Media Continues Skin Cancer Scare by Vilifying Natural Sunlight, Vitamin D

Media Continues Skin Cancer Scare by Vilifying Natural Sunlight, Vitamin D

Anthony Gucciardi
May 28, 2012


What is one of the biggest threats to health today according to the mainstream media? It’s not the fact that mercury is present in a wide majority of the processed food supply, or even the fact that excessive amounts of radioactive waste is now admittedto have heavily contaminated the Pacific Ocean. No, the number one villain according to the mainstream media is natural sunlight — the very same sunlight that generates vitamin D upon coming into contact with your skin.

Vitamin D has been found to slash your risk of cancer, aid in fat loss, beat fluoride in cavity prevention, and much more. Nonetheless, it appears that the substance is quite threatening as far as the media is concerned. The FDA continues to announce warnings over the effectiveness of sunscreen, urging consumers to get higher SPF level products — many of which contain cancer-causing chemicals that are of much greater threat than natural sunlight. In addition, sunscreen completely blocks the production of vitamin D. Is it any wonder why there has been a resurgence of the rickets?

Sun exposure, it seems, is something that is quite deadly according to the press. According to many ‘experts’ like Dr. Robin Ashinoff, chief of dermatologic and cosmetic surgery at Hackensack University Medical Center, it is important to ‘shield yourself as much as possible’ from the sun. In fact, the doctor states that going outside with sunscreen is ‘almost as bad’ as going out with sunscreen. Surging up fear among concerned mothers worldwide (who will not allow their children out of the house without slathering them up with sunscreen and therefore causing serious childhood development problems), the doctor states:

“Wearing sunscreen and then deliberately going out in the sun is almost as [bad] as going out with no sunscreen at all.”  ”You don’t get burned, but the UV rays are still getting into your skin. Sunscreen is important, but you should also wear the right clothing and shield yourself as much as possible from direct sun exposure.”

Ashinoff goes on to say that when it comes to sunscreen, you should get the “highest number” you can — particularly anything above 50 SPF. Essentially, the sun is being propagated as carcinogenic threat to the entire population. Meanwhile, the real threats lie in the sunscreen formula itself – lending reason as to why sunscreen causes cancer. Oxybenzone and other vague mystery chemicals are commonly placed in many brand name sunscreens, with many such chemicals yet to be proven as safe to use at all. About 8 percent of all sunscreens have been quality tested by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to be both safe and effective for the intended use, whereas the other 92 percent contain at least one (if not many more) of the ingredients designated as detrimental for human use.

Meanwhile, vitamin D is being recognized as one of the most important substances for human health. Are people deficient in carcinogenic sunscreen chemicals, or could it possibly be vitamin D — a natural biproduct of sunlight?

Explore More:

  1. Sunlight and Vitamin D Shown to Reduce Chickenpox Risk
  2. Many Sunscreens Increase Skin Cancer Risk, FDA Has Known for a Deca...
  3. Sunscreen Causes Cancer? What You May Not Know About Sunscreen
  4. 3 Reasons You May Not be Getting Enough Vitamin D this Summer
  5. A Vitamin D Deficiency Could be to Blame for Depressive Winter Months
  6. Study Confirms Sun Exposure Protects Against Skin Cancer

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Comment by DTOM on May 31, 2012 at 8:10am

Training the peons to abhor nature and its gifts, and instead to worship the false science of big pharma and its masters, that only poisons us.

Comment by Maria De Wind on May 31, 2012 at 8:05am

Why then so many skin cancers develop in parts of the body that are never directly exposed to sunlight?

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