We think as society in today’s world that we have progressed past such barbaric practices as cannibalism, the consumption or use of human flash and tissue for food or other uses. We assume that Judeo Christian ethics have reached the world through out, and, as a result, the call for humanitarian conduct and respect for human life have largely succeeded, but you’d be wrong! From inside sources and the hidden practices of certain societies the morbid traditions linger on.
Savoring humans
Primitive tribes in South America carry on to this day hunting down humans, killing them, and satisfying their taste for homo sapient flesh. Some archeologists in recent years, unarmed and on a research project made the deadly mistake of happening upon a South American tribe who became curious. What did the flesh of white men taste and smell like compared to that of the native game they had been hunting and eating. Well they found out alright. They used their poison darts and arrows to kill the well-meaning scientists, and began the task of butchering and preparing their bodies for a feast. No regrets, no moral conflict, no humanitarian consideration, to them human flesh is there for the taking.
Don’t ask from who or where
If you happen to be in Thailand and are driving in the major cities beware! Not only do people drive like maniacs with few if any rules for drivers to follow much less that are enforced, but if you end up in a serious collision and are injured, you will not be expecting the swift arrival of a paramedical unit or fire department vehicle, but in that long wait you may very well learn what the true invasion of the body snatchers is all about! There are body part pirates anxious to escort you off to some black market operation that specializes in involuntary organ transplants! You may end up being an unwitting organ donor so that these pirates can profit. You will be drugged and every vital organ in your body will find a home in some refrigerated container ready to be whisked away to some hospital, no questions asked, for a transplant operation for the highest bidder just like that! It may seem grisly to you, but these people simply don’t care.
The unborn become medical resources
Our travel takes us to the southern border of the United States where millions of illegal aliens from over 132 nations of the world are flowing across illegally thanks to the unconstitutional efforts of the Democrat Party to obtain more votes at any cost to the taxpayers, who are already suffering from massive inflation thanks to the multi-trillion dollar deficits instigated by this Biden Harris administration doing the bidding of the Deep State and destroying the US economy of the shrinking middle class. During the course of the long trips on foot by the caravans of illegal aliens children are sent by their parents as parasites to the American government. The young girls have already been supplied with birth control pills which does not protect them from being raped. The inevitable impregnation of young teens will take place! Next time you get stem cell treatment just think it may well have come from fetal tissue.
A pragmatic solution?
What is the Democrat method of dealing with these poor girls who have been brutally raped and impregnated? Why whisk them off to the nearest abortion truck or clinic so that those precious baby parts can be harvested and profitably sold to laboratories for good money! Never let a crisis go to waste! Why, you never let those baby heads, arms, legs, and organs go to waste! Just think of the never ending supply too with all those millions of illegals eager and willing to make the journey by bus or on foot to be there at the border awaiting all those debit cards for food, all those free rides to wherever they want to go in the US, housing, medical treatment, and the welcoming communities spending millions in luxury hotel accommodations that are denied to American seniors or US war veterans, many suffering from the wounds or psychological effects of war. All this while the American taxpayer foots the bill to the tune of 53 billion yearly and the double dipper of the resulting inflation, the invisible tax of the shrinking US dollar that buys less and less every week!
Spoils of war?
In World War II in the Pacific theater of war the Japanese army during its retreat form American and Allied forces after 1943, a macabre reality emerged with rations pushed to the limit as supply ships were torpedoed or strafed by US Naval warplanes. In order to survive and in the words of Napoleon, “An army fights on its stomach,” and so it was with the Japanese. Reports that the Japanese garrisons on Borneo began cannibalizing the bodies of head hunter tribes that fought and resisted them! This practice continued until 1945 once the formal surrender of Japan was signed, but did it stop there as millions of stranded Japanese military awaited occupational operations by the Allies along with POW supply of rations?
Frozen dinner on a flight?
We don’t like to think of modern civilized human beings resorting to cannibalism in order to survive, but we have even seen during December of 1972 when a passenger jet crashed in the Andes Mountain range in South America. The survivors of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 in the remote Argentinian Mountains endured 72 days of below zero temperatures at 12,000 foot levels with only 14 survivors out of 45 aircrew and fellow passengers dead. Flesh was stripped from dead bodies and cooked by the freezing members who had managed to live before they climbed and walked their way 33 miles into Chile to contact help. Desperation will drive human beings into horrid behavior at times in order to overcome starvation and death.
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