Merck’s “Mandatory Vaccine” Program Backfiring Nationwide… California, However, is, As Yet, Screwed Up…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Sleazy Drug Lord Merck, through it’s cash strewing lobbying teams nationwide, set out the same “Mandatory Vaccine” legislation in about twenty States.  Now they are suffering the consequences.  Backlash.

Never before has there been such a worldwide “anti-vaccination” campaign, extolling the horrors of vaccines. The Vaccine Construction, made up of Merck, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), State Public Health agencies, are, suddenly getting much more deserved scrutiny then ever before.

The cutting-edge media doesn’t miss a day, revealing, and analyzing, the fake claims that “Vaccines are Safe and Effective.”  Vaccines are, as everyone knows, neither safe nor effective.   I think we are well on our way to shutting the whole vaccine hoax down – once, and for all.

I am very pleased…

The Good Part…
There is so much going on nationwide, and worldwide, on the anti-vaccine issue it is hard to find a place to start describing it.  FaceBook, and Twitter are alive with it.  It is becoming THE ISSUE –  the one that encapsulates the problems in America,

Mayday! Mayday – Radio Broadcast
Start Time EDT
8:00AM   –  Introduction
8:30AM   –  Susan’s Story
9:00AM   –  Walter Kyle, JD
9:30AM   –  Freda Burell / N. Erikson
10:30AM   –  Sarah Shoens MD
11:30AM   –  April Boden
12:30PM   –  Majid Katme, MD
13:30PM   –  Adam Crabb / Gen. Lee Maddox
14:30PM   –   Sherri Tenpenny, DO
15:30PM   –  Dr. Viera Schreibner
16:3PM   –  Catherine Frompovich
17:30 PM   –  Tim Bolen
18:00PM   –  Lawyer’s Hour
19:00PM   –  Vinny Eastwood
20:00PM   –  Desiree Rover
21:00PM   –  Susanne Posel
22:00PM   –  Mike Adams
23:00PM   –  Round table

California, I am disappointed to say, is far behind – not because of the people, but because of the “leadership” running the “No On SB277” campaign.  There is a VERY good chance we could lose here.  There are TWO good reasons for that which I will describe below.

As a GOOD example – One of the things happening is happening today.  It is an event called  the “MayDay! Vaccine Truth Internet Talk Radio Marathon.” It is sponsored on the Veterans Truth Network and the American Freedom Network.  They have joined forces with the Natural Solutions Foundation and the Vaxx Truth Movement. It will run from Noon to midnight.

The guest speakers, for this marathon, are from around the world.  They include:  Rima Laibow MD (Chile), Mike Adams (Republic of Texas), Tim Bolen (California), Jim Turner JD (Washington DC), Veira Scheibner, PhD (Australia), Michael Innes, MD (Australia), Vinny Eastwood (New Zealand), Sherrie Tenpenny, DO (US), Freda Burrell (Scotland), Norma Erikson (US), Ralph Fucetola JD (US).

And more.  You  can listen in by going here.  Click on this link.  Then scroll down and select a radio network to use.    To the right is the schedule.

But this is just ONE THING.   The world is coming alive with it.


But then there is California…

Admittedly, California presents its own problems as a political entity.  Republicans, here, represent only 26% of the eligible voters.  In California, the Democratic Party leadership has built an empire around serving special interest.  It will go down in the history books being compared to other historical Democratic Party corruption schemes.  The Washington Times wrote an article last year titled “Culture of Corruption II: Scandals taint Democratic Party in tough election year.”  The article barely touched the surface checking the reality of Democratic party politics, both nationwide, and in California.  They said:

“In a week Democrats won’t soon forget, the Democrat-dominated California Senate took the unprecedented step Friday of voting 28-1 to suspend with pay three state senators in their own party accused or convicted of criminal conduct.

State Sen. Leland Yee was arrested Wednesday on federal gun trafficking and corruption charges. Sen. Ron Calderon pleaded not guilty Feb. 24 to charges of influence-peddling, and Sen. Roderick Wright was convicted Jan. 28 of perjury and voter fraud.

None of the state senators has resigned from office, although Mr. Yee has pulled out of the race for California secretary of state.”

So, let’s ask the questions “What happened?  Did the California Senate clean up their act?”  Nope – business as usual continued – corruption on a grand scale California style.  More, it got worse.  They had the election…

We do know that now-Senator Richard Pan MD had a hard fight to get elected.  He was up against another Democrat, who was also well funded by OTHER special interests.  Pan, close to election time, had 4.6 million dollars poured into his campaign by PACs.  The contest had NOTHING  to do with the interests of the voters and constituents.  It was a special interest duel.  it was Big Environmentalist versus Big Pharma.  Big Pharma won….  More money…

Welcome to the 2015 Democratic Party.  No wonder voters, all over the US, threw these assholes from the bus in the mid-presidential-term elections.

Even before Pan got elected to the California Senate, records show, the plan to make Merck, and Big Pharma, even richer was in the works.  That plan was, most likely what sewed up the gargantuan contributions for a state Senate race.  It was obvious that Senate Bill 277, with Pan and fifteen other Senator authors (fifteen authors?) was written LONG before Pan was elected, probably by the lobbyists shown in the video attached to my last article.

So, with all this so very obvious, what do the “No On SB277” teams do to combat the Pro-Vaxxers?

Arghhh!  They strew red flower petals through the capitol buildings.

Did you need me to repeat that because you are still sitting there aghast?

OK – “They strew red flower petals through the capitol buildings.”  I guess it was a show of civil disobedience – littering.  I’m sure the janitorial staff got the message…

They’ve been through three Senate hearings so far, and have lost them all – Health, Education and Judiciary.  But, don’t worry, there is one hearing left – Appropriations, and for that, they are pulling out ALL of the stops.  They are going to get everyone to give up Starbucks for the WHOLE HEARING day.  More, a smaller, insider group is cutting off those “Do Not Remove” tags on their pillows and mattresses and anonymously mailing them to the Senators on the Appropriations Committee.  A show of outright lawlessness.  “V” right here in California. (sarcasm intended).

OK – I was being facetious about the “Starbucks” and the “Do Not Remove” tags just to illustrate my point.

My Point?

Despite the fact that there a a whole lot of brilliant people working to stop SB277 there are significant problems with organized leadership.  To my way of thinking there are two groups involved that should just go home.  They are in the way.

(1)  The first, who I mention constantly are the Health Choice/Canary Party, emphasis on “Party.”  For those of you who have just tuned in, please take the time to read about them by clicking here.  They are to me, all about the grand gesture, being seen in front, deciding who they will include, or not include, in their group – like a badly run Junior High Prom Queen project.  They are about “being in charge” and “partying.”  They have a ZERO success rate. They should just put their panties back on and go home.

(2)  The other group is being run by what appeared to be avatars – for they will not identify who they are.  A FaceBook group, calling itself “Our Kids Our Choice” came into question because of considerable “Controlled Opposition” tactics.  Frankly, this group looks to me like they are being run by the SB277 bill’s author Richard Pan MD, and/or his associates.  And, I have no reason  to think differently, even after a fairly thorough investigation.

The group “Our Kids Our Choice” turns out to be run by a person, I traced, called Kristen Hundsley who claims (snort here) that she has a SECRET GROUP of advisors guiding her. (snort again).  She gives out daily “Action Items,” which, uhmmmm, are pretty much stupid and useless.

After a research effort, I wrote to Hundley, who had contacted me, via email complaining.  My email to her is to the right.  It is self-explanatory.  She did not respond to me personally.  But, she did make a video…

In Hundley’s grainey video she explains, to my astonishment, that she has a secret team of advisors.  You can see this short video, by clicking here.

My thinking – Hundley was HIRED by someone to do this “Our Kids, Our Choice” thing.  Her FaceBook page, I suspect, grew quickly because whomever hired her populated it quickly.

In short, from the reports I am getting , anyone who had a good idea, and posted it on “Our Kids, Our Choice” was banned immediately and their posts were erased.  Anyone who inquired about people and posts disappearing, were banned, and THEIR posts erased, immediately.

So, readers, what do YOU think is going on here?

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too.

Make No Mistake…

Make no mistake – THERE WERE, and ARE, definitely honest, competent groups working on this problem, some centered around the five thousand (5,000) member “California Coalition For Vaccine Choice,” and the “AWAKE California” FaceBook page.  It is just that OTHERS, it looks to me, were attempting to DOMINATE the project and EXCLUDE those that knew what to do, and when.

But, things ARE getting done DESPITE these two groups.  In fact, DEFINITE  progress is being made.  The SB277 bill, itself, is being whittled down because of the COMPETENT group efforts.  For instance, the home school people have a very powerful presence.  Their nose-to-nose approach with Pan resulted, early-on, with an “author amendment” to the bill, making it clear that “home schoolers” were exempt.  POWER talks – even to the sleazy California Democratic Party leadership.   More, in Judiciary, two more “author amendments” were added, grandfathering existing holders of exemptions, and eliminating future additions of vaccines.

New alliances have been, and are being, formed in California…

I hope they are in time.

Stay tuned.

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate

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