Another whiney negro invader (take the mask off this is america) takes offense when it's little raghead is ignored(probably cause once again all the other kids were on the stage FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS) and the niglet wanted special attention or decent folks are so fkn fed up with the violence of this primitive race of negroids that ignoring them is being tried-won't work they play the race card and the liberal liars in media spout their skewed version of events to always protect niggers to degrade whites in any way possible which is why if you have inteGRITy own your beliefs don't whisper, holler for all to hear THE TRUTH LOVES SUNSHINEnegroes are a violent race who are resposible for 85% of the murders in america and colored males are only 6% of that # so between 6% of niggers and 4% of queers and other degenerate filth THE OTHER 80% OF US SHOULD SUFFER(10% for females coloreds and their niglets) for this small number, now my math is probably of another 20%or so but these are the enables and coercers' of our problems so we will get to them, right now the violence and disease carriers have to be dealt with.
They probably weren't invited to the party anyway.
Mom speaks out after she says Chuck E. Cheese character ignored dau...
Notice he turned his back on the little blonde-haired girl that got on the stage late, but no, it was only her child that was ignored. Go back to your home country where Mommy wouldn't be allowed to go out in public without an approved male escort and try whining there.
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