Massive amounts of grain shipping out of the U.S. to foreign countries.

January 12, 2010
By Holly Deyo

I received a disturbing email yesterday regarding massive amounts of grain shipping out of the U.S. to foreign countries. Granaries that long stood idle are going full-bore. Miles and miles of rail cars are filled and ready to transport our wheat, oats and corn reserves for shipment out of country.

This underscores the Video of the Day we had posted over the weekend. If you missed it, at 2:55 minutes into the presentation, it explains how our grain reserve numbers are being manipulated so it looks like there has been no drop in tonnage.

We worry for our country during the next big disaster, whatever the cause. People who rely on their neighborhood grocery to fill needs at a moment's notice will freak when stores are empty. They'll realize they should have prepared long ago.

P Is for Panic

Did you see how a bad snowstorm initiates panic buying? It's the same tired lesson in every disaster; people still are 'last minute Charlies'. This same scenario witnessed in Kansas, Missouri and the UK must have repeated over and over in our countries during the last two weeks.

People in Venezuela picked shelves clean of food and durable goods in the last two days after Chavez sliced their currency in half. Chavez called in the National Guard to monitor grocery stores; they are ready for riots. Wouldn't that look bizarre seeing armed soldiers when you buy a gallon of milk?

Photo: Soldiers check prices at a supermarket, accused of raising prices, in Caracas, Monday, Jan. 11, 2009. Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez threatened on Sunday to seize businesses that raise prices as a result of last week's devaluation of Venezuela's currency. (AP)

It was unnerving having armed soldiers meet us on the tarmac in Seoul, S. Korea 25 years ago. Their permanent sandbag bunkers said they were always prepared for trouble. Americans just aren't used to this "armed participation", but the time is coming when we're going to see it as standard procedure.

P Is for Practice

What raised my alarm bells last week was a little covered story about a test of the National Emergency System. It was conducted in Alaska on Jan. 6 for a full 3 minutes. When has there EVER been a test for a nationwide emergency, one that can only be activated by the President? Never. Not ever. This was a first.

Doesn't that tell you something?

After posting that news item I expected a flood of email expressing concern, posing questions, reporting other weird events. There was dead silence on this issue.

What will be the norm when the US dollar dissolves or is massively devalued or Wall Street crashes again or the rumored bank holiday comes to fruition or a disaster shuts your grocery or truckers no longer run? Friends, unpleasant as it is, you've got to consider these possibilities.

You have food at the store for 3 days in good times. Panic cuts down food-on-shelves to hours, not days.

Dr. William Mount videotapes the mass shipment of grain out of the U.S. from Tacoma, WA on Nov. 4, 2009, 12:45 at night. Rarely used grain elevators to ocean liners were seen, along with 4-5 miles of railway cars filled with U.S. grain.

Dr. Mount continues videotaping the mass shipment of grain out of the U.S. from Tacoma, WA. Witness 4 to 5 miles of rail cars filled with U.S. grain. He believes our grain is being purposely off-loaded to trigger a massive food shortage in the near future. He states the U.S. has no strategic food reserves.

It again demonstrates that people wait to the last minute to get their prep act together.

For those relying primarily on precious metal stashes, gold and silver reserves won't solve the problem. Those who have understanding know that cash will not be king much longer – that metals are better than dollars. However, when things really hit the fan, people will hold onto their food reserves and other tangible necessities, and precious metals won't buy anything.

Turning Points

Gold looks great in your Rolex and it fills tooth cavities, but you can't eat metal. As it says in scripture, your gold and silver will be as 'rust' (James 5:3). Bullion is a good hedge against inflation and a cratering market, but it won't keep your stomach full, it won't keep you warm and it's no substitute for medical supplies. The actual goods you have stored is what will help you through tough times.

Even as a kid I always wanted to know how things worked, to learn how to do stuff, to be independent and not put my fate in the hands of others. It was better not to bug someone else to stop whatever task they were doing and lend a hand. These feelings have only multiplied over the years. Ignorance breeds vulnerability.

Watergate was the turning point when I realized you can't trust politicians. Looking back at that whole debacle, it seems tame compared to what we witness on The Hill today. Integrity is gone. Politicians are self-serving, not serving their constituents. When skewered for explanations, adamant denial is the response. No one is ever guilty and if they're caught in the act without recourse, off they go to rehab. They are addicted to dope, booze, sex, porn and most of all, power. Lies are all we hear. If we are told long enough that a purple vase is green, we start to wonder if we need glasses.

For fact, we are running on borrowed time. Government today is not what our founders envisioned. Selling out our grain reserves after a lousy, no, ''worst-on-record harvest' for many farmers is unforgivable. It gambles our future in a rigged game.

P Is for Planting

As we look around and see many Americans so ill-prepared, so oblivious to what's going on in our beautiful Nation, our hearts sink. They won't be ready to fend for themselves. Many will feel defeated from the get-go and won't even try. Find your backbone and get busy! It is not too late, not yet.

Over the last several years, Stan and I have talked casually with neighbors about preparing, planted the seed. We've given them copies of Dare To Prepare so they, too, can be ready. It's a tiny investment for peace of mind. In the long run you'll have helped yourself in addition to your friends, because they won't be banging on your door for food and medicine.

For neighbors haven't prepared, you will have to make a painful decision on who you can afford to help and those you will turn away. You can't feed everybody... It's about to get ugly.

Read Judy's email on the grain shipments and then watch the videos:

I have more to tell you on this now. My friend was driving through Tacoma the other night while we were talking on the phone about this whole grain thing. AS we were talking she drove down 56th Street in Tacoma. She suddenly stopped and let out a holler!

She saw right in front of her at the exact time we were talking, a HUGE building that has been shut down for a long, long time. It was an old granary..... She was shocked because it was up and running on full speed ahead! She said there was grain everywhere! SHE HADN'T SEEN IT LIKE THIS IN YEARS! So something is definitely up!

Then the next day she called me to say on the news she heard the report that Portland, Oregon was out of containers at their main shipping/transportation place. I am not sure of the details on this one but she was surprised at how all of a sudden there are problems with all this. Something is up. I will let you know more as I find out things.....

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Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 7:14pm
Me too. Let's look at some practical facts.

We'll go food group by food group.

The USA is the worlds largest wheat exporter. We get 94% of our wheat from wheat grown here and STILL export more wheat than any other country. We are very wheat efficient. This accounts for almost all bread sold here, it's also made here. The remaining 6% comes from Canada and Mexico. Even if we stopped growing wheat we could supply ourselves for a long time on the wheat stored in silo's alone. In other words we could stop exporting wheat in an emergency of any kind and have wheat for years.

We are also efficient suppliers of flour. We supply 94% of our own flour. Same rules apply here, 6% from Canada.

All pasta in the USA is made in the USA with ingredients grown or raised here except for specialty pastas imported from Italy. We are very efficient with pasta.

84% of the beef we consume is grown here in the USA and 16% comes from Canada, Mexico, Australia and/or New Zealand. Pretty efficient with beef also.

Also 100% grown in the USA. We supply all the potato's we eat. Every last spud.

Most of our tomato's are grown here, 80%, but we also import tomato's from Canada and Mexico BUT we grow enough tomato's to supply ourselves without the imports if need be.

Again, 90% grown here and 10% imported from Mexico.

Again, 94% of our apples are grown here.

100% from the USA except for imported specialty meats and cheeses.

Again, 100% from the USA.

Again, 100% from USA grown peanuts.

50% from US crops and 50% from Brazil, Caribbean countries and Australia.

Corn & Soy - 100% USA products.
Canola - 100% from Canada (Canola, Canada, get it?)

100% of our Pistachio's, Almonds and Walnuts are grown here. The rest are from Brazil, India, Europe & Mexico.

I don't drink soda but 100% of our soda is made here in the USA.

Again, 100% of this stuff is grown right here in the USA.

94% of our apples are grown right here.

ALL imported. We do not grow coffee and tea here. So, we might have a coffee and tea shortage, BUT THAT'S ALL.

A percentage grown here and a percentage grown elsewhere, but you get the picture by now.

The United States is what we call Food Self Sufficient. We don't need other countries to supply our food, we have food stored for a very, very long time all over the country in silos and non-refrigerated and refrigerated warehouses and we STILL export food to other countries in large amounts. Then there's the food distribution chain. Because we turn food rapidly here in the USA there is a HUGE amount of food in transit, on warehouse shelves, in trucks, in trains and throughout the transit pipeline AT ALL TIMES. A huge amount so that we can keep shelves stocked nationwide.

Pigs will fly and ducks will drive before we have a food shortage in this country. OTHER countries aren't so lucky. We live in the USA, not other countries.

The sources for the above information:
Food and Drug Administration; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Apple Commission; American Meat Institute; National Association of Wheat Growers; Tea Association of the U.S.A.

Here's the problem and it might be difficult to swallow.

People, especially those wrapped up in this NWO stuff, WANT to believe the world is falling apart and thus the NWO is failing. They do. They really, really do. They want the dollar to tank (it won't) and they want food shortages and they want people locked away in FEMA camps and they want Martial Law. Don't misunderstand, they don't actually want these things but if any one of them happens it will confirm without question all of their beliefs. They want, they need and they have to have confirmation. Well, it isn't coming via any of those things. No one's locking up Americans in FEMA camps. No one's declaring Martial Law. There won't be food shortages.

The NWO is a social, economic and political machine using NATO and war as it's global arm. They stage wars and acquire resources, land and natural resources globally but only in non-NATO countries. To do that they make you believe that all non-NATO countries are bad. So, Venezuela, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, these are bad countries and MUST be dealt with. That's the NWO.

NATO, the WHO, the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, these are NWO organizations. And they're not about to short Americans their food.
Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 4:27pm
And this is but my opinion based on the research I've done. There's a logical reason behind why your Costco won't sell you large amounts of rice and mine will.
Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 3:59pm
NO, they are not limiting you because the warehouses are running low. I do not believe that at all. Costco told me I could buy all the rice I want!!!

MM, you're drivin me nuts!

Look, I'm not going to post the phone numbers but I just called 3 food brokers, people that broker bulk foods and THERE IS NO RICE SHORTAGE.

One broker did tell me that there was a rumor A YEAR AGO that Costco was going to limit rice sales because Asians were buying large amounts for their restaurants BUT THAT WAS A RUMOR, it never happened.

Please, get FACTUAL DATA and state an opinion that makes sense.

READ MY LIPS. No food shortage in the US.

Now, I do have a years worth of canned and bagged food, mostly canned vegetables and rice and beans, but that's in case of some weird emergency, like if China attacks us with nuclear weapons and my city survives or aliens invade from Mars, WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN. But a food shortage for the reasons you outlines, NO.
Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 3:25pm
This is so silly MM. I can go to my local Cub Grocery and buy EVERY bag of rice and in ten minutes there'll be 500 more bags of 20 different kinds of rice back on the shelf.

Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 3:21pm
MM, I love you, but...

I do the research. I've watched the Baltic Dry Index (research it) for almost two years now. That's the only accurate statistical data that can predict ANY shortage of anything and the ONLY statistical data that CAN NOT be manipulated, ever.

As I said, there may be shortages elsewhere but not here. We tend to forget certain aspects of living in the USA that make us different. We've never been attacked by another nation and we've survived major catastrophe's with great ease. MM, all of the options you list below are easily solved with something we have an abundance of, dollars. The dollar is still and will be for some time the global currency of choice. Even though many web sites make predictions otherwise the web sites to listen to are not now or in the near future questioning the dollars relevance. If we have a shortage of grain we'll buy it on the global market because we are able to pay for it with dollars BUT, we won't have a shortage of grain, or rice.

By the way, a dollar crash is OUT OF THE QUESTION. The world operates on dollars. China owns TRILLIONS of dollars. So does Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia and EVERY OTHER COUNTRY on earth. Dollars make the world go round.

There is NO rice shortage. I can go to a health food store and buy 100lb bags of rice ALL DAY LONG. Costco or Sam's might limit your purchase though I find that highly unlikely.

OK, so I just called my local Costco (763-582-9602) and they said I can buy as much rice as I want. There's no limit and no shortage. NEXT.

This is just silly stuff to keep you running in circles. We DO NOT live in Africa people. It requires critical thinking and research on NORMAL web sites that can support their data with FACTS to make logical and accurate decisions. This is all just too silly.

Goodness, people have been predicting Martial Law AND food shortages for 50+ years, more than that even. Go to NYC, there's people there predicting the end of the world next week, every week, for 100+ years now. Get a grip.

We're not going to be locked in FEMA camps, they're not going to declare Martial Law and there isn't now and won't be a food shortage in the United States.
Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 11:54am
That's my opinion, not factual data.
Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2010 at 11:53am
We will never see food shortages in the United States. It's pure fantasy. We may see them very temporarily in Venezuela during a planned dollar devaluation and we may see extended shortages in African countries for other reasons, war being a primary one, but here in the US? Keep dreaming.

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