My name is Dallas Hills and we have a new concept in BC, and also a new political party. To add also Alberta has started a new party.

My name is Dallas Hills and we have a new concept in BC, we want to control what our politicians do, and realize this will never happen under the old party control.

So we started also a new political party that will empower the people.

To add also Alberta has started a new party.

Both party website are here for you to view.


Alberta REFED

Over the past 30 years I have been looking for a party promoting less government and more individual freedom and responsibility. That message hasn't changed. The voters know what I stand for


The old party governments voted in, do as they please, that is why the BC Refed is different, we are elected by the people, but the people will have final say on any matters, what a concept.

No other party offers this; here is some info for you

I know if we position the NAU information to the public, they will make the decision to what direction the people want, that’s why they are given VETO power over governments through referendum.

Therefore if you want to know what the BC Refederation Party will do with these issues that concern you, ask the people of British Columbia. No more will judges and elitists direct legislation and our morality, it will be the people who give the direction.

I believe with right information people make the right decisions and I place my confidence on the people of BC to do the right thing. People of no province in Canada have had this right, and never will with the old party corruption.

We will present information without political bias or political correctness, draw and vote legislation whence the decision will rest for 100 days to be altered or vetoed by the people of BC.

Yes a 100 days to go in front of the people to say yes or no, what a concept, this would of protected us from NAFTA, and polititions..

This will change what governments do, they will learn they will work for the people, and through referendums the voters will be able to control politicians or even more so even dictate policies, for example if the people decide they want to decriminalize or legalize marijuana they bring it to a referendum and have it decided by the people.

Elected officials only represent the people; they do not have the right to pass any law, with out the consent of the people.

This will change how governments operate, now and into the future, instead of special interest groups controlling the governments behind closed and secret meetings.

The final out come is with proper disclosure of all facts will be their for the people to view, and decide what direction they want to go.

In the end the result will be that politicians will be less political ideologues and more administrators carrying out the will of the people.

Lastly, what the Refed Party proposes is very new for the people of BC; it means a greater personal responsibility for their government and what goes on.

We are selling a new system demanding that people step into their own power and no longer give it away every election.

No more should people feel a sense of frustration that leads to apathy that they cannot make a difference.

The Refed platform demands that you step up and make a difference. No more should people have a feeling of fear or a sense of "what's the use" to speak their minds caused by either political correctness or a feeling that they cannot make a difference.

THIS IS REAL CHANGE! Not the same old, same old, offered by all the rest.

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you? Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.

I'm sorry but everything is not always about the bottom line, and when it comes to jeopardizing my family's democracy and yours we need to say enough is enough.

We are loosing healthcare, education, soverenity and so much more we have no choice but to change current politics in this province, doing this will also send a message across Canada for change. I am sending this note to you on here.

The Canadian public needs to be aware that there is a movement for Democracy and we know it is time to regain our right back from this tyranny in office now

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