Michael Badnarik Update - from Michael Badnarik!!!!

Michael Badnarik Update - from Michael Badnarik!!!!

Around 2:45pm EST on Sunday 1/10/2010


First, I want to thank everyone for their concern and wishes for a speedy recovery. My physical correspondence is literally measured in POUNDS, and I haven't a chance to open more than a few. If all goes well, I may be released from the hospital at the end of the week, and then I pl...an to stay with my parents for awhile as I continue my recovery.

The worst condition that I still face is being without my laptop and Blackberry for the better part of a month. If I don't have them in my hot little hands by tomorrow, there is a small "mafia accident" being negotiated even as you read this. If you want to stay current, just monitor my website and my Facebook account.

I am kicking butt in the physical recovery area. I asked Alan (my best friend) to smuggle 15-20 used tires into the hospital for me. If you're familiar with Alan's delicate style, you'll know he asked "What the heck do you need those for? I told him I wanted to add some football ag...ility training to my physical therapy so I can get out of the hospital as quickly as I can.

Thanks again for everyone's tremendous show of support. Rest assured, I'm not ready to chat with Saint Peter until AFTER we've restored Liberty to America, and given it a good boost everywhere else around the world.Therefore, I remain Your dedicated servant in Liberty,

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Comment by Jeff on January 10, 2010 at 8:42pm
Thanks Chris, I was hoping he was OK. He's a very important part of the Continental Congress.

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