Muster Restore The Constitution Rally, North Carolina August 14th

Muster 8-14 Restore The Constitution Rally

Saturday, August 14th, from 1 to 4 p.m., the Muster 8-14 Restore The Constitution rally will be held in Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, located at 2332 New
Garden Road, Greensboro, NC.

“We want to remind Americans that they have a basic human right to keep and bear arms – both for self-defense and to preserve individual freedom – that is not only enshrined in the Bill of Rights,
but is protected
only by Americans’ willingness to actually exercise that
right. Just as is true with free speech, freedom of assembly, and
every other right guaranteed by the Constitution – if you don’t insist
on your Constitutional freedoms by exercising them in public, you
will lose them.”

In 1788, with the ratification vote by New Hampshire, the Constitution was adopted as the supreme law of the land. The Bill of Rights, as ratified by Virginia in late 1791, placed
additional essential limitations on the powers of the government created
by the Constitution. Together, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
set forth very specific limited powers for the Federal government, while
also providing crucial protections for both individuals and the states
from attempts by the Federal government to step outside those limits.

Over the years, as the nation grew and prospered, American citizens became lax in their vigilance against the slow and continuous encroachment of government into their private lives and affairs. Over
the past 100 years, all three branches of the Federal government have
stepped far beyond the clearly-articulated and mandatory boundaries set
by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

With the actions taken in recent years by power-hungry Republican and Democratic politicians (examples include the bank bailouts in TARP, the automobile manufacturers’ bailout, and the recent healthcare mandate)
and activist Federal judges (example: the Kelo decision), more and more
Americans have had enough. They have awakened, and they notice with
increasing dismay as leading politicians in both the White House and
Congress disregard and even openly mock the supreme law of the land.
Today’s patriots also recognize that when the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights are interpreted consistently to justify the expansion of
government and to mean whatever those in power say it means, we are
headed towards a return to life as subjects under the thumb of tyrants.

“Can you imagine what the Founders would have said if they knew, after all of the blood and the pain of the recent revolution, that to enter the Federal governmental district created by the Constitution,
American citizens would have to completely disarm themselves while
petitioning their servants in government? The Founders would not have
tolerated such arrogance by public officials, and they would have asked
today’s Americans some pretty tough questions as to why we accept such

This August 14th, freedom-loving Americans from all walks of life will gather in Greensboro, North Carolina, to peacefully demand that their government abide by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Restore The Constitution rally [ ]
will assemble at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park — some of
them legally armed (loaded sidearms, unloaded and slung rifles) — to
hold a peaceful demonstration with a single, simple message:


Speakers at this rally include:

1. Mike Vanderboegh (Alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters)

2 Daniel Almond (Organizer of the Original Restore The Constitution rally)

3. Taylor Ruble (from NC Rangers)

4. John Ainsworth (Civil War and Constitutional historian)

5. Ron Woodard (NC Listen)

6. David DeGerolamo (Founder of NC Freedom)

7. Ross “Bubba” McDowell (from Gathering of Eagles and

8. Laura Long from “Triangle Conservative Unite”

9. Dr Dan Eichenbaum ( Dr Dan’s Freedom Forum)

10. Dr B. J. Lawson (running for Congress)

11. Rick Smith (A Marine running for NC State House)

12. Bill Randall (running for Congress)

13. June Griffin (running for Governor of Tennessee)

14. Dr. Ada Fisher (National Spokeswomen for Conservative Republican Party)

15. Peter Courtenay Stephens (speaker at 4-19 rally)

Current Rules of Non-Engagement

Pistol loaded, openly carried. Rifle unloaded, slung to rear. Bandoleer of magazines containing ammo. All in accordance with rules below. Please note that guidelines below are subject to final
coordination with the Department of the Interior:

Participants and attendees are expected to know and abide by all applicable state and federal firearms laws. None of the information provided below is legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship is
created by reading or relying upon this information. If you have
questions, then you are expected to know the applicable state and
federal firearms laws before attending the event. Anyone prohibited from
possessing a firearm by state or federal law may not possess a firearm
at this event. Participants and attendees may not bring any firearm
prohibited by state or federal law.

1. ALL rifles and shotguns carried by participants at this event are to be unloaded (chamber empty, no magazine inserted, no ammo inside the rifle or shotgun, no ammo touching the rifle or shotgun whatsoever,
empty chamber flags required – some available at check-in desk) and
slung to the rear or to the side, away from the hands. Although the law
does allow for carry of some types of loaded rifles and some types of
shotguns in some circumstances, our guidelines are simpler and more
strict due to the relative novelty of this event and the high level of
attention it is likely to receive from law enforcement, government, and
the media.

2. While we do ask that your rifles and shotguns be unloaded, you are perfectly welcome to carry ammunition and loaded magazines on your person if you so choose, so long as no magazines are actually inserted
into rifles and so long as you are not prohibited from owning a firearm.

3. Open carry of a loaded pistol is allowed.

Concealed carry of a pistol is allowed for those with a valid North Carolina concealed handgun permit or a concealed handgun permit from a state for which North Carolina allows concealed carry in North Carolina
(See the North Carolina Department of Justice website for a list of
those states at; we do not vouch for the authenticity or
accuracy of that list). Anyone carrying their pistol openly or
concealed cannot have in it a magazine capable of holding over 20 rounds
and cannot have a pistol designed to accept a silencer or suppressor.
Participants and attendees are required to keep all pistols holstered.
Participants and attendees are required to keep all rifles/shotguns
slung over their shoulder, muzzle-down, unloaded, with the safety on,
and with no magazine inserted. Brandishing of firearms is prohibited by
North Carolina law. It is unlawful for any person to (a) point, hold, or
brandish any firearm in such a manner as to reasonably induce fear in
the mind of another or (b) hold a firearm in a public place in such a
manner as to reasonably induce fear in the mind of another being shot or
injured. Do not engage in any horseplay, demonstration of firing
positions, or exchange of or other handling of firearms at Guilford
Courthouse Battleground Park, or any other location or vehicle of
transportation associated with this event. By federal law, firearms are
prohibited in federal facilities (defined by federal law as a building
or part thereof owned or leased by the federal government, where federal
employees are regularly present for the purpose of performing their
official duties). Do not transport a loaded rifle or shotgun in any
vehicle on any public street, road, or highway during this event.
Participants and attendees are not to consume, possess, or be under the
influence of alcohol or illegal substances at this event.

Warning Orders

God bless these National Park Service Rangers. They have put so much effort into making this event run well that it is as much their event as
it is ours. There have been events preceding this one in the Blue
Ridge Parkway (the third national park in the state) involving open
carry and long arms. They have already had their discussion with the
local law enforcement agencies about this event and have made it clear
that on their side of the park boundary, it’s their world and they
rule. Make no mistake, there will be officers from the local law
enforcement in the park at this rally, just as they were at Gravelly
Point. As long as we behave and make sure the rangers don’t have any
problems, we won’t have any problems, and we all get to go home. If we
make them have a bad day, then we will have a bad day. Test their
patience only if you’re interested in having a little late supper at the
local hospitality center ran by law enforcement guys. They are open
all night.

To accommodate a large number of visitors to the park for special events, some larger that ours, the park rangers close down the loop road
thru the park and allow only event attendees and bicycle traffic and
foot traffic to enter. This makes available extra parking along the
roadside. There will be at least one very sharp and official looking
Park Ranger asking everybody that drives up to the park entrance, “Are
you here to attend the rally?”, and you will say, “Yes sir.” Then you
will be permitted to enter and park along the roadside. See Note 1

On your way to the park, say the word “obama” several hundred times till you’re good and tired of saying it and hearing it. In this way you
won’t feel like saying or hearing it once inside the park. In fact, it
would be best, if it were to be reported by the press, that not one
mention of that name was made during the entire rally. After all, he is
just but one of the many that have trampled on our Constitutional
rights and used abusive political power. Deny them all individual
recognition because to them, this is achievement of their goals. “It’s
the words that we don’t say, that sometimes say the most”.

Just like at Fort Hunt, there will be an official check-in table. It will be located at the pathway leading to the General Greene monument
and amphitheater area, the rally point. That pathway is near the
entrance to the park loop road on the right. (see the pictures). After
you park and take a picture of where your are with your cell phone,
proceed directly to the check-in desk. just like at fort hunt, there
will be an official check-in table. it will be located at the pathway
leading to the General Greene monument and amphitheater area, the rally
point. That pathway is near the entrance to the park loop road on the
right. (see the pictures). after you park and take a picture of
where your are with your cell phone, proceed directly to the check-in
desk. there will be rally marshals along the loop road to assist you in
properly slinging your long arms and directing you towards the
check-in table. There may be Park Rangers along the way, just to make
sure you don’t get lost following the road. See Note 1 above.

The rally point has 25% shade at 13:00 and this increases in the afternoon. The amphitheater is completely shaded all afternoon. The
General Greene monument will still be in full sun when the park gates
close at 17:00. Shade is provided mostly by tall oak trees that
surround the rally point on all sides. (see pictures). There are no
tables or benches in this area, so if you need a chair or two, bring
them. Stay off the monument. General Greene is the only one authorized
to ride the horse. This section of the state is notorious for heat and
humidity in August. We will have some (hopefully cold) bottled water
available free for the asking, just in case you forgot to bring your
own. There will also be an EMS vehicle near our location. And if you
like bugs, we’ve got them. The only park animals you’re allowed to
personally dispatch, at will. Mosquitoes are fond of the shade and the
circle flies are fond of the podium area. Nothing you haven’t had to
deal with in the past, so you know what works best for you. Do not make
the etiquette faux pas of wearing black bdu’s to this event as
they attract an excessive amount of media attention. This always makes
those around you uncomfortable and occasionally irritable, although
they are not permitted to cause you bodily harm. Here. Now. This
time. And yes, see Note 1 above.

Our most gracious host, the Park Rangers, are permitting us four port-a-johns, to be located in the shade, near, but adequately away
from, both the rally point and the check-in desk. Regular restroom
facilities are located back across the road from the entrance at the
Visitor’s Center. There is much inside to see and you should stop by
either before or after the rally. If during the rally, it should happen
that you really, really need to make a quick visit to the Visitor’s
Center, the proper procedure is to ask a marshal to either shoulder your
gear or assist you in transferring your gear to a friend not wearing a
Park Ranger badge. There are no firearms permitted in the Visitor’s
Center. That road is not National Park Service property. Once on that
road, you are fair game for the local law enforcement guys and passing
motorists. Think “open season” and they have no bag limit. If the
marshals were allowed tasers (which they are not), then attempting to
cross the road with your firearms would guarantee the most gleeful
demonstration of their skills and abilities. See Note 1 above. Did
you read Note 1 above? It’s real important.


If all goes well, the event will wrap up at 16:00 sharp. This will give me time to go behind all of you and make sure we haven’t left a mess for the Park Rangers before they close the gates at 17:00. In the
event the sky should open up and drop a big one on us, hiding under the
oak trees till it’s over isn’t an option. The Park Rangers will
direct us to stop and vacate the area or whatever they deem necessary.
There probably is a multi-page form that would have to be filled out
when park visitors get vaporized by lightning. There is no rain date
for this event, but there will be another.

The press and media will eventually find us at this rally. They will walk freely among us, while you’re doing your best to listen to the
speakers, and sometimes ask you the most amazing things. They might
have preconceived ideas, like this rally is all about the guns. An area
for interviewing will be maintained near the General Greene monument.
Great place for pictures, too. (don’t forget to include your new found
buddies in the National Park Service when it comes to photo ops). Most
of the press and media, even if they read the prepared press handouts,
will try to comprehend what it all really means, by getting you to tell
the story in your own words. If you have a lot to say, and they seem to
be encouraging you to talk, go to the interviewing area. If you don’t
feel like talking, you don’t have to. They can’t make you. I won’t
tell you what to say. But you know, this “Rule of Law” and “it’s in the
Constitution” stuff is so simple, even a caveman can understand it.
(And this isn’t about the guns, though they do say more than a little
sign.) But there are some that don’t get it and some that won’t get it.
That’s why we are having these rallies. Tom Jefferson could explain it
better, but if this Republic is supposed to remain a government of “We
the People”, then the Constitution is the owners manual on how to keep
it that way.


Now scroll back up and read Note 1 again.

One Final Note.

The outcome of this event will shape future RTC events. This one does not require nor encourage you to raise your arms in protest and yell angry and provocative things. Look elsewhere for that if somehow
that’s what you think this is about.

For more information on the Restore The Constitution rally, please email

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