In books by John Willison Greene, an author on the subject of Sasquatch, years ahead of his time, we are introduced to an intimate knowledge of the officially disavowed creature. The fact that thousands of accounts of witness testimony, much like Stanton Friedman who once said that despite the denial of UFO existence, the corroboration of eye witness accounts would have been accepted as proof in a court of law. The same would have been true a long time ago over Bigfoot. Circumstantial evidence such as plaster cast footprints taken in the middle of nowhere in the Canadian forests, hair samples, nests made of intricately woven tree branches, and thousands of reports submitted to authorities, have constructed a solid body of confirmation.
A closer look
Greene compiles an incredible number of stories given by witnesses from civilians to police to military personnel. David Parulides draws on his readings of Greene’s work to support his hypothesis on Sasquatch behavior and how to use map statistical analysis to gauge recent sightings where they are frequently encountered as well as areas where sightings may not have repeated themselves for 50 years or more. Patterns begin to be established such as seasonal migrations, potential predictions of where sighting might occur next, travel corridors, and game availability that feeds the population of hairy hominids influencing their movements.
Getting closer to the answers
Just as the police use maps to establish criminal whereabouts and activity so is the mapping of the territory of Sasquatch location and behavior. For instance, the Bigfoot is a known swimmer and feeds on shell fish during low tides, actually digging up clams and mussels. In one story a barge captain while eating his dinner below deck near a porthole is startled when the hairy arm of the entity reaches into the inside of the ship and touches his uniform. Apparently curious about the sight of the stripes and officers decorations on his jacket. Once surprised by the frightening situation he watches as the man-like beast dives into the canal waters and swims away.
More than plausible
At a time when the subject was not that fascinating to the public anymore, John Willison Greene, being a journalist himself, collected some incredible stories that reveal how human-like the behavior of the mysterious species is. Their ability to maintain stealth, to treat man as a competitor to remain wary of, yet also having an intelligent curiosity about man illustrates their powers of reason. Grover Krantz, a professor of anthropology, estimated that a population of easily 1,200 or more Sasquatch could be supported in the Pacific Northwest portion of the northern hemisphere though his gigantopithecus theory was incorrect.
Manmade wildlife trails
David Parulides established that huge sections of deforested pathways for power lines and railroad track became paths of least resistance for Sasquatch so they become natural migratory routes. Many a fisherman has been awakened at night from the sound of a Bigfoot stealing fish he had caught hours previously. Many a train engineer or fireman has seen Sasquatch along the tracks as they pass by. A helicopter power line inspection and repair team spotted a family of Sasquatch with the huge male, described as appearing like a big refrigerator covered in fur, as they hovered above, standing between the airborne crew and a female and small child. They do have protective and territorial instincts as have been witnessed by campers who have had one invade their camp and scare the tourists off in the darkness of the night.
Contradictory Behavior
Paulides and Steve Isdahl of the “How to Hunt” YouTube channel both concur that just like people who are good or bad, you can run into either category of the mysterious hominid that seems to co-exist with mankind in a highly camouflaged manner of conduct. There have been acts of an injured person on a hiking trail being carried to within a short distance of rescuers as well as a Bigfoot scaring away fishermen or campers from an area while desperate calls to Park Rangers came into the switchboards as a result.
Where and when?
Paulides being an investigator in California and, thus specializing in its terrain theorizes that numerous sightings of Sasquatch on the beaches came from a seasonal event of bird nesting on some islands just offshore of the northern Californian coastline. They apparently swim the distance and harvest eggs from the nests of sea going birds, knowing what time of year to capitalize on this feast from nature. This is one method of being able to predict where sightings can occur. However, it also exhibits the intelligence of the Sasquatch in foraging. Weather patterns also can influence when and where Sasquatch may travel to avoid exposure to extremes or follow the herds of Elk, reindeer, or dear as their primary source of protein.
An eerie encounter
One farmer determined to catch the chicken thief who had eluded all the security measures that prevented foxes and hawks from catching his chickens heard a disturbance late one night. Grabbing his rifle he was sure that the trespasser would be caught. As he approached the hen house he saw a figure bent over with the door to the pen now opened. He called out to the chicken bandit to stand up and turn around! What happened next sent him into hysterics and on a dead run to the door of his home. It stood up, faced him, and let out a blood curdling roar that disoriented him so much he couldn’t even think of firing his weapon! The use of the same kind of infrasound that lions and tigers use to confuse their prey is also used by Sasquatch, but according to accounts much louder than any big game cat. When the man got inside his house ashamed of himself for retreating and not using his gun, his wife asked what was going on. He told her to stay upstairs in the bedroom and lock the door. The intruder walked around the house as he peered out of each window fearing it might break in, but finally left.
Experiences can be difficult to report
These types of encounters are frequent for those ranchers and farmers located in the wilderness of Canada, but even in states like Ohio, Montana, Michigan, Washington State, Oregon, and Maine. The frustrating aspect of being a homeowner surrounded by dense countryside, reporting a tall hairy man-like creature, prowling around on their property then having a sheriff’s deputy dispatched to investigate and being treated like the property owner is crazy, making up a story, or that law enforcement knows more than it is willing to admit, is a common place form of frustration, and the reason many people are reticent to report their encounters even with friends and family. Hmmm, much like UFO sightings.
A deadly mistake
These encounters can suddenly become deadly confrontations as three Vietnam veterans on a hunting trip in the Panhandle of North Texas found out when they shot what they thought was a bear in the early evening hours and pursued it. They came to some bramble bushes and with their rifles ready, crawled into the thicket to finish the wounded animal off. What they found instead was an enraged Sasquatch that attempted to attack but they shot it several times along with a smaller creature that was behind it. What they found was a Bigfoot family they had mistaken for a bear, and what they thought that had killed was something entirely different. They pulled the bodies out into the clearing and examined them. What had apparently happened was they had wounded the male who had come back to the family den. The female trying, to protect her mate and child, tried to bluff or scare them off but was shot along with the child fatally.
Final outcome
Not knowing much about Bigfoot, the former soldiers thought they may have committed a homicide, killing feral people, or perhaps escaped humans from some mental facility. They buried the bodies rather than take the chance that they might be criminally charged. Years later, one of the veterans called into the “Coast to Coast” late night radio show and told them what had happened, and that they could be guaranteed immunity, would reveal the location of the unmarked burial site. Being former reconnaissance mission soldiers they knew the exact coordinates of the kill site. A district attorney reviewed the case and pronounced that no charges would be brought, but a biologist who was asked to comment said that the chances that the bodies had been dug up by scavengers or predators and the remains scattered was pretty likely. Once the site was investigated it was found that the nearby creek had flooded its banks at some point and had probably uncovered the remains which would have been exposed and scattered. Case closed.
Superior skills but discretion chosen instead
Even though Sasquatch is a master of all terrain being able to run through thicket and thorns with the speed of a deer, climb rocky faced cliffs with speed and ease, and possess incredible night vision, still they quickly hide or vacate in the presence of man for the very reason that occurred in the North Texas Panhandle. We are a troublesome species to co-exist with. As one Army Ranger stated in night maneuvers that there was no way to flank or capture a Bigfoot in pursuit as they are faster, more powerful, and superior in every way to humans, but we outnumber them, have weapons that can be deadly, and if one of us is killed more are bound to appear in search of the one that has been taken out, so they usually withdraw, but not always.
An ominous search
As the authorities avoid explanations or corroboration with eye witnesses there is an apparent reluctance to disclose what federal agents, park rangers, game wardens, and even the media may know. As one fisherman wrote into Steve at “How to Hunt” while he was fishing in an area that was frequently visited by Sasquatch, an unmarked helicopter with a uniformed sharpshooter with a long rifle sitting in the side door hovered low over the stream he was fishing. At first, the fisherman wanted to wave to the helicopter crew, but they didn’t look friendly and they seemed to be looking for somebody, and he thought he knew who they were after. He didn’t wave to them.
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