No Matter Where the Bombs Might Land





presence - by xavier rey Blurred Lines, Reality Of Life, Out Of Focus ...

No Matter Where the Bombs Might Land

I'm the outsider man

I wasn't part of the plan

There's evil across the land

At least there's no blood on my hands,


Wherever you go and whatever you do

The insanity touches you

They're too vain to see the view

They're blind through and through,

 Image result for the police state

The outsider man in radioactive sand

He may be right but he’s outmanned

Your private communications have been scanned

How did it get like this in such a short time span?

 Image result for tattooed bikini babes

That little fashionista tattooed and oh so tanned

Survives on the wet dreams of the lonely man

Only concerned with her brand

A limited mentality that will never expand,

 Image result for newscaster doing contortions

The news today is of mythical proportion

Subsisting on bribery and distortion

Oh the lies and their contortions

Corruption in society the ultimate abortion,

 Image result for drama queens

The outsider man not a big fan

All the prima-donnas who want to be batman

The people have been divided into 2 vicious clans

All the fools unaware of the deadly game plan,

 See related image detail. Jersey Democrat pushes to block Trump from 'unconstitutional’ national ...

They’re gunning for the outsider man

He’ll expose them and they know that he can

You see they want all the peasants at their command

No matter where the bombs might land,

Image result for globalist planners 

Why do they hate peace and harmony?

There always has to be a calamity

They want to depopulate humanity

The outsider man sees all the insanity,

 Image result for Martian colony as a prison

Perhaps a Martian colony

Where we can set all the megalomaniacs free

Perhaps declare them lost at sea

A call from the darkened woods by the banshee,

Image result for banshee 

I am the outsider man

Sure it will affect my lifespan

Been here since all the chaos began

Living among the blind in a lost land.

 Image result for ObaMA'S FUCKED UP aMERICA ART











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