With the news of the Jack Smith prosecution of Donald J. Trump being removed from the court docket, we can rest assured that the unfounded allegations being litigated against the former president by a corrupt Democrat party in New York, let’s consider further aspects of the siege against American’s rights. Remember, the Democrats would have you believe that Donald J. Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin and got millions for it?
Escape velocity from the truth
Meanwhile, back here on planet earth, we now know that the FBI had evidence that the Steel Dossier was a fraud paid in 1 million dollars from the DNC by Hillary Clinton. That Peter Strzock, FBI Special Agent, had admittedly set out to convict President Trump so he could save the nation! Being recorded in his text messages with a female agent he was having an affair with at the time, James Comey, FBI Director who admitted to President Trump that the Steel Dossier was salacious. Later under televised testimony sweating like a pig, said he could see no intention of violation of the classified protocol although Hillary Clinton was keeping a hidden email server at her home that had been hacked by enemies of the US. Oh those 33,000 emails were just discussions about dress sizes and recipes for her daughter’s wedding? Come now, should we blast off again into another reality where truth and fact are no longer relevant?
Manchurian Candidate
In 2009 we are told that a community organizer (agitator) and controversial American citizenship offender, who allegedly attended such colleges as Columbia University that no one who attended during the dates he claimed, was somehow appointed as an adjunct professor on the US Constitution when it was reported he enraged educators over not attending classes while living in a dorm room and having a relationship with a gay Pakistani student he was living with. How was this kind of person to be considered presidential material?
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, let us consider one of Barack Obama’s first mentors, who aided him in his rise to candidacy. A certain William Ayers, one of the Weather Underground subversives attempting to overthrow the US government, planning acts of sabotage by planting explosives that wounded a judge’s son and killed a policeman, would become a warm friend of the Obamas. Ayers repeatedly wrestled with the fact that millions of Americans who would stubbornly refuse to accept their Communist aggressor’s dogma, once America had been defeated and would not submit to the brain washing, would need to be massively executed! Williams Ayers planned this and spoke about it to his colleagues. Once discovered by authorities, he and his wife went on as fugitives from justice for years before being arrested, and somehow were pardoned and restored to their respective university professorships! To think that an elected America President with highly tarnished credentials entertained this kind of madness!
They have to get Trump not the criminals!
These incredible stories of Democrat treachery and criminality against the people and nation of America are not fictitious. They are not the accounts of some incredible saga that made for great TV entertainment! You are being informed of the incredible law breaking allowed on Capitol Hill and in the Oval Office. How is it that the law never seems to catch up with Democrat political figures, especially with a mainstream media that will cover up for this deceitful party that should have been ostracized from existence a long time ago! For years the blow hard wind bags in the Senate and House of Representatives have argued that the US Constitution is either alive or susceptible to being amended or even abolished or whether it should remain untouchable as the nation’s founding human rights document. The Democrats have always railed against the tenants of the Constitution as it gives rights to the American citizen for redress over grievances and even personal damages that violated their3 inalienable rights.
ABC agency abuse
Meanwhile, back on planet earth, we Americans face a federal government that cannot be trusted, that now threatens our civil liberties already to picking up people who express disapproval on social media platforms. We used to think of “Goon Squads” as being Mafia thugs or other criminal gangs, but we now have the ATF, FBI, and US Marshalls who might drop you a visit for attending a school board meeting or protesting against the misuse of public lands by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) when denying ranchers water to preserve their cattle. How and when did this transformation occur? Most would agree that the process of indoctrination as opposed to education began in the turbulent 1960’s.
Facts don’t matter anymore nor justice
Meanwhile, back here on planet earth, what is discovered evidence that becomes an inconvenient truth, is now redefined by the corrupt US mass media and their Democrat puppet masters is now “Conspiracy Theories”. No need to look further please just move along. Remember, that destroying a nation’s currency, conducting unnecessary wars, selling top secret documents to the enemy, and committing treason are all inclusive tactics used with great enthusiasm by the Democrat party and all who would conspire with them. Human life means little or nothing when one considers what has happened to the whistle blowers who are supposed to be protected witnesses! If you are expecting to believe in the illusion they have painted, beware of an ugly intrusion we call crime and disloyalty that have penetrated the ranks of office holders like the injection of a deadly vaccine in the arm of the unwilling or unknowing.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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