MORE WAR CRIMES: NATO raids school,

mosque, food and medical supplies; requires bribes in borders; bombs Libyan Broadcasting

SPECIAL REPORT SERIES by Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos – TSR Founder & Publisher and Strategy/Peace Negotiator with the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations

August 1, 2011 (TSR) – The Libyan people are now excited hiring some of the biggest lawyers in the world to file (lawsuits) against NATO.  The war crimes are unforgivable.

After NATO hits Libyan Great Man Made River, killing 6 civilian guards, attacking the fresh water supply that gives water to 70% of LIbyans and attacking the factory plant, located six miles south of the strategic oil installation, central to the repairing, and manufacturing pipes for transporting water for the largest irrigation project in the world, NATO breaches another international law from the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, an...: Food, School, Medical supplies and a mosque in the western Libyan town of Zliten on July 25, 2011.

NATO has blocked all the ships from coming into Tripoli to starve these people out and requires Libya to pay big bribes to get the border open every time.

The bombing of the Libyan water project (the ‘Great Manmade River’), the bombing of schools, hospitals and population centers, the blockading of the port at Tripoli to cut off all food and medical supplies, are all designed to starve and kill masses of humanity. Yes, this is US/UK/France/NATO definition of “humanitarian just war”.


Food Storage in Western Libya town, Zliten was attacked by NATO on July 25, 2011



CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY: NATO hits Libyan Great Man Made River; Russ...



In Brussels, NATO said alliance warplanes struck military targets near Zliten on Monday, July 25, 2011, but there was no immediate confirmation that a clinic had also been hit.

Breaching Article 54 grossly,

1. Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited.

2. It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as food-stuffs, agricultural areas for the production of food-stuffs, crops, livestock,drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for any other motive.

3. The prohibitions in paragraph 2 shall not apply to such of the objects covered by it as are used by an adverse Party:?(a) as sustenance solely for the members of its armed forces; or?(b) if not as sustenance, then in direct support of military action, provided, however, that in no event shall actions against these objects be taken which may be expected to leave the civilian population with such inadequate food or water as to cause its starvation or force its movement.

4. These objects shall not be made the object of reprisals.

These report series is dedicated to my mentor, brother and best friend, a British (Lord) Royal and the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations, who is presumed captive and missing days after the last surprise suicide bombing attempt they did to us in Geneva, Switzerland at the same time as the London Conference on Libya for which the media and the Powers that be blocked out from the world. My dearest brother, wherever you are, I love and miss you terribly. I am still standing. I will honor our pact before we got separated that no matter what happens I will not stop being who I am. I will tell the world the TRUTH and will not fear Sarcozy, Cameron and Obama and their minions. I will not stay silent about these malevolent crimes against Gaddafi, his family, the innocent Libyan people, us and humanity. I will honor the lives of our 67 friends and staff, the thousands who have died for standing up and not selling their integrity and Soul. I will not let you down. A promise is a promise. I will fearlessly continue to stand, though alone, and hold up my little candle against these Vampires until my last breath and wake up humanity from this Wicked Web. I love you very much. Come back soon. - Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos

NATO killed at least seven (7) civilians in a raid on a medical clinic for communicable diseases and destroying stocks of food on Monday, between 8:00 and 8:30 am (0600-0630 GMT), July 25, 2011. The strike completely destroyed  building with a crescent sign at its entrance and ground scattered with gloves, oxygen bottles, pharmaceuticals and stretchers, and three damaged food storage buildings. Residents said the strike occurred at around 3:00 am (0100 GMT). In the same compound, there was another completely destroyed building which bore the name “Agricultural Security”.

Zliten lies about 150 kilometres (100 miles) east of Tripoli, Kadhafi’s stronghold, and 60 kilometres (35 miles) from the rebel-held western coastal enclave of Misrata, Libya’s third city.

Libya’s capital is suffering shortages of fuel, medicine and cash despite “aspects of normalcy”. The health sector is under strain, having lost thousands of foreign workers at the beginning of the conflict. UN fact finders visited Khoms and Zliten, east of Tripoli and close to the frontline, as well as Garyan south of the capital, where they found “a significant” influx of internally displaced people.

UN Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Libya Laurence Hart stated earlier this week, “Medical supplies, including vaccines, are rapidly running low, and the mission received reports of heavy psychosocial impact of the conflict, mainly on children and women. Although basic food items are available in the markets, prices are rising and there are concerns over the sustainability of supplies into the city especially as the (Muslim) holy month of Ramadan approaches.”

A NATO official said the claims that a clinic had been destroyed would be investigated, “NATO struck a number of targets near Zliten that were military in nature. These targets were a command and control node and a vehicle storage facility that contained military vehicles.”

Admiral Mike Mullen is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking officer in the U.S. Armed Forces and President Obama's principal military advisor. As such, he presides over all meetings and coordinates the efforts of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), advising the Secretary of Defense, the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. Since taking office as Chairman in October of 2007, Adm. Mullen has focused his efforts on three main priorities: 1) defending vital national interests in the Middle East; 2) resetting, revitalizing and reconstituting the Armed Forces; and 3) properly balancing global risk. He has placed significant emphasis on the expansion of counter-insurgency warfare training and resources and was an early advocate for a greater focus on operations in Afghanistan. He now considers that war the U.S. military's "main effort."

NATO said it also hit a military facility, armoured vehicles, tanks and light military vehicles around Brega and a command centre, anti-aircraft weapons, multiple rocket launchers and a military vehicle in the Tripoli area and armoured fighting vehicles near Garyan on Monday.

In Washington, Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke of “stalemate” in NATO’s Libya campaign and still voices optimism that Gadhafi would go as NATO has “dramatically attrited (reduced) his forces” and “additional pressure has been brought…In the long run, I think it’s a strategy that will work . . . (toward) removal of Gadhafi from power”.

In London, meanwhile, a diplomatic source denied that Britain had changed its strategy on Libya after Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. William Hague MPdemanded on Monday that Gaddafi step down but said he might be allowed to stay in the country.

Speaking before meeting French counterpart Alain Juppe, Hague said Britain would prefer for Gadhafi to leave Libya and stressed that London and Paris were “absolutely united” in NATO’s current mission against Gaddafi.


A HUGE RALLY on Thursday, July 28 of 400,000 to 500,000 people rallied behind their country and the Leader of their revolution, Gaddafi.

These were some of the poorest people in Tripoli, yet they came with signs and their children dressed in green. They had written on their hands and bodies, we will give our soul for M. Ghadafi, we will all die before we let NATO and the great Colonial crusaders kill our beloved leader. NATO has stepped into a huge pile of shit and I hope that they end up with it all over their face. Ghadafi spoke at this rally over the phone, he said to NATO, “you must negotiate with the people of Libya” NOT ME, it is the people who decide their government and their leader.

The West response?

NATO bombed the Libyan Broadcasting company killing 3 civilians and injuring 15 others. They don’t like any TV here except NATO propaganda.  NATO dropped these leaflets last week. In what alternate SANE Universe does NATO think Libyan people will take any advice from them?



Press release from the Employees of Libyan Broadcasting Authority



The pressure has increased on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Wednesday, July 27, as rebels opposing him won diplomatic recognition from Britain and their leadership withdrew an offer for him to stay in Libya if he gave up power.

Britain implemented a decision made at a July 15 meeting in Istanbul during which the U.S., Britain and 30 other nations to recognize Libya’s main opposition group as the country’s legitimate government to give them political and economic boost.

The Libyan charge d’affaires in Britain was summoned Wednesday morning and informed that he must leave the country within three days, the Foreign Office said. A government official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with official policies, said the seven other remaining diplomats were being given more time in case they wanted to defect.

“The coalition has one aim. It is asking Gadhafi to leave power and not to participate in negotiations,” French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet told reporters after a meeting with his Italian counterpart Ignazio La Russa in Rome.

Well, now the Libyan Rebels have killed one of their big generals and this has instigated hate amongst them, this is due to the tribal loyalties. They have actually been fighting amongst each other for weeks, the kill each other periodically as they are all thugs. (I am about to give you WHO these Rebels are so you know that the West is funding Al Qaeda!)

Remember how ridiculous and suspicious it is when the British gave the Libyan embassy to the rebels! Isn’t it interesting that England does this and then the next day the rebels are killing each other? What a joke. The legitimate government of Libyan has now sealed that embassy. The USA, UK can KISS any business in Libya off  for they are finished, especially now that I am one those speaking up against these atrocities, as are the FRENCH who periodically by orders of Sarkozy, shut the border between Tunisia and Libya to stop food and medicine and gasoline from coming in. ALL DIPLOMACY IS DONE. NO MORE.


The rebels have long called on foreign governments to give them access to Libyan assets frozen abroad so they can cover the daily costs of running the east of the country, which they now control.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague announced that Britain now recognized the rebels as Libya’s legitimate government and unblocked 91 million pounds, equal to about $149 million, in frozen assets.

The United States. Italy and about 30 other nations have also recognized the opposition, and wait for U.N. sanctions officials to free up billions of dollars in frozen Gadhafi regime assets. Italian Foreign Minister Frattini said that within days, the first tranche of euro 350 million ($503 million) in cash and fuel would be transferred to Benghazi to help civilians there.

Russia has criticized such moves, accusing nations of taking sides in a civil war.

They won $1.1 billion at a donor conference in June and received a further boost this week when Turkey dispatched the first cargo of fuel in a multi-million dollar supply deal.

Libya, a major supplier of oil and natural gas to Italy, was Rome’s biggest trading partner before the outbreak of civil war, and al-Issawi assured Frattini that Italy would regain that rank in Libya’s future. Among those eager to return to full operations is Italian energy company Eni.

I will expand this in a much detailed report. Stay tuned. Just need a lot of emotional composure from my outrage.


Earlier, rebel leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil said the NTC had offered a month ago to allow Gadhafi to stay in Libya provided he step down first but that this offer had now expired.

Mahmoud Jibril, executive bureau Chairman of the Transitional National Council insisted Friday that Moammar Gadhafi stand trial at the international war crimes tribunal, despite growing Western consensus that the longtime dictator be allowed to stay in his homeland if he relinquishes power.

Gadhafi, who took power in a 1969 coup, “cannot be forgiven,” al-Issawi, a leader of the rebel’s executive office, said after a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. “After that you can talk about the details.”

Al-Issawi’s office essentially serves as a Cabinet for the National Transitional Council, the Benghazi-based anti-Gadhafi front that was recently recognized by Washington as Libya’s legitimate government. The Libyan rebels insist and cite the Gaddafi regime’s sponsorship of international terrorism.

Washington, Paris and Rome have all proclaimed their acceptance of the idea that Gadhafi remain in Libya, on the condition that give up power and the Libyan people grant their approval. Frattini noted that Libya isn’t among the signatory countries to an agreement obligating arrest for such warrants, and he stressed that while “impunity (for Gadhafi) would be a mistake, it has to be the Libyans to decide” Gadhafi’s fate. Whatever that decision is, “we’ll respect it,” the foreign minister added.


If this is a matter for Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to decide, here is the TRUTH:

Tens of thousands of Libyans rally for Gaddafi in Tripoli: LISTEN T...



not a BRIBED International Criminal Court

with baseless evidentiary support:



Gadhafi, facing charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court, has scoffed at the efforts to end his 41-year-rule and has weathered a now-stalled rebel advance and NATO air raids on a sovereign nation and destroying all the hard work they put into infrastructure.

The ICC said “justice must be done” irrespective of any political agreement.

ICC official Fadi el-Abdallah said warrants of arrest have already been issued against Gadhafi, Saif al-Islam, his son, and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi.

Another Assassination Attempt: Yes, another violation

A Tripoli-based opposition group called the Free Generation Movement said in a statement that 3 RPGs were used to attack a Tripoli hotel Thursday where several top members of the Gadhafi regime, including one of the colonel’s sons, Saif, were meeting was caused by a rocket launched from within the city.

I will have a special report on the assassinations. Stay tuned. So much to tell.

If Libya is allowed to be slaughtered and reduced to Third World rubble like the Zionist-owned United States did to the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Western world – and ‘civilization’ as we knew it – are essentially gone.  Remember Dresden, Humanity. Will you wake up soon and join us in stopping this nonsense?

USA/UK/France/NATO are losing and they don’t like it. I ask the good American people who are also being bombarded by fascists and annihilation of their freedoms to better wake up. Please, US taxpayers, stop this. Do not fund fund this huge atrocity against humanity. Obama allocated $100M at the very least every day for this war. To the rest of the world, how long will you sit there and pretend not to see the butchery of innocent people mandated by the United Nations Security Council fueled by the USA, UK and France? Please wake up. We need your voices.

The TRUTH is coming out  and it is coming out from The Santos Republic. If you care for world peace, please tell the world what is happening. Share this article to all your leaders and people around the world. We must come together. NOW.


AUTHOR: Lady Michelle Jennifer Santos – TSR Founder & Publisher and Strategy/Peace Negotiator with the UN Security Council Special Envoy to the Arab Nations (Author BIOGRAPHY here.)

NOTE: To the people who wonder who I am and where I got my information, the only way for you to verify is you can ask the highest level executives and world leaders at the United Nations. My name is in the most highly classified papers. My UN mentor is a First Level Ambassador. It is the highest ranking ambassador and diplomat on the planet. His uncle was one of the founders of the United Nations. He was grooming me. I am very much an insider and these TRUTHS are being suppressed purposely. Many of the things I write are parts of the puzzles I’ve solved for the purpose of Defending Humanity.


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