PCP World's Most Dangerous Drug - Similar antics to that of the Eriksson twins behaviour on the M6 Motorway.
Here are some of the kind of mind altering techniques and experiments carried out on human beings by various governments around the world, with or without the “patients” knowledge or consent. The following text is from the recent eBook A Madness Shared by Two, [it's not in the paperback and has 24,000 more words] the true untold story about the lives of Sabina and Ursula Eriksson, alongside the murder of Glenn Hollinshead, based on a critique re-examination of the BBC’s Madness in the Fast Lane documentary about the twin sisters propelling themselves into the fast lane of the oncoming traffic on the UK’s-M6 motorway, as Ursula manages to throw herself under the wheels of a 40ft articulated lorry travelling at 60mph, that seems to swallow her up and spit her lifeless looking body back out of its rear end. The book challenges the “Official Storyline” and exposes a 'cover-up' and what really occurred just hours before their crazed M6 motorway dash.
[Sadly many or the original photos shown in this article have been removed.]
The two biggest and fundamental questions posed is; ‘Why on earth would these two women all of a sudden try and kill themselves?’ In addition; ‘Why did, or would, Sabina Eriksson wish to kill Glenn Hollinshead, just minutes after he’d spoken to his neighbour, when he asked him for some teabags?' Suggesting he was in the process of making them something to eat and drink, which can hardly be viewed as a confrontational scenario.
It’s been proposed they could possibly have a micro-chip implanted within their head, or other part of their bodies that enabled the brain into thinking that the “carrier” should commit suicide. Either done by remote control, or pre-programmed to self-destruct. Of course many people may try to ridicule such a theory and notion, and why I have decided to examine the world of micro-chipping and the kinds of experimentation that’s taken place in the past, through to today’s current situation and technology. I will leave it to the reader to come to their own conclusions. Some of the evidence I supply shows that this kind of know-how is far from fiction, in fact, it’s been around for at least a couple of decades or more, though now tweaked to work and provide an incredibly accurate performance.
In an amazing piece of film footage, [see video] in April 2010, a woman describes the effects of having a microchip implanted against her will to the Georgia House Judiciary Committee in the USA. In the video [13] she says that people; “...have the right to live without these microchips...being activated by these peoples “cell phones”. – This woman is as sincere as you’re going to get, you only have to listen to the emotion in her voice. She seems to know exactly what she is saying and is incredibly describing.
She continues much in the same vain; “...you travel all over the place, hoping to find someone who can remove it for you” – “The pain you get goes down the spine’, - ‘you get a kind of grounded feeling”. You must watch this video, as you’ll see she’s an ordinary woman who managed to achieve a great change, as following her affidavit, the Georgia House Judiciary took up the bill that would “prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip,” and would make violating the ban a misdemeanour. The woman, who described herself as a resident of DeKalb County told the committee: “I’m also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip.” “Microchips are like little beepers,” she also told the committee. “Just imagine, if you will, having a beeper in your rectum or genital area, the most sensitive area of your body.” Obviously not expecting such a revelation, State Rep. Tom Weldon asked; “Ma’am, did you say you have a microchip?”- “Yes, I do. This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area”, she replied. The State Rep. Wendell Willard, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asked her who had implanted the chip. “The Department of Defence,” she replied. Willard thanked the woman for her input, and the committee later approved the bill. [14][15][16][17]
The VeriChip Corporation currently sells a small, under-the-skin Radio Frequency Identification capsule [RFID], patients can opt to have this implanted with it containing a number computer-linked to their medical records, enabling doctors with a special reader to access the information, even if the patient is unconscious or unidentified. The company boasts that its RFID microchip, first introduced in 2009, is roughly the size of a grain of rice and is the only such implant approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. VeriChip, [and not doubt others] sold the world’s first and only federally approved radio microchip for implanting in humans. It’s also development a chip toward “emergency preparedness,” hoping to produce an implant that can automatically detect in its host’s bloodstream, the presence of swine flu or other viruses deemed a “bio-threat.”
[8a] Veri-Chip aren’t alone as researchers, at Hewlett-Packard’s Bristol laboratory in 2002, they developed a data chip that can store voice data or pictures on a device smaller than a grain of rice. Their chip can store the equivalent of 100 pages of text and has a tiny antenna to exchange data by wireless communication, while being small enough to embed in almost any object. The chip has been four years in development but is still two years away from being a finished product. HP said; “...possible applications could be as a voice or picture file to add to postcards, as a device to hold medical records on a hospital patient's wristband, or as an anti-counterfeit tag on medicine bottles.” [8b]
Thirty years ago, brain implants showed up in X-rays the size of one centimetre. They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide. VeriChip, are a microchip company lobbying the Pentagon to implant 1.4 million US soldiers with microchips; a modern-day ‘Dog-Tag’. Millions of pets including my own dog, had this kind of microchip implanted under their skin, and down the centre of their back. [9] These tiny chips are commonly known as Radio-frequency identification [RFID] chips that use a wireless, non-contact system, using radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, to transfer data from a tag attached to an object; for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and also intravenously in different parts of the body during surgical operations, with or without the consent of the subject. [10]
It is now almost impossible to detect or remove them, unless of course you are X-rayed, or have a ‘reading’ device, the same way they identify lost of killed animals. In addition these RFID tags can be affixed to an object and used to track and manage inventory, assets, people, etc., they can be affixed to cars, computer equipment, books, mobile phones, etc. By early 2007, Chris Paget of San Francisco, California, showed that RFID information can be extracted; “pulled” from individuals, by using only $250 worth of equipment. This supports the claim that with the information captured, it would be relatively simple to make counterfeit RFID passports, [12] thus making this kind of system more vulnerable to terrorists, if you just rely on a microchip.
Peter Cochrane was the CTO & Head of Research for British Telecom, between April 1994 – November 2000.[1c] Beginning in 1994 he ran a 4 year project that built a 1000 strong (is something missing here) [$100M budget] spanning a wide range of technology, networks, terminals, systems and human activities.[1d] The groups R&D included all BT corporate programmes and advanced development; including radio, mobile, visual and speech systems, artificial life, artificial intelligence, human factors, VR, visualisation, new services, tele-medical, education and training, switching and network management, control and practices, and wearable computers. On the 18th July 1996 Margie Wylie, staff writer for CNET News, wrote an astonishing article entitled: A new memory chip-for the brain. She wrote about Cochrane and his group of scientists from British Telecom’s Laboratory, who had announced that same day, a memory chip for the human brain. She’s states; “They even assigned it the appropriately gee-whiz product moniker of ‘Soul Catcher 2025’,” as well as some fairly detailed specifications. The 2025 refers to the year the scientists think the idea will become a reality.[1]
Take Gunther von Hagens, the controversial German anatomist who invented the technique for preserving biological tissue specimens called plastination. In April 2012 von Hagens made a programme with Channel 4 entitled “Crucifixion”.
The documentary follows von Hagens, who in 2011 revealed that he is suffering from Parkinson’s disease, as he undertakes an intensely personal journey to create his crucifix. It is in this programme you can see the full extent of his illness and how debilitating it is on his own body. So much so he amazingly reveals he would be dead for it not being for the fact that he has a micro-chip in his brain, which “thinks” for him; “...without it I would not be alive...” he says, and explains more in the actual film. [1]
He has said previously, at another of his exhibitions; “The brain is an incredible marvel of engineering. I wanted people to recognise what is known by this amazing gem inside our heads and be awed by its possibilities and capacity,” In October 2003, a parliamentary committee in Kyrgyzstan, investigated accusations that von Hagens had illegally received and plastinated several hundred corpses from prisons, psychiatric institutions and hospitals in Kyrgyzstan, some without prior notification of the families. Von Hagens himself testified at the meeting; he said he had received nine corpses from Kyrgyzstan hospitals, none of which had been used for the famous Body Worlds exhibition, and that he was neither involved with, nor responsible for the notification of families.[2][3]
MK-Ultra - The New Phoenix Program (135 min)
The first brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in the state of Ohio, USA and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into behaviour modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control [MC] methods were used in attempts to change human behaviour and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an important goal of military and intelligence services. It was in Sweden, where assassinated Prime Minister Olof Palme, gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners.
It was the Data Inspection’s ex-Director General, Jan Freese, who revealed that “mental patients” were implanted in the mid-1980s with such technology. It's been alleged, that this is the ‘real’ reason he was killed, targeted by ‘religious fanatics’ who see this as the “Mark of the Beast”, alongside Barcode technology, which was revealed in the 1972: 47 Swedish state report, Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU)[4] by Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, was the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland December 6, 2000. [5] If the Eriksson twins are sufferers of schizophrenia, then perhaps Sabina may well have been one of these “mental patients” who were experimented on during the 80’s?
Today’s microchips can operate by means of low-frequency radio waves. With the help of GPS and satellites, and no different than how your Satnav or GPS mobile phone works, allowing the implanted person to be tracked anywhere on the globe.
Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the Intelligence-Manned Interface [IMI] biotic, which is injected into people. Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the ‘Rambo chip’, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream, and again, it could be argued, this is how the Eriksson twins appeared to react on the motorway. [6a] Even though this technology was first carried out on humans in 2006 in Germany, it was announced on the 3rd May 2012, that scientists had successfully; “...exceeded expectations” with the first UK clinical trials of a bionic-eye implant designed to restore the sight of blind people.
The team led by Tim Jackson, a consultant retinal surgeon at King’s College Hospital and Robert MacLaren, a professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Oxford and a consultant retinal surgeon at the Oxford Eye Hospital said: “We are excited to be involved in this pioneering subretinal implant technology and to announce the first patients implanted in the UK were successful. Patients will undergo further testing as they adjust to the 3mm by 3mm microchip device in the coming months”. Robin Millar is only one of the patients whose been fitted with the microchip along with 1,500 electrodes, which are implanted below the retina. [5][6] Those of you who have seen this on the news, will see the microchip unit has two wires about 4” long and a battery unit to power it, which is embedded in the middle-back region of the skull. There is also another version where the patient whom has the embedded microchip within their skull, also have a remote control, hand held unit which allows them to tweak the focus of the retina.
This massive IBM Microchip was first made in 1968!
IBM also announced in 2009 that it had simulated a cat’s cerebral cortex, the thinking part of the brain, using a massive supercomputer. IBM had previously simulated 40 percent of a mouse’s brain in 2006, a rat’s full brain in 2007, and 1% of a human’s cerebral cortex in 2009. This is one of the new cognitive computing chips created by researchers at IBM that is said to mimic the human brain. On the 18th August 2011 in San Fransisco, IBM announced its creation of a microchip that mimics brain functions. Their website reports; computers, like humans, can learn.[8] IBM Corp., say the challenge of training a computer to behave like a human brain is not only a physiological and technological feat that is pushing the boundaries and limits of computer and brain science, but they've made a major step toward combining the two worlds. They confirmed they’ve built two prototype microchips, that process data, similar to how the brain digests information. After a six-year-long project, the microchips represent a significant milestone that involved 100’s of researchers at a cost of $41 million in funding from DARPA. IBM has also spent and is committed to invest an undisclosed amount of money. Project leader Dharmendra Modha for IBM Research, said; “...the new chips have parts that behave like digital “neurons” and “synapses” that make them different than other chips” – “You have to throw out virtually everything we know about how these chips are designed,” he said. “The key, key, key difference really is the memory and the processor’s are very closely brought together. There’s a massive, massive amount of parallelism.” [7]
The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency [NSA] could now “see and hear” what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a Remote Monitoring System [RMS]. IBM knows all about this technology as stated above, when a 5-micromillimetre microchip, the diameter of a strand of hair is 50-micromillimetres, is placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages [encoded as signals] to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. [8] Again this is exactly what Sabina told doctors in Bronzefield Prison; “Voices in her head she couldn’t understand what they were saying”, and was mentioned at one of her court hearings.
In 2006, the Attorney General of Mexico Rafael Macedo de la Concha announced on national news that 100 Mexican law enforcement officers have agreed to have a RFID micro-chip implanted under their skin. Antonio Aceves, general director of Solusat, the company that distributes the microchips in Mexico, said; “More are scheduled to get “tagged” in coming months, and key members of the Mexican military, the police and the office of President Vicente Fox might follow suit”. [19] Antonio Aceves, general director of Solusat, the company that distributes the microchips in Mexico. The chips that have been implanted are manufactured by VeriChip Corp., a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions Inc. of Palm Beach, Fla. [18][19]
Many companies use GPS fleet tracking devices to keep not only track of where their products or items might be anywhere around the globe, but it’s also claimed it’s a way to spy on their staff.[27] 1000’s of companies have adopted this kind of system, UPS and Parcel Force being among the big players. There is nothing stopping this same technology being placed in human beings, like those Mexican police officers already have and that the military would also like to have, as such a device would make it easier to find stranded soldiers and would replace the old fashioned ‘dog-tag’ used to help identify a badly mutilated body.
Let’s re consider the theory on PCP. When Sabina was in the home of Glen Hollinshead, Peter Molloy said they were drinking beer when all of a sudden, Sabina swiped their cigarettes out of their mouths, saying; “No, they might be poisoned”.
"PCP - Made me hear voice and do mad things"
This type of suggestion can be found in a 1955 MKULTRA document, [13] under No15; Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public’: A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity; ‘A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food,’ cigarettes’, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.’
The Project BLUEBIRD, Mind Control Project was approved by the director of the CIA on April 20, 1950. In a 1951 memo, Bluebird states that practical research was to be conducted to include these specific problems: How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best concealed in a normal item, such as candy, ‘cigarettes’, coffee, tea, beer, medicines? [20] CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments Documentary [1979]. Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.
Donald Ewen Cameron [1901-1967] was a twentieth-century Scottish-American psychiatrist. Cameron was involved in Project MKULTRA, United States Central Intelligence Agency's research on torture and mind control. Cameron lived and worked in Albany, New York, and was involved in experiments in Canada for Project MKULTRA, a United States based CIA-directed mind control program which eventually led to the publication of the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. He is unrelated to another CIA psychiatrist Alan Cameron, who helped pioneer psychological profiling of world leaders during the 1970s.
In her book; The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein states; “Cameron’s research and his contribution to the MKUltra project was actually not about mind control and brainwashing, but about designing a scientifically based system for extracting information from ‘resistant sources.’ Dr. Cameron’s experiments, building upon Donald O. Hebb’s earlier breakthrough, laid the scientific foundation for the CIA’s two-stage psychological torture method.” In the March 1995 transcripts of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments concerns were raised about the dubious nature of experiments on humans onwards from the 1950’s. Miss Wolf said research subjects had been victimised as children in mind-control experiments, some of them involving radiation and torture. Miss DeNicola and Miss Mullen, recalled similar incidents and suffered related ailments during this period of time. DeNicola said this was part of an effort to train her as a spy and assassin. Miss Mullen described a series of exposures to drugs and abuse from age seven in 1957, continuing to 1984. [21]
For those who have never heard of these kinds of government projects, these are far from conspiracy theories, hundreds of victims have been financially compensated. The revelations about the CIA and the army prompted a number of subjects, or their survivors, to file lawsuits against the federal government for conducting illegal experiments on them. Although the government aggressively, and sometimes successfully, sought to avoid legal liability, several plaintiffs did receive compensation through court orders, out-of-court settlements, or acts of Congress.
Frank Olson’s family received $750,000 by a special Act of Congress, and both President Ford and CIA director William Colby met with Olson’s family to publicly apologise. [10a] The US General Accounting Office issued a report on 28th September, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, DOD and other national security agencies studied thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances. A quote from the study: ‘Working with the CIA, the Department of Defence gave hallucinogenic drugs to thousands of “volunteer” soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s. In addition to LSD, the army also tested quinuclidinyl benzilate, a hallucinogen code-named BZ.’
There are many US patents already lodged in the U.S Patents office, that are connected to all forms of control and communications with the brain: US Patent 5159703 [25] Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves: Abstract: Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein. [26]
Let’s also not forget, what is showcased to the world today, probably spent many years, and in some cases decades, in the Research and Development [R&D] stage, before scientists, doctors and inventors were confident enough to reveal their experiments to the world. It must also be realised that if it were not for many of these experiments, tests and trials etc. then we would indeed not have many of the life saving or changing products, cures, and medicines that exist today, yet how ironic as you'll find we are finding cures for illnesses and diseases created by man! Though it also has to be understood that before many scientists and doctors get to this stage, it’s normally been to the detriment of many an unfortunate animal, and worst still; human guinea pigs, for there have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects all around the world. Where in many of these cases they have been considered unethical and were often performed illegally and without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.
“Man” has long carried out the most horrific of experiments on human beings, and where in many cases they were performed in top-secret. It is only because a certain period of time has elapsed, that we can now see and read these once classified documents and white papers etc. This declassification overtime has brought to light many of these barbaric test and trials. The same secrecy applies to many other experiment that have taken place in recent years; so like those scientists of the past who carried out the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation/torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others, then we will not find out about them until a few decades later. Many of these tests were performed on children, or sick and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of “medical treatment”. In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were from impoverished racial minorities or prisoners. This of course must still go on, though today many companies actual pay people to act as guinea pigs in the West, and many a poor student has opted for this route to help finance their education, and where in some circumstances it has gone horrifically wrong.
Throughout the 1840s, J. Marion Sims, aka; “the father of gynaecology”, performed surgical experiments on enslaved African women, without anaesthesia. And must surely be where Pierre Boulle got his ideas in La Planète des singes, known in English; as Monkey Planet, or Planet of the Apes, a 1963 science fiction novel. The African women, one of whom was operated on 30 times, regularly died from infections resulting from the experiments.[31] In order to test one of his theories about the causes of Trismus in infants, Sims performed experiments where he used a shoemaker’s awl to move around the skull bones of the babies of enslaved women.[32][33]
In 1874, Mary Rafferty, an Irish servant woman, came to Dr. Roberts Bartholow of the Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati for treatment of her cancer. Seeing a research opportunity, he cut open her head, and inserted needle electrodes into her exposed brain matter.[34] He described the experiment as follows: When the needle entered the brain substance, she complained of acute pain in the neck. In order to develop more decided reactions, the strength of the current was increased ... her countenance exhibited great distress, and she began to cry. Very soon, the left hand was extended as if in the act of taking hold of some object in front of her; the arm presently was agitated with clonic spasm; her eyes became fixed, with pupils widely dilated; lips were blue, and she frothed at the mouth; her breathing became stertorous; she lost consciousness and was violently convulsed on the left side. The convulsion lasted five minutes, and was succeeded by a coma. She returned to consciousness in twenty minutes from the beginning of the attack, and complained of some weakness and vertigo. Taken from Dr Bartholow’s research report.[34]
In 1896, Dr Arthur Wentworth performed spinal taps on 29 young children, without the knowledge or consent of their parents, at the Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, to discover if doing so would be harmful.[35] This was conducted without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
From 1913 to 1951, Dr. Leo Stanley, chief surgeon at the San Quentin Prison, performed a wide variety of experiments on hundreds of prisoners at San Quentin. And why Johnny Cash went done a storm when he sang; “I hate you San Quentin, you've been livin’ hell to me, you ... San Quentin, I hate every inch of you. You’ve cut me and you scarred me through an’ through.” Many of the experiments involved testicular implants, where Stanley would take the testicles out of executed prisoners and surgically implant them into living prisoners. In other experiments, he attempted to implant the testicles of rams, goats, and boars into living prisoners. Stanley also performed various eugenics experiments, and forced sterilisations on San Quentin prisoners.[6] Stanley believed that his experiments would rejuvenate old men, control crime [which he believed had biological causes], and prevent the “unfit” from reproducing.[36][37]
In July 1999 the UK police opened an investigation into allegations of misconduct at Porton-Down Chemical and Biological Research Establishment. [23] As a consequence of these preliminary investigations the scope of the inquiry was broadened into a major inquiry named Operation Antler. [22] The inquiries established that a number of the participants in the ‘Service Volunteer Programme’ claimed to have been tricked into taking part in experiments. Some also claimed to have suffered long-term illness or injury as a result of the experiments. The investigation covered the period from 1939 to 1989 and lasted for five years. Its 13 members interviewed over 700 ex-servicemen or their relatives.
The British Government provided the constabulary with an additional 870,000 pounds towards the costs. At least 20,000 servicemen participated as volunteers in testing at Porton Down, and records survive from 1942 onwards. WWII was the peak period for testing, and much of this concerned mustard gas, with as many as 8,000 volunteers being exposed. After 1945 testing shifted to nerve agents, and used around 3,400 volunteers [although they may not all have been exposed]. In the 1960s smaller scale experiments took place with non-lethal agents such as LSD and glycollates, and more recently testing focused on countermeasures such as pyridostigmine bromide which is a pre-treatment for nerve agents.
In 2006, six healthy volunteers were struck down immediately after taking an experimental drug to treat leukemia and autoimmune diseases; this was the first time it had ever been given to humans. Four of the men had regained consciousness some days later, but two others remained in a critical condition with multiple organ failure. The six previously healthy volunteers became seriously ill soon after taking TGN1412, a monoclonal antibody, in a trial run by Parexel International, based in Waltham, Mass, in the UK. Thomas Hanke, the chief scientific officer of TeGenero AG of Wuerzburg, Germany, which developed the drug, said it had been tested on rabbits and monkeys with no “drug-related adverse events.”
There were in fact eight human guinea pigs, and Raste Khan, one of two men given a placebo in the trial, said the six were stricken with vomiting and severe pain within minutes of taking the drug. “Everyone was continuously vomiting,” Khan said. The men were fainting and in and out of consciousness, their heads were killing them; “...because a lot of them were kind of like holding their heads.” He said one man was screaming and complained of pain in his back. The eight volunteers were paid about $3,500 for what was to have been a two-week trial.
The leading scientist in this entire field is Professor Kevin Warwick: "Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, UK where he carries out research in artificial intelligence, control and robotics. Kevin has published over 300 research papers and his latest paperback In the Mind of the Machines gives a warning of a future in which machines are more intelligent than humans ... In 1998 he shocked the international scientific community by having a silicon chip transponder surgically implanted in his left arm. A series of further implant experiments have taken place in which Kevins nervous system was linked to a computer ...
Kevin's new implant experiment called 'Project Cyborg' got underway in March 2002 - see - http://www.kevinwarwick.com
It's awful. I've ever saw British scientists did experiments with animals and people, and then created some strange creatures are not human. And previous experimental psychologist also have done experiments with children. I hope that the development of society is not based on these inhuman experiments. -barcode word
Cheers VooDoo6!!
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