Message from July 10, 2010 10:09:12 PM : BELIEVE....THEN YOU RECEIVE‏ !


July 10, 2010

Ask and you shall receive for everyone who asks believing shall receive the desires of their heart. For this is the day of the latter rain outpouring of My spirit, and I am looking for those who are pure of heart, those who would humble themselves and pray, turning not unto unbelief, but as a small child asks of their father, believes His words, and in due time will receive a bumper crop from their faith.
Plant a seed and you will receive a harvest from your work. Toil not and you will receive nothing. If you don't work, you don't eat. There's a price to pay to be able to receive what you need and also desire to have. Nothing comes freely except the grace that you may be saved from the wrath to come upon those who do not believe My words and also act upon them.

In order to escape the wrath to come you must pay the price of asking for My favor, believe My words, and also turning from your wicked ways, and also confessing before man that you are Mine. There has always been a price to pay, principles to follow, and also obedience and faithfulness in the kingdom of God. What you sow you will also reap from your works. So why do you believe that you will receive in these days without paying the price of being faithful to My words and believe that if I said it, I will also perform what I have said? I am not a man who would lie or even change My mind. I am faithful to keep My word to you.
Trust Me and see what I will do for you if you will only believe and hide My word in your heart. If you don't pay the price to study to know My word, then how will you know what I have promised you? I admonish you to cry out to have a hunger for My word and a thirst to know Me more deeply. Many have fallen into complacency staying busy with things that will amount to nothing in the long run. And also many are just plain burned out trying to do warfare in their own strength instead of leaning upon Me and casting all their care upon Me.
I tell you this day to rest in My faithfulness and practice developing My presence in your life at all times. There is a secret to having My presence at all times even though there are distractions all around, and some have found out what it is. Seek My face for this intimacy and communion at all times. Walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day for I am closer than a brother to you.
So I tell you this day to pay the price to be faithful to My word and the reward will be great to you. Those who dwell in My secret place will abide in that place of peace, safety, and refuge, and also restoration. So draw close in this final hour to know My still, small voice, to receive My wisdom and understanding, power and might. For yes, these are the final hours of preparation. Pay the price to be ready before it is too late. I am calling you close. Don't allow this call to faithfulness pass you by.



luggnutz (U.N."Persons" I.D. Brain Pearce/DECEASED) - Witness

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Comment by Marklar on July 12, 2010 at 2:33pm
Please note that these are the rules of the World Curling Federation. The national associations may have amended the rules of the game for competitions in the country itself.

In these rules, umpire's ruling, and other official documents of the Federation and its officers:

* competition means a playdown by any number of teams playing games to determine a winner;
* end means that part of a game in which two opposing teams each deliver eight stones alternatively and then determine the score;
* where five (5) players are registered, these five (5) players have equal standing and may be used at any time in accordance with the rules, at the discretion of the Skip or Coach;
* Federation means the World Curling Federation;
* game means play between two teams to determine a winner;
* house means the area within the outside circle at each end of the rink;
* match means play between two or more teams on one side against an equal number of teams on the other side to determine a winning side by the total number of shots or games;
* rink means an area of ice marked in accordance with rule 3.


These rules apply to games: within the jurisdiction of the Federation; or to which they have been made applicable by the curling body having jurisdiction.

Where possible, the rink shall be drawn on the ice in accordance with the Federation.

Two rubber hacks of a style and size approved by the Federation shall be placed on the foot line and the inside edge of each hack 7.62 cm (3 inches) from the centre line and on opposite sides of the centre line. The length of the hack shall not exceed 20.32 cm (8 inches). The rubber of the hack shall be attached firmly to wood or other suitable material and the hack shall be recessed into the ice as much as is practical, but no more than 5.04 cm (2 inches) in depth. There shall be no obstruction behind the hack structure.

The back edge of the back line shall be at the outer edge of the outer circle where the centre line crosses the back line.

Because the outer markings of both the circle and back line are in fact one, it is important that prior to the beginning of the competition, the markings on all sheets are checked. The 6-foot measure should be exactly at the outer-most marking. If this is not the case, all teams shall be informed of any discrepancies prior to the first game.

Curling stones shall be of circular shape.

No stone, including handle and bolt, shall be of greater weight than 19.96 kilograms (44 lbs.) or of greater circumference than 91.44 centimeters (36 inches) or of less height than 11.43 centimeters (4.5 inches).

If a stone is broken in play a replacement stone shall be placed where the largest fragment came to rest. The end in play and the game shall be completed using the replacement stone.

A stone that rolls over in its course or comes to rest on its side or top shall be removed immediately from play.

Where the handle of a stone quits the stone in delivery, the player is entitled to replay the stone, if the delivering team so desires.

The handle must be completely separated from the stone.

A stone that does not clear the farther hog line shall be removed immediately from play except where it has struck another stone lying in play.

A stone which comes to rest beyond, and lying clear of, the back line shall be removed from play immediately.

A stone which hits a side board or touches a side line shall be removed from play immediately.

No stone(s) shall be measured by instrument until the last stone of the end has come to rest except by the umpire, when requested by a skip, to decide whether or not a stone is in play.

If the position of the stones in the house makes it impossible to use the 6-foot measuring device to decide whether a stone is in play at the 6 o'clock position, the umpire shall do this visually and his decision shall be final.

All sixteen stones assigned to a given sheet shall be delivered at each end unless the players in charge or the head umpire have agreed upon a score for the end or the game has been conceded.

At the start of a competition every team shall be composed of four players, each player playing two stones and playing each stone alternately with his opponent. Where five players are registered, these five players have equal standing and may be used at any time, in accordance with the rules, at the discretion of the skip or coach.

No player shall use footwear or equipment that may damage the surface of the ice.

Any equipment which may possibly come into contact with the ice surface may be inspected by the Chief Umpire of the competition and rejected if that official feels that such equipment is either faulty or is being used in a manner to provide an unfair advantage (examples: faulty slider, extremely dry corn-broom, shedding brush, etc.)

The rotation of play stated on the line-up card shall be observed throughout the game.

The rotation of throwing by team members shall be submitted to the Chief Umpire on the line-up card at the team meeting prior to the beginning of the competition. The skip and the vice skip selected under 6(3) shall be designated on this card and the substitute player, if appropriate, shall be listed. Should there be any change, a new card shall be submitted to the Chief Umpire at least 30 minutes prior to the game in which the change is occurring.

Where a player is unable to continue to play in a game, or to play at the start of a game, his skip may: finish the game then in progress and start any subsequent game with the remaining players, in which case the first two players shall throw three stones each; or bring in a qualified substitute for the game then in progress at the beginning of the next end, or at the start of any subsequent game.

A qualified substitute is a person from that country who meets the criteria for that competition. Any substitute must play in the position of the replaced player when entering a game in progress; commence the game with three players if one player is late for a reason adjudged valid by the umpire. The late player may enter the game in the next end, in his normal position.

A player who has left a game because of illness, accident or other extenuating circumstances may rejoin his team at any time during any game in the competition. If a substitute was selected, the player may rejoin his team for the next game.

No team shall play more than one substitute in a competition.

The skip has exclusive direction of the game for his team.

Subject to Rule 5(3), the skip may play in any position in his team that he chooses. When it is the skip's turn to play the vice skip designated on the line-up card shall take charge of the head.

The vice skip, as designated on the line-up card shall be the only player besides the skip allowed in the house when the opposition is throwing.

Only skips and vice skips in charge of the house for the time being may stand within the house and the skip of the playing team has the choice of place and shall not be obstructed by the other skip, but behind the tee-line the privileges of both in regard to sweeping are equal.

The players, other than the skip and vice skip shall not stand behind the house, but shall place themselves along the side of the rink between the hog lines, except when sweeping or about to deliver a stone.

Non-delivering team members shall not take a position or cause such motion that would obstruct, interfere with or distract the delivering team. The umpire shall not allow any action that could be interpreted as an attempt to intimidate an opponent.

Right handed players shall play from the hack on the left of the centre line and left hand players from the hack on the right of the centre line. Any stone delivered from the wrong hack shall be removed from play immediately.

In the delivery of the stone, the stone shall be clearly released from the hand before the stone reaches the nearer hog line. If the player fails to so release the stone, it shall be removed from play immediately by the playing team. If the stone has struck another stone, the played stone shall be removed from play by the playing team and any displaced stone shall be replaced as nearly as possible where it originally lay to the satisfaction of the opposing skip.

Clearly released means that not only must the player release the stone, he must also ensure that his hand does not prevent the umpire from seeing that the stone is released.

The following hog-line violation procedures shall be applied:

The first warning shall be considered the instruction given by the Chief Umpire at the Pre-Event Meeting.

Any infraction occurring subsequently during play shall result in the stone being removed by the team at the instruction of the umpire.

All hog-line violated stones shall be removed and any displaced stones shall be repositioned. Benefit to either team is not a factor.

A stone that has not been released from the player's hand and that has not reached the nearer tee-line may be returned to the hack and re-delivered.

Each player shall be ready to deliver his stone when his turn comes, and shall not take an unreasonable time to play.

Where the Chief Umpire considers that play is unnecessarily slow, he shall notify the skip of the team at fault that if their next stone is not delivered within 30 seconds from the time he gives a signal, he will order the stone to be removed from play immediately.

The lead and second shall be ready to deliver their stones whenever it is their turn to throw. If the third or skip has not moved towards the throwing end at two minutes, the skip shall then be informed that his player has 30 seconds to throw the stone.

Where a player delivers a stone belonging to the opposing team, a stone belonging to his team shall be put in its place.

Where a player delivers a stone out of proper rotation it shall be removed from play immediately by the playing team and returned to the player to be delivered in proper rotation, but when the mistake is not discovered until after the stone has come to rest or struck another stone, the end shall be continued as if the mistake had not occurred, and the missed stone shall be delivered by the player missing his turn as the last stone for his team in that end.

Where the skips agree that a stone has been missed but are unable to agree as to which player missed his turn, the lead of the team that made the mistake shall play the last stone for his team in that end.

Where two stones of a team are delivered in succession in the same end, the opposing skip shall remove the stone played by mistake, replace to his satisfaction any stone displaced by the stone played by mistake, and continue the end as if the mistake had not occurred, and the player who delivered the stone played by mistake shall re-deliver it as the last stone for his team in that end.

Should the infraction not be discovered until after further stones have been played the end shall be replayed.

Where a player delivers three stones in one end, the end shall be continued as if the mistake had not occurred and the fourth player of the team that made the mistake shall deliver one stone only in that end.

Between the tee-lines, a running stone, or stone(s) set in motion by a running stone, may be swept by any one or more of the team to which it belongs.

Any stone in motion is a running stone.

A stationary stone must be set in motion before it can be swept.

Between the tee-lines, no player shall sweep an opponent's stone. Behind the tee-line, if the delivering team's choice is not to sweep, they shall not obstruct or prevent the opponent from sweeping the stone.

Behind the tee-line, only one player from each team may sweep at any one time. This may be the skip or vice skip from either team. Only the player in charge of the house shall be allowed to sweep behind the tee line, and shall not start to sweep an opponent's stone before the stone reaches the line.

The vice skip does not assume charge of the house until the skip leaves to throw his first stone, and then remains in charge. If the skip throws other than fourth stones, he shall resume control of the house when his second stone, and any other stone whose movement has been generated by that stone, has come to rest.

The sweeping motion, which shall be from side to side, shall leave no debris in front of the running stone and shall finish to either side of the stone.

The sweepers and their equipment muse be seen to be clear of the stone at all times.

If a team draws an infraction and the stone involved is their own it shall be removed from play at the discretion of the umpire. However if the stone involved belongs to the opposition the umpire shall direct the repositioning of the stone to where he considers it would have come to rest had it not been infringed. If in the opinion of the non-offending skip repositioning of the stone would benefit the offending team, it may be left where it came to rest.

At the start of each game, each player shall decide which broom or brush he/she will use for sweeping purposes during the game and only that broom or brush may be used for sweeping by the player during the game. If the broom or brush becomes unfit for further use during the game it shall be replaced by the same type of broom or brush. The replacement shall be inspected and approved by an umpire prior to use. Brushes may be exchanged between players on the same team during the course of a game but a corn-broom may not be exchanged.

If a running stone is touched by any of the playing team or by his equipment, the touched stone shall be removed from play immediately by that team. However, if in the opinion of the opposing skip, removal of the stone would be beneficial to the offending team, then he may place the stone as nearly as possible to the position where he considers it would have come to rest had it not been touched. He may also reposition any stone or stones that would have been displaced had the running stone not been touched and been allowed to continue.

For an opposing skip to reposition any potentially displaced stones, the infraction must have occurred inside the hog line at the playing end.

If a running stone is touched by any of the opposing team or by his equipment, the stone shall be placed where the skip of the team to which it belongs considers it would have come to rest if it had not been touched.

If the position of any stone is altered by a touched stone, the skip opposed to the team at fault may elect:

* to remove the touched stone and replace all other altered stones to the position where he considers they originally lay;
* or to leave the touched stone and all altered stones where they came to rest.


If a stone which would have altered the course of a running stone is displaced by the playing team, the running stone shall be allowed to come to rest and may be left there or removed from play immediately at the discretion of the opposing skip.

If the running stone is removed from play then all displaced stones shall be placed where the opposing skip considers they originally lay.

If the running stone is left where it came to rest, then displaced stones shall remain where they came to rest.

A stationary stone which is displaced and has no effect on the outcome of the running stone shall be replaced where it originally lay, by the opposing skip.

Games shall be decided by a majority of shots and a team scores one shot for each stone that is nearer the tee than any stone of the opposing team.

Every stone that is within 1.83 meters (6 feet) of the tee is eligible to be counted.

The 6-foot measuring device shall be the sole instrument used to determine whether a stone is in the house, at the conclusion of the end.

Measurements shall be taken from the tee to the nearest part of the stone.

Because a stone may vary in width, measurements may not be taken from the outer edge of the stone.

An end shall be considered as decided when the skips or vice skips in charge of the house at the time agree upon the score for that end.

Should any stone(s) be displaced before agreement has been reached, the non-offending team shall receive the benefit which may have accrued from a measurement. Should an umpire displace a stone when measuring one of the stones involved in the measurement, the stones shall be considered a tie.

If two or more stones are so close to the tee that it is impossible to use a measuring device to determine the scoring stone, the determination shall be made visually by the Chief Umpire. If no decision can be made, the end shall be scored as a blank end.

When a team decides to concede the game before the completion of an end, the game shall finish only when it is the conceding team's turn to play. The score for that end shall be determined at that time and recorded on the Scoreboard. If this occurs prior to the final end of the game, the remaining ends shall be recorded by an X on a manual scoreboard, or a - on an electronic scoreboard.

The umpire ha the general supervision of all games to which he is assigned.

The umpire shall function as directed by the Chief Umpire in accordance with the Rules of Play.

The umpire shall determine any matter in dispute between opposing skips, whether or not the matter is covered in the rules.

The Chief Umpire shall hear and determine appeals from decisions of umpires. His decision is final.

Where the Chief Umpire has been so authorized, he may intervene at any time in any game and give such directions concerning the conduct of the game as he considers proper.

Should any situation occur which is not covered by the rules, the decision will be made by the umpire in accordance with fairness.

Example: Any outside physical interference with the delivery or the course of a running stone shall result in the stone being replayed by the delivering team if so desired.

In all situations involving penalties, a warning shall be issued by the umpire at the Pre-Event Meeting with the teams.

The Pre-Event Meeting will involve all teams, the Chief Umpire and the Rules Committee Chairman or his designee.

All teams and coaches must attend the Pre-Event Meeting.

The use of all performance-enhancing drugs, whether they have been taken knowingly or otherwise is prohibited.

A competitor may be required prior to, during or after the course of a competition, to submit himself/herself for drug testing.

A competitor found to have a positive test will be banned from further competition while the reason for the presence of the banned substance is considered.

A competitor refusing to submit to testing will be banned from further participation in the competition.

There shall be no smoking within the confines of the playing area in World Championships or in play leading to World Championships.

In all World Championships, participating competitors are prohibited from using foul or offensive language at any time in the playing area. Any violation may result in suspension by the Federation of the offending player.

In all World Championships, a warm-up period shall be allowed for each team on the ice on which they will be playing, immediately prior to the start of each game, in accordance with instructions given by the Chief Umpire.

Immediately prior to the warm-up for the first round robin game, a disk, light-coloured on one side and dark on the other, or a coin, shall be tossed by an official in the presence of a member of each team. The team winning the toss shall decide which team shall have last stone at the first end, after the winner of the preceding end shall lead. For the remaining round robin games, each team shall have last stone at the first end on an equal number of the remaining round robin games. This shall be determined in advance and indicated in the official draw.

The team which has last stone at the first end shall practice first.

The ice will be cleaned after the warm-up period but will not be re-pebbled.

Details of the time and duration of the warm-up period will be given by the Chief Umpire at the team meeting.

If for any reason a game is postponed to another time, or a game is suspended, the game will continue at the point the game was suspended.
Comment by fireguy on July 12, 2010 at 1:25am
It is pretty clear, He is choosing up sides Brother, just as He has done before.

Deut. 30:14-15

14 "Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. 15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Joshua 24:14-15

14 "Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. 15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

16 Then the people answered, "Far be it from us to forsake the LORD to serve other gods!

Matthew 12:30

30"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."

"Destroying the New World Order"



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