Published: 17 March, 2012, 00:43
Jason Russell, co-founder of non-profit Invisible Children and director of "Kony 2012" viral video campaign. (Reuters / Brendan McDermid)
The blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Christian filmmaker behind the Internet’s most recent famous activism campaign, “Kony 2012,” has been arrested. For masturbating. And being drunk. And vandalizing cars. In public. In the morning.
Jason Russell, 33, was arrested Thursday morning by the San Diego Police Department in Southern California and the earliest reports detailing the incident suggest it was one hell of a day already for the Invisible Children co-founder and proclaimed “mastermind” behind the Kony 2012 viral video.Police say he was described as "in his underwear" when the first 911 calls were made.
San Diego Police Department Lieutenant Andrea Brown tells a local NBC affiliate that Russell was found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of an unknown substance at around 11:30 am on Thursday. Authorities detained him at the intersection of Ingraham Street and Riviera Drive in San Diego, only a stone’s throw from the Pacific Ocean.
When the Kony 2012 campaign was released earlier this month, Russell’s activism group, Invisible Children, described him on their website as being the “grand storyteller and dreamer” behind their operation. By Friday afternoon, however, the bio page of the Invisible Children website was unavailable.
Within minutes of the news of his arrest being released on Friday, the group issued a statement. Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey published an one-paragraph press release, but did not touch on the topic of arrest. Instead, Keesey says, “Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalized yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition."
"He is now receiving medical care and is focused on getting better. The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday," added Russell.
Video -- UP-CLOSE Naked Meltdown -- #Kony 2012 http://youtu.be/TjdH2LDH5LM #uganada #propaganda
@Kaycee the whole KONY Hegelian dialectic was created to invent the new Bin Laden...
That is a video where the founder openly says: " This is literally the best piece of propaganda we've ever created"
The definition of propaganda is:
Quite simply the whole KORNY (sic) story is a myth designed to fool low level thinkers into signing away on yet another military adventure for KBR/Xe/Blackwater/War.inc.
See: Why KONY 2012 is misleading:
IS KONY2012 a fraud?
See the look on this guys face when OBAMA signs off on African involvement...
Dont buy the latest false flag lie set to prompt a military response...
@Kaycee, we care about a better future for all and that includes Africa. Russell is not discredited for self-gratification but for exploiting the children and all people of Africa by making a propaganda film that attempts to justify an invasion of Africa on the pretext of humanitarian aid but with the intent to steal its resources. I'll post the links again for you to familiarize yourself with all the aspects of this sordid story:
Additionally, scroll back through all the comments on this post. Many here question how a Christian, family man, well-known filmmaker would be out in the street near the beach in broad daylight vandalizing cars and masturbating apparently oblivious to people all around him dialing 911. It doesn't add up unless he was being deliberately set up.
I generally just read this site and not comment because it seems to have changed quite a bit since I joined (a Ron Paul and Alex Jones site to be exact), but I wonder about those that do the most posting and commenting or the "regulars" so to speak. What do the people on here really care about: a better future for all or just those that think like them? I saw the Kony video and was appalled. I didn't care where it happened or when or by whom. What I find most fascinating it the attempt to discredit it. So the guy participated in a bit of self gratification (today’s' greatest activity) and now the whole Kony thing is unimportant. Does anyone care about anything anymore? I am quickly losing hope in humanity as a whole. A sad day indeed.
This whole kkkkKony thing has been interesting and educational on many levels. The cast of characters and intent was discovered early on. The agenda and how it's played was also a lesson for many. Most valuable though was the education of and discovery by all the well intentioned young people who, like many, bought into this cause only to be betrayed. Yeah, it kinda backfired,huh? The first cut is the deepest.
We track dominant social themes here at the Daily Bell, and the spectacular implosion of the "Stop Kony 2012" campaign is a further example of how these memes are disintegrating under the pressure of what we call the Internet Reformation.
We commented on this in this past week, in "Kony 2012 Debunking Shows How Far Alternative Media Has Come." But we wrote that article before the spectacular implosion of the "artistic creator" of the video, who apparently had a nervous breakdown due to the reception of the video and was sent to a psychiatric facility.
KONY 2012 is the latest attempt to sell a dead phony Bin Laden type figure to landgrab at African rare earth resources by American Corporate Bomb Droppers inc.
More fear, less reality and a dose of Jessica Lynch heartstrings. Have we never learnt from their pathetic attempts at Hegelian Dialect creation of problem -reaction-solution ? These are but tentacles of the same octopus as War.inc
What a real wanker....
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