By Michael Shaw
July 10, 2011
What if the Federal Reserve dollar falls – hard? How is the globalist blueprint known as Sustainable Development Agenda 21 designed to make humans into livestock? Why liberty must be understood by this generation of Americans lest it be lost for a very long time.
More Americans, an accelerating percentage of ordinary citizens, have come to understand the nature of “fiat” monetary system – that is money created out of thin air. The contemporary fiat system came to the United States in 1913 with the congressional creation of the privately owned United States Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve legislation violated Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution by the issuance of legal tender and brought once again the influence/control of the globalist banking cartel to the U.S.
Today’s global monetary system was originally authorized by the British Parliament. Its purpose was to form the central bank of England as the Bank of England, which is the equivalent to our Federal Reserve, to control a nation’s money.
“Issuing money” means controlling fiat (phony) money creation through the operation of a printing press or computer entry. This results in the regular increase in the money supply which ultimately expresses itself as price inflation.
Newly issued money is infused into the money supply via the creation of debt. Much of this debt is held by the federal government. More money equals more debt. ‘The harder I work’, says the average American, ‘the deeper in debt the nation becomes.’
Growing debt cedes the ultimate exercise of control to the creditor, particularly as the system breaks down under its own largesse. A “new” system is being designed by the same forces who designed today’s fiat system and who now have America close to the brink of dollar destruction. It is the replacement system that we must be wary of if we are to exercise a wise defense and restoration of freedom.
In the meantime keep your faith in the dollar’s viability. Don’t let the blame for its destruction be placed upon the people. The creators of funny (fiat) money have the advantage and they control its destruction; they are wholly responsible.
The power in having charge of the printing press provides control of the direction of government. A thorough analysis of that control would be an illuminating dynamic.
After all, we can begin to think of how Congress has taken physical control over a large percentage of American land in violation of strict constitutional limitations on federal government land ownership. No doubt this centralized land and resource control works to the benefit of the globalist financiers.
Another example: American government, at all levels directs funds and partners with Smart Growth advocates and participants in an effort to remake society while herding people and controlling human action. Smart Growth operates pursuant to the ultimate and documented Agenda 21 objective – to massively reduce human population.
And another: Increasingly Government institutes policies and programs that monitor and control your every action, e.g., TSA, cameras everywhere, Smart Meters, bio-metric drivers’ licenses, and more.
Understand what the global elite’s control of money is doing to the world’s inhabitants.
Thomas Jefferson warned: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Congress has passed legislation that built debt of trillions owed to the Federal Reserve. America’s creditors are the descendants and current representatives of the creators of the globally controlled monetary system in which the Federal Reserve simply participates.
In order to subject America to Globalist political and economic control, Congress has made possible the construction of a financial house of cards – our currency! Fiat systems either implode through the forces of economics or are imploded by those in control.
One can anticipate that the core globalists’ power is planned to increase as they scheme to take charge of the selection of the replacement monetary system. While springing this new monetary system, globalists will have created supporting systems of justice and government for this new monetary model. Such is the New World Order.
This ‘new’ order must be understood to be a process. The question of our time is: How far along is this process?
Advancing Globalism – Agenda 21
The new order grows out of ownership and control of the monetary system. This power already controls: compliant governments around the world, multinational corporations, and education and academia designed to create a new man – one unconnected to the principles of the past. An existent infrastructure for world government has been established that includes the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the Bank of International Settlements and the United Nations. The United Nations in turn accredits thousands of so-called Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the purpose of implementing the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is the “comprehensive” blueprint for the construction of a global-to-local network of localized outposts of the global order.
Agenda 21 is known in counties across America as “Sustainable Development.” Sustainability policies are now pursued in every county in the United States. Agenda 21 is the globalist program designed to achieve the step-by-step abolition of private property, education for global citizenship and control over human action. This control includes the written objective that human population be reduced by 85%.
As noted above, every county in America has adopted its own Sustainability program. It is often couched in the advancement of the so called Three Es: Equity, meaning the use of sociology and the remaking of the law to meet government’s social objectives and establish a collectivist society; Economics, meaning the international redistribution of America’s wealth and meaning the conversion of our economy from a free enterprise system based on private property to a system of “public private partnership” (otherwise known as economic fascism or corporatism); and Environment, meaning nature before man.
Read more here:
"Destroying the New World Order"
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