Martin Bryant is INNOCENT !
Sunday 28th April 1996 at Port Arthur.
Most Australians are only vaguely aware of the events that occurred on this day. We have been told that a gunman armed with a Colt AR15 semi automatic rifle fired 29 rounds inside the Broad Arrow Café at Port Arthur, killing 20 and wounding another 12 of the approximately 60 people inside the café. It is also stated that the killer fired seventeen shots, killing twelve and wounding another five victims in the first fifteen seconds. Most of the dead were headshot, and the killer fired from the right hip, not from sighted shots.
The gunman then changed magazines and left the café carrying the Prince sports bag with his right arm through the carry straps, still firing the Colt AR15 until he changed firearms from the Colt AR15, to a Belgian FN assault rifle and continued his assault killing 4 and wounding 5 at the Port Arthur Historic Site car park area.
The BMW was next reportedly seen by John Rooke, who saw the vehicle diverge across the Arthur Highway and park outside the Seascape Cottage, and then saw the gunman start shooting at passing traffic. The gunman shot at six different vehicles as they passed the Seascape driveway, seriously wounding two persons, Linda White and Mrs. Carol Williams, the wife of a Canadian Embassy Official, with others receiving lesser injuries, mainly from broken glass, before the gunman withdrew to the Seascape Cottage and prepared for the coming police siege.
A total of 35 dead and 22 injured for the whole incident, including Seascape Cottage.
On the following morning Martin Bryant was arrested naked, after he fled from a fiery Seascape Cottage, unarmed, dressed in black, and with his clothes alight. After he had fled the burning building, he vanished from view for a time, while he removed his burning clothing. This supposed gunman had left his armoury behind, saving himself from becoming another statistic.
There is sufficient evidence to show that Martin Bryant left his home in Clare Street, New Town at 9.47 a.m., and then proceeded to the Tasman Peninsula. This would place Bryant arriving at Seascape Cottage approximately 90 minutes later, had he not made all the different stops along the route, as he did on that particular morning. Thus there is no possibility that Martin Bryant was present at Seascape when three witnesses, being Andrew and Lyn Simmons who heard two shots emanating from Seascape at 10.40 a.m. and Douglas McCutcheon another near neighbour heard a series of shots at about the same time on that Sunday morning.
The two shots are important, as David Martin was ‘found to have been shot twice, but there was no evidence to positively prove that Sally Martin had been shot, but rather died from a blow that fractured her skull. Then there was the blood on the hunting knife found in the ‘Prince’ sports bag that DNA tests confirmed as being that of David Martin. What becomes even more interesting was the fact that David Martin’s body was found with a gag over his mouth. The presence of a gag strongly suggests that David Martin was not murdered immediately, but was bound and gagged prior to his being shot. Of course this raises ‘the question as to how did David Martin subject himself, to being tied and gagged by a single person? It takes two hands to perform such an act, and another two to operate a rifle. Then there was the body of Glen Pears, which was found, with two sets of handcuffs attached to the body.
We must now consider the only reported police constables on duty within an hour from the Tasman Peninsula, being Constable Gary Whittle from Dunalley, and Constable Paul Hyland from Nubeena. Both were called out, by radio from police headquarters in Hobart, to attend at Saltwater River in relation to a supposed heroin cache, and coincidentally arrived at that location just prior to 1.30 p.m. The heroin cache turned out to be jars of soap powder, and the person who had reported the find to police was not located. So who initiated this telephone call to police? It was not Martin Bryant, and police have been very coy in relation to how the only protection for the Tasman and Forestier Peninsulas were lured to this remote area. Shortly after these police reported their presence at Saltwater River, the massacre at Port Arthur commenced.
With the initial call to the Tasmania Police via the emergency telephone number 000, logged in at 1.32 p.m. the police were alerted to something occurring at Port Arthur. Within minutes they received numerous calls giving them more details of what had been occurring at the Tasman Peninsula.
At this stage what the police had was a lone gunman creating absolute panic and mayhem in the area, and it was treated as such. At 1338 hours, Constables Whittle and Hyland who were still at the Saltwater River region were recalled poste haste, with Constable Whittle attending at the Port Arthur General Store, and Constable Hyland attending at the Fox and Hounds Hotel. Constable Hyland was informed that the gunman was at the Seascape Cottage, and so he headed in that direction, with Constable Whittle in support.
It takes 25 minutes to travel from Saltwater River to Port Arthur, but both policemen travelled back to the Nubeena Police Station for some unknown reason, and then split up, with Constable Whittle taking the most direct route to Port Arthur, and Constable Hyland taking the longer route via Taranna in an attempt to cut off any escape by the gunman at Port Arthur.
Upon arriving at Seascape, Constable Whittle secured the front gate, thus ensuring that the apparent lone gunman was trapped inside the buildings. Constable Hyland proceeded further up the Arthur Highway and set up a police roadblock to ensure that no further motorists entered the danger area. Whilst proceeding to set up this roadblock, Constable Hyland saw a naked dark-haired person within the grounds at Seascape enter the cottage. Constable Whittle also saw a naked person and states that it was a female.
Constable Hyland set up the roadblock in company with Sergeant Andrew Fogarty of the SOG, and shortly afterwards, Constable Whittle was joined by Constable Pat Allen of the TOG (Traffic Operations Group). With the arrival of Constable Allen, shots were fired in their direction, striking the bush above them, so both policemen took cover in the ditch at the side of the road.
In the meantime, the other police services had not been idle. Superintendent Barry Bennett was called in as Assistant Commissioner Luppo Prins initiated the SAC-PAV National Anti-Terrorist Plan that had been endorsed in November 1995. A police Major Incident Room was set up at Police Headquarters with Luppo Prins being the ‘Commander’, and a Police Forward Command Post at Taranna, where Superintendent Bennett was to be the ‘Forward Commander’. The Police negotiation team under Sergeant Terry McCarthy was called in, and an initial team of three SOG members were flown in to Taranna to start operations to apprehend the lone gunman.
At 3.08 p.m. and again at 3.25 p.m., the girlfriend of Constable Hyland, Merrin Craig received two telephone calls at the Nubeena Police Station, taunting her and Mr Perks states that the first call referred specifically to ‘Mr. Hyland’. This particular telephone call was made by “Jamie”, the same person to whom the police negotiator spoke to for over 2 ½ hours during the evening of the siege at Seascape. What this demonstrates is that “Jamie” knew Constable Hyland personally.
Witnesses have always stated that the first helicopter containing Paramedics Peter Stride and Warwick Allen to Port Arthur flew over the Seascape Cottage and was fired upon by the gunman. However, it was shortly after 5.00 p.m. that a Tasmania Police SOG marksman was able to position himself with a good view of the buildings at Seascape, and he saw a person on the roof of an adjoining building to the Seascape Cottage. Before this marksman could shoot the suspect on the roof, he needed positive identification that it was the gunman. The SOG marksman, via police radio communications, contacted Constable Pat Allen, in the ditch, by the roadside, and Allen offered to take a look from under the police car, and as soon as Constable Allen raised his head, a bullet was fired at him, which went through the front bumper bar of the police car.
This is where the excreta hit the fan. The SOG marksman was watching the suspect on the roof. This suspect did not fire the shot at Constable Allen. Had the shot come from the gunman on the roof, then the SOG marksman would have been able to shoot that particular gunman. This didn’t happen. The shot came from within Seascape. There were now two gunmen at Seascape
However, at the Seascape Cottage, the various police resources under SAC-PAV control, and ASIO were in attendance, with the SOG wanting to get stuck in and do their job, but held back by their ‘Commander’ who required the terrorists to be taken alive if possible. That was not to be. All the police were able to arrest was Martin Bryant, burnt, confused and of no help to them whatsoever. The naked person or persons seems to have also vanished.
That the massacre was a terrorist attack becomes undeniable when in the aftermath, the number of moves and countermoves that had been made within government and bureaucratic circles before, during and after the event became apparent. These moves created one of the biggest cover-ups in Australia’s history, and should be shown to all Australians so that they may judge for themselves, just who and what caused Australia’s first Terrorist Attack, and the lies and deceit this terrorist attack created.
The Coroner has refused to hold an inquest on the basis that the primary facts of the various deaths are already known. In this stance, the Coroner has ignored section 28. 1(f) of the Coroners Act of 1995. The Attorney General, Ray Groom has supported the Coroner, citing the Coroners Act of 1957, which was repealed in 1995, when he was the premier of Tasmania.
We can now begin to understand the necessity for Martin Bryant to plead guilty, and all the various moves made to ensure this occurred has been documented. By these moves, all Australians have been denied justice, along with any knowledge of the events that transpired in what is now called the Port Arthur Massacre.
Consider also that Martin Bryant has been sentenced to life imprisonment without any form of a trial whatsoever. It is not the victims that are being protected, but corrupt bureaucracies. This is the reason for the cover-up.
Thus there are two separate issues to be dealt with in understanding just what actually did occur during and after the Port Arthur massacre. These problems caused the McAlpine and the Woodland reports, followed by the Doyle report, which was so damaging to the Tasmanian Government that ‘it was answered by the Bugg Report.
To evaluate the events at Port Arthur, I have used the reports from the Hobart Mercury. I have used the book, ‘Suddenly One Sunday’, written by Mike Bingham, a journalist from the Hobart Mercury. I have used the Court Documents, relating to the sentencing of Martin Bryant, The Doyle Report and the Bugg Report, and of course other media releases of information relevant to the events, as well as statements from actual witnesses that have come my way.
More breaking news: -
P.S. “Martin Bryant may not have killed anyone at Port Arthur on the 28th April 1996 in the restaurant according to a private investigator. He said there was another person responsible for the killings, not Martin Bryant:
Government cover up at Port Arthur! In the aftermath of the Port Arthur massacre, our government went to great lengths to ignore or suppress all evidence. The fact that the only two policemen on the Tasman Peninsula were decoyed too a remote location just before the massacre started. And what about the startling news that out of the 20 fatalities in the Broad Arrow Café, 19 died from the effects of a shot to the head, fired from the gunman’s right hip without the benefit of a laser sight?
The gunman was travelling light with only two 30-round magazines for the Colt AR15. He had already fired 29 rounds in the Broad Arrow Café, leaving only 31, far too few rounds to reliably carve a path through a large undisciplined mob of unpredictable panic-stricken tourists. At the Broad Arrow Café, the gunman rose from his chair at one of the tables in the café, removed the AR15 and spare magazine from a sports bag, immediately killing Mr Yee Ng with a shot to the upper neck, and Miss Chung with a shot to the head. Swivelling on the spot and firing from the right hip, the gunman fired at Mr Sargent who was wounded in the head, then killed Miss Scott with a shot to the head. The gunman continued through the Broad Arrow, next killing Mr Nightingale with a shot to the upper neck and Mr Bennet with a shot to the upper neck, with the latter bullet passing straight through and hitting Mr Ray Sharpe in the head with fatal results. Next Mr Kevin Sharpe was killed by a shot to the head and was also hit in the arm, with shrapnel and bone fragments from the second intermediate strike on Mr Kevin Sharpe then apparently wounding Mr Broome, and possibly Mr and Mrs Fidler. Still firing from the hip the gunman swivelled and killed Mr Mills and Mr Kistan with single shots to the head, with shrapnel and skull fragments from those shots apparently wounding Mrs Walker, Mrs Law, and Mrs Baker. Again the gunman turned, shooting and wounding Mr Colyer in the neck, before swivelling and killing Mr Howard with a shot to the head. Next he shot Mrs Howard in the neck and head with fatal effect. The gunman turned back, killing Miss Loughton with a shot to the head, and wounding Mrs Loughton in the back. Moving towards the rear of the building the gunman shot Mr Elliot in the head, causing serious injuries. Such a ‘staggering performance is on a par with the best combat shooters in the world, and two retired counter-terrorist marksmen ruefully admitted they would be hard pressed to equal such awesome speed and accuracy. Both agreed that attributing such a performance to an intellectually-impaired invalid with an IQ of 66 and severely limited cognitive functions, amounts to nothing less than certifiable insanity on the part of Martin Bryant’s accusers. In military terms a fatal shot to the upper neck counts as a head shot, so for all practical purposes those who died during the first 15 seconds were killed by head shots fired with lethal accuracy from the gunman’s hip. At this stage the gunman had killed twenty and wounded another twelve with a total of 29 rounds. He then stopped firing and changed magazines in a most professional way. The magazine fitted to the AR15 held 30 rounds total, so by changing magazines after firing only 29 shots the gunman ensured that he still had a live round in the breech in case anyone moved, enabling him to kill that person instantly if caught unawares. Such professionalism is well known to counter-terrorist personnel. Does this paint a profile of Martin Bryant? Martin Bryant would curl-up under a table in extreme fear of his life. He’s no killer. An SAS deceased Townsville helicopter pilot found with a bullet hole to his head after three Black Hawk’s crashed at Townsville Qld in 1996. Ask Johnny-come-lately, the U.S. President called him a man of steel:
Martin Bryant must be given a full free pardon by our Governor-General. He’s completely innocent. There is not one witness that could positively identify Martin Bryant either carrying or firing a weapon of any kind at Port Arthur on Sunday the 28th.April 1996. There is now also convincing hard evidence that the gun control proposals accepted by Police Ministers in May 1996 were prepared before the massacre, by an ideological senior bureaucrat with United Nations connections. Detective writer Arthur Conan-Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series, once wrote. “When you have ruled out the impossible, then whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth. “We know that it was impossible for intellectually-impaired Martin Bryant to suddenly metamorphosis into the lethal equivalent of a highly trained counter-terrorist marksman, so we also know that Martin Bryant was not responsible for the mass murder at Port Arthur. “Despite Federal Members assuring their constituents that the information is freely available in Hobart, that is not the case. New South Wales farmer David Barton wrote to the Tasmanian Supreme Court asking for a copy of the transcripts, and was told in part. “The information provided to you by Mr Truss (A Federal MP) is not correct—a transcript may only be provided to a person who, not being a party, has ‘sufficient interest. Should you wish to correspond further I ask you to explain to me why you contend you have ‘sufficient interest: The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) A copy of his report was forwarded to Wendy and Graeme Scurr with a covering letter including the request. “It would be appreciated if you would treat the report as confidential, “Why?
This case reminds me of Walter Richard Rudolf Hess, born 1894. German Nazi leader; sentenced to life imprisonment in 1946 for trying to stop Churchill’s War. Hess’ spent 46-years behind prison bars for killing no’ one, “Why should we allow this same thing to happen to Martin Bryan found guilty by a secret court hearing for killing no’ one: Another CIA plot perhaps? We know many CIA agents are covert bank managers: “Here’s something to ponder over! On the day of the shooting, a small white utility was seen in the area, when was hired out by a private company, and when it was investigated further, only too found out that the CIA had hired that vehicle. Was the driver in possession of a long blond wig and a rifle? It took sometime to setup roadblocks after the shootings, so many vehicles escaped detection, how convenient of them!
We were deceived when “Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963), was accused and arrested for the killing of John F. Kennedy. We now know up to five CIA agents murdered their own president in 1963, Dallas, Texas: “If the CIA bumps off Obama, we’ll know who too blame, not neo-Nazis? Not someone like Martin Bryant or Harvey Oswald as their patsy:
It’s alleged: -
The Australian government signed a UN Treaty to disarm the population. The orders would have been given by Johnny to eliminate guns from goyim. His orders would be something like this. Do whatever it takes; do what is necessary to takeaway the guns in order to bring in gun legislation, gun control. It was a SAS soldier who had been ordered to kill those innocent people at Port Arthur, not Martin Bryant who was the perfect patsy to take the blame for these deaths. For people to hand in their guns, something really awful had to happen, otherwise Howard’s gun plans would not work.
There were two men smoking outside the doorway of that restaurant probably on that day of the shooting when Martin Bryant walked passed them with his rifle. Martin Bryant never shot or threatened anyone; he left the same way with his rifle without making any threats to patrons in or outside the Broad Arrow Café restaurant? Remember Martin Bryant was intellectually-impaired with an IQ of 66 with limited cognitive functions:
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