic is part of a larger pattern. We are under occult assault. 
Nothing can justify the economic devastation caused by the media generated coronavirus panic. The real agenda is make everyone dependent on the government by throwing millions out of work and destroying small business. Then, force everyone to accept vaccines and a digital tattoo as the price of employment and free movement and assembly. Marginalize  independent thinkers. Of course, this is all done to "protect your health."
Shoot the f**ker!
Obviously an insidious agenda is at play. Why would the Cabalist Governor of Michigan, Esther Whitmer, ban people from buying seeds and American flags.  What have they got to do with the virus? It is about undermining patriotism and personal independence. 
Why would healthy people be barred from attending church on Easter? Banned from sitting in their garden or walking alone on the beach. This has nothing to do with stopping a virus and everything to do with teaching that we have no rights. We are powerless. 
In a pandemic, you quarantine the sick, NOT the healthy.
Due to their classic bullshit MO, everyone has docilely accepted the destruction of their livelihoods, economy and social fabric. Will they also passively accept toxic vaccines and digital tattoos? 
Do Americans already have a slave-like mentality?
Unless the Illuminati have a change of heart, it's only a matter of time before the silk glove comes off and the iron fist appears, when the veneer of civilization evaporates and people are incarcerated or killed for resisting occult tyranny. Communism. 
The Illuminati have overstepped this time. This will become apparent when the economic toll is measured and the coronavirus is exposed as the seasonal flu in drag. 
Have you forgotten? We get the flu every year. For most people, it's not fatal.
This is our opportunity to overthrow the central bankers and their puppets, our discredited political leaders and pundits.
Related 1- Read this site to see what a total fraud this pandemic is.
"50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms."
2. "Just because people are not informed, filled with fear and have been mind controlled their entire lives does not make them less than the informed."
3. Makow- 
9-11, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas, Paris, Nice, Aurora Co., San Bernardino, Orlando. We let them think they could get away with anything.
First Comment from SC-
If I have learnt anything in my 59 years of walking on this earth is that most people are not interested in learning what truth is.  They would sooner sit in front of a box that continuously spits out lies and misinformation and entertains them. I have spent my entire life as a white collar worker in the forest and mining industry in B.C.  I have sat in lunch rooms with men and and tried to reason with them that our Government is is  not some benevolent entity that represents our best interests and that the MSM is complicit in our demise. I have been mocked and ridiculed for my Christian faith and even had a tin foil hat  placed on my head. I wonder how many of us have noticed that the majority of the people (especially this generation that have been raised with a cell phone in their hands) have no interest in what the truth is as long as they have necessary conveniences. 
Now nothing is restrained from them, that they imagine to do. Imagine the good that they could have done with these devices?  Yeah it's a pipe dream I know.
I have absolutely no hope except in Christ that we have any chance of turning this juggernaut around until all of our rights and freedoms have been taken from us.  Maybe then people will wake up. Sadly it may very well be to late for some of us.
People should wake up to the truth that never in the history of our planet has a small group of incredibly evil parasites managed to manipulate and control peoples thoughts and actions without having to use brute force. Lies, just like in the garden of Eden.   And people wonder why this world is in such a state of disarray and confusion. A side from throwing out our televisions and ripping down our cell towers and returning  to the God of our for fathers I hold very little hope for humanity.
Thanks CS. They're not laughing at you now.
JG writes-
The American public's patience is slowly running out and they know it. I commend the Governor of Florida for reaffirming the citizens of Florida their right to worship. 
What should follow soon are the reaffirming of the state's right to work laws. The constitutional lawyers across the country are slowly coming out of their complicit silence on these matters and that's a good thing. 
The MSM will continue to give them little or no press to try to convince the public that they really don't exist but they won't be able to stop them. Ron Paul in a recent article has called for the dismissal of Dr. Fauchi. The CDC and the WHO both work in coordination with Big Pharma and their super investors for profit and for the power to institute social and political agendas.
 I don't know how much longer the public can go along with these dictatorial decrees that are slowly causing bankruptcies and food lines to explode. The initial shock phase of this operation is over and as everyday goes by more Americans are getting the real message here. I really don't know if Americans can live like this much longer. May 1st is a long, long time in the Corona world.

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Comment by Mr. Sizzle on April 13, 2020 at 11:54pm

Another excellent article by Makow and a great post @Chris.  I read something in the article I thought was quite important in the links.


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